
Does Pat Robertson ever shut the hell up?

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Yesterday he asked someone to pass the ketchup.

(however, he was alone, so that's just weird)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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He can say anything he wants since he is a private citizen. He does however have an inordinate amount of power over a fairly large segment of the far right. The fact that he and others like him have the ear of the people in power is the most troubling thing though because many of them believe exactly what he is saying and doing.... they just are not always as vocal about it.

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What do you guys got against Robertson and Falwell? They might not be the greatest people in the world, but there's just doing the best they can to make the world a better place.

Is that bad?

What are you doing to make the world a better place?

Or are you just jealous that people actually listen to them?
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What do you guys got against Robertson and Falwell? They might not be the greatest people in the world, but there's just doing the best they can to make the world a better place.

Is that bad?

What are you doing to make the world a better place?

Or are you just jealous that people actually listen to them?

Religious bigotry rarely solves more problems than it creates.

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What do you guys got against Robertson and Falwell? They might not be the greatest people in the world, but there's just doing the best they can to make the world a better place.

Is that bad?

What are you doing to make the world a better place?

Or are you just jealous that people actually listen to them?

Religious bigotry rarely solves more problems than it creates.

Sometimes different people have different ways of looking at things and different ways of taking care of their lives. You should be more open-minded. You might even learn something from someone you don't agree with.
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What do you guys got against Robertson and Falwell? They might not be the greatest people in the world, but there's just doing the best they can to make the world a better place.

Is that bad?

What are you doing to make the world a better place?

Or are you just jealous that people actually listen to them?

Religious bigotry rarely solves more problems than it creates.

Sometimes different people have different ways of looking at things and different ways of taking care of their lives. You should be more open-minded. You might even learn something from someone you don't agree with.

Pot, meet kettle... and so on.

You are preaching to the choir here.

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What do you guys got against Robertson and Falwell? They might not be the greatest people in the world, but there's just doing the best they can to make the world a better place.

I disagree. I feel about Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell the same way that I feel about Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Oh, they may have entered the ministry for altruistic reasons when they were young men; but each of them have devolved into shameless, unabashed self-promoters and self-aggrandizers. So no, I don't think -- at this stage of their lives or careers -- their main motivation is to make the world a better place. I think their main motivation is to promote and benefit themselves and advance their careers (to the extent any of them really has a "career"). I feel bad that good clergy might get painted with the same broad brush as these nitwits.

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I disagree. I feel about Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell the same way that I feel about Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Oh, they may have entered the ministry for altruistic reasons when they were young men; but each of them have devolved into shameless, unabashed self-promoters and self-aggrandizers. So no, I don't think -- at this stage of their lives or careers -- their main motivation is to make the world a better place. I think their main motivation is to promote and benefit themselves and advance their careers (to the extent any of them really has a "career"). I feel bad that good clergy might get painted with the same broad brush as these nitwits.

I agree with you for the most part. There are many televangelists, church leaders, and people in general who use Christianity to their own advantage instead of for God. Never trust any person who says they have all the answers. I can't say that for sure about Pat Robertson. He may sincerely have good intentions but just be an idiot. I don't agree with him for the most part in any case. I think his discernment of scripture may be a bit flawed. In answer to the question in the thread title, however, "No...He never shuts up." He also does not represent all in the faith.

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Sometimes different people have different ways of looking at things and different ways of taking care of their lives. You should be more open-minded. You might even learn something from someone you don't agree with.

I don't think I'm ever going to be open minding about proposing assassinations of political figures.

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What do you guys got against Robertson and Falwell? They might not be the greatest people in the world, but there's just doing the best they can to make the world a better place.

You are joking, right?

Pat Robertson said that God was punishing New Orleans by sending hurricane Katrina. He said 9/11 was God no longer protecting us. He advocated the assassination of Hugo Chavez and said that Ariel Sharon's stroke was due to the Israeli pullout from Gaza. He is SCUM.

As for Falwell, when I was young my neighbors watched him all the time. I came home terrified and crying because I thought the world was going to end. Needless to say, no more visits to the neighbor kid's house. Oh, and as far as I can tell, the world has not ended yet.

These two do NOTHING to make the world a better place.


Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Pat Robertson said that God was punishing New Orleans by sending hurricane Katrina. He said 9/11 was God no longer protecting us.

What if he is right?

To me he carried the same weight as any church telling us what will happen to us if we don't act in a certain way. Or give them enough money, which is really what it is all about.

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What do you guys got against Robertson and Falwell? They might not be the greatest people in the world, but there's just doing the best they can to make the world a better place.....

Pat's my favorite! I especially liked it when he got busted and fined for using his charity's plane to haul his diamond mining equipment to Africa and then when he came out in defense of Charles Taylor in Liberia because of the gold mining interests that they share. I think it's called "Freedom Gold" or something like that. I also kinda liked the commandment breaking call for the assassination of another world leader. Good stuff!
The Eleventh Commandment:
Thou shalt not use your national resources in a way that doesn't benefit God's favorite country!!

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Pat Robertson said that God was punishing New Orleans by sending hurricane Katrina. He said 9/11 was God no longer protecting us.

What if he is right?

If that's what your God does to millions of innocent people, I'll gladly burn in hell for eternity.

Other than that, I can't possibly respond to such a statement.


Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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If that's what your God does to millions of innocent people, I'll gladly burn in hell for eternity.

Other than that, I can't possibly respond to such a statement

it was a question not an acknowledgement. I don't agree nor believe any of them.

Quit making assumptions and flying off the handle...that goes for almost the majority of people on Speaker's Corner these days...jesus christ, read and think before hitting reply.

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Pat Robertson said that God was punishing New Orleans by sending hurricane Katrina. He said 9/11 was God no longer protecting us.

What if he is right?

If that's what your God does to millions of innocent people, I'll gladly burn in hell for eternity.

Other than that, I can't possibly respond to such a statement.


Who are you to question God's reasons?

Have you read the Book of Job? I think not or you wouldn't assume God has any reason for doing anything. He put us here; he has the right to to take us away whenever he feels like it.
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What do you guys got against Robertson and Falwell? They might not be the greatest people in the world, but there's just doing the best they can to make the world a better place.....

Pat's my favorite! I especially liked it when he got busted and fined for using his charity's plane to haul his diamond mining equipment to Africa and then when he came out in defense of Charles Taylor in Liberia because of the gold mining interests that they share. I think it's called "Freedom Gold" or something like that. I also kinda liked the commandment breaking call for the assassination of another world leader. Good stuff!
The Eleventh Commandment:
Thou shalt not use your national resources in a way that doesn't benefit God's favorite country!!

I know everybofy here thinks, oh so he owns a diamond mine, he's just lining his pockets. This isn't the case. These days you need money to get the Word of God out, and that's all he's doing.

Just wait, you'll see. When Judgement Day comes around you'll understand. Zeus will strike you down with his lightning rod.
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What do you guys got against Robertson and Falwell? They might not be the greatest people in the world, but there's just doing the best they can to make the world a better place.

Haven't you heard? The left is all lovey-dovey if you (i) agree with them, or (ii) are in need of government assistance to make ends meet. If you don't fit (i) or (ii), they get very testy and hostile at the drop of a hat.

. . =(_8^(1)

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