
Do you help or walk on by? Care more for animals or people?

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Just had incident outside my house, kids knocked a pigeon out of a tree and kicked it, stamped on it etc.

My Mum goes absolutely beserk and goes outside to challenge them. Not surprising you may think, but if it had been an attack on another person or a fight as has happened before I get the 'it's not worth getting involved' speech.

What a load of bollocks. I always go and see whats going on.

If someones hurt, help them. First aid, whatever. If someones broke down, see if you can help, perhaps offer to call recovery for them. If it looks like a fights occuring at least call the police and observe. If you fear for someones life like in the case of an attack, get involved. You have a moral obligation in my opinion.

To all those selfish fuckers that walk on by. I hope if you ever get attacked or need help that everyone decides that they don't want to get involved at your time of need.

[/rant] >:(

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I get the 'it's not worth getting involved' speech.

Fair enough, but spread the blame where it's due.

The person who saves a pigeon just saves a pigeon then it's over.

But the person who saves another person is written about and photographed in the newspaper. Their yard is soon full of edgy reporters eager exaggerate or even to find scandal. Their life is scrutinized. Indiscretions become headlines and strangers act like intimate friends -- or enemies.

Your quiet, private life is gone, you're now public property, and you're treated ... well, basically you're now treated like that pigeon was. Free assistance is only free for the recipient. For the samaritan, it's WAY too expensive.

I'm one to stop and help, but I'll be watching over my shoulder for the reporters and if anyone asks my name, I'm gone! My privacy is too important to me.

I think a lot of people feel that way.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Honestly, I'd rather make an anonymous phone call to the cops. Stepping in could get you hurt.

Except this one time when I was drunk and stupid in New Orleans. My friend and I broke up a street fight between two drunk(er) idiots. There was a crowd and the less-drunk guy kept landing his punches while the other guy swung at air. We basically figured that confusing them with hotness and niceness would distract them long enough...

We were right, but I wouldn't recommend intervening without serious self-defense skills (sobriety included.)


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Unless you rescue 28 orphans from a burning orphanage your not going to get that kind of attention. Im talking real possible scenarios. Guy choking in a restaraunt, someone found injured, intervening when it looks like some guys getting a bit physical wth some girl.

If you walk on by, in my opinion, you should expect the same. If you femur yourself on a wafty landing by rights everyone should walk on by and leave you where you are to fend for yourself.

And the pigeon is well and truly dead! Maybe its culling for the bird flu :P

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Haha well done, unusual technique but did the job!
I'm no 9 foot 400 lb monster but I like to think I can handle myself. Anyway, if I get a couple of punches but I stop someone getting badly beaten or raped I could live with that. To know I'd walked by and done nothing then see it in the news the next day however, I couldn't live with that

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Keep this attitude as long as you can.

For me it's no surprise that especially young folks help w/o any hesitation. Few months ago, the dosser of our quarter again was creeping into his favourite corner, broke down. It was just in front of the parking area. The moment I opened my car and saw him, 2 young boys (about 18-20 y/o) ran to him, held him in their arms, his head up (you surely know, how those heavy drinkers look like :S), held his dirty hands. I called the ambulance, asked the boys if I could help them somehow. One said, no thx Madam, we'll stay with him. They went with him to the hospital. The man (about 35 y/o) died few days later. These young boys did not recede from him 'cuz he was a dirty dosser, they simply held him in their arms. Impressing. Really.

Stop ranting. There are more people willing to help than you might imagine. :)
Just believe in the good sides of us.

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Stop ranting. There are more people willing to help than you might imagine. :)
Just believe in the good sides of us.

I'm sure there is. Maybe thats what I'm hoping to hear from this thread. Give me a bit of faith again. We had an 80 year old take on a couple of guys unarmed in an armed robbery of a security van last week :D Thats probably more because hes a silly old bastard though! :D

they shot at him twice, but first missed, second glanced off his body hitting a bunch of keys in his side pocket. Crazy old git!

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Unless you rescue 28 orphans from a burning orphanage your not going to get that kind of attention.

That entirely depends on factors out of your control:

* Slow or busy news day?
* Is the person you're helping rich or famous?
* Does something touching happen that makes the story sell more papers?

Like I said, I'm one to get involved (and I have done so when I've seen a need) but I'm always prepared to get out of there without leaving my name. Not even a policeman is going to get my name unless he's willing to arrest me for it.

I believe the BIGGEST reason people don't get involved is their very reasonable fear that they'll somehow be forced to pay for it later.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I believe the BIGGEST reason people don't get involved is their very reasonable fear that they'll somehow be forced to pay for it later.

I agree with that, but its sad really. You are not obliged to give your details if you've helped someone however if you are a witness you will have to I believe. To me that doesn't matter. If they need statements or whatever I'll be happy to provide them

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well good for you scoop... you and your Mom sound like caring and considerite people...

Yes.. if it is at all possible and sensible, i too have a tendancy to intervene. I have a real problem with blatant cruelty.

true enough though, as many people say,,,we need to be careful about putting ourselves in harms way and each situtation must be evaluated seperately.
While i would not encourage my wife or our grown daughter to do much more than dial 911 on a cell phone.. As a grown Man, with a fair amount of smarts and strength, I would tend to have the confidence it takes to either speak up sharply, or wield a tool/weapon to further make a point...
Should things escalate beyond just words and verbal exchanges, and I find my own safety is in jeopardy , I would either get very very nasty,, or else do the wise thing and flee....
fight or flight.
Now in a non combative situation or a case where someone is stranded or has a broken down vehicle, then yes again... I have been brought up to offer aid. And i have done so many a time.:| This world is often a cold and heartless place, (which sucks) so when someone is in dire straights and feeling helpless I see nothing wrong with stepping up and assisting. I take a "what goes around comes around" attitude and so i wanna heavily load the scales of justice so that they will balance my in my favor, rather than against me and mine.. peace jmy

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Stop ranting. There are more people willing to help than you might imagine. :)
Just believe in the good sides of us.

I'm sure there is. Maybe thats what I'm hoping to hear from this thread. Give me a bit of faith again. We had an 80 year old take on a couple of guys unarmed in an armed robbery of a security van last week :D Thats probably more because hes a silly old bastard though! :D

they shot at him twice, but first missed, second glanced off his body hitting a bunch of keys in his side pocket. Crazy old git!

Holy Moses! You Brits are dangerous! Weapons, shootings, even old buddies involved - heaven help, I think I have to escape to the US :P where even the oldies are armed :) and capable to shoot back...

Sam, most people are not emotionally crippled. "We" are much better than shown in the media. My experience. I do hope you'll face the same.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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I always go and see whats going on.

You have a moral obligation in my opinion.

To all those selfish fuckers that walk on by. I hope ...everyone decides that they don't want to get involved at your time of need.

Sorry for the hack job. But this style of positioning always distressees me.

So what is it? Do you always help? Or do you hope no one helps?

You can't pick or choose to be compassionate. You either are or you aren't. The truly compassionate doesn't consider or even care who gets first aid when he sees someone collapse in a restarant. They just do it.

If you think it's just a personal position which allows you to feel self righteous about those not like you, then maybe you should examine your motivations about who you claim you really are.

I think is was a great post. Except for the last statement.

Your Mum is cool though. Good on her.

Edit: True test. You see a KNOWN BULLY getting ganged up on for no apparent provocation. Do you stop it? Or do you turn your back and pretend you don't see? Which action has the most long term benefit for all involved? What if it's your best friend instead? What if it's someone you don't like much?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I will help anyone without thinking twice. The oath I took says I will act without fear or favour and thats what I'll do. I have a legal obligation to get involved, but to be honest, I would anyway.

The thing that angers me is someone will walk on by then on another occasion expect help. You cant keep taking, you need to give too.

Maybe we talking Karma but I also believe what goes around comes around. I've been in bad positions and received help and also been in bad positions and not received help. I'd never be able to leave someone in that position where they can see people purposefully ignoring or avoiding you when you need help. Sickens me >:(

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The oath I took says I will act without fear or favour and thats what I'll do. I have a legal obligation to get involved, but to be honest, I would anyway.

I haven't taken an oath, but I get involved anyway. I usually consider the potential problems after everything is done and over with... but I always get involved.

My 83 year old Dad worries about that, though "don't get involved, it's not your business..." sort of thought....he's a transplanted New Yorker, so that might explain it. Or his age. He got involved a whole lot when he was younger, though, so maybe it's also just age.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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All I can say is;

You only can make your choices about your own actions. And yours are commendable.

Wasting energy worrying about others is just that, a waste. Your example may help one person at a time, and teach others who see you to maybe step in next time. You'd be happier celebrating that potential rather than being angered by people you can't know or understand.

If you have a child with you, do you still step in knowing that if you get hurt, that child is abandoned in maybe a bad part of town? Other examples... There are lots of considerations in life. To judge someone elses action or lack of action without knowing where they come from is really not fair. Especially in terms of anonymously risking personal harm or even death.

Of course, you are judging the concept of what you 'think' these people are all about. It may be right or wrong depending on which individual you are looking at.

Can you see why that is real waste of energy? Be cool, do your best for others. Expect the best from others and be pleased when you get it.

Edit: Mechanical Engineer taking an Oath like that? Where did it come from? What is it?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Haha, I'm also volunteer cop. All round good egg really B|:P

So you've had some training, or at least 'special knowledge'. makes it harder to understand your anger for the 'walk on by' people.....

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Because it doesn't take anything to help. Just a bit of your time. Anyone can do that. You'll be surprised how many people won't even call for an ambulance/police/fire because they are scared or don't want to get involved and thats anonymous!

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The really sad part, being in the US is that everyone is so sue happy that they have not only been rescued by a good symaritan only to turn around and sue them for helping! I can see why some folks wouldn't get involved.
Sad but true.[:/]

Skydiving gave me a reason to live
I'm not afraid of what I'll miss when I die...I'm afraid of what I'll miss as I live

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well I am and EMT so part of me wants to offer aid to who ever when ever, but I will have to say that my training tells me and I agree that scene safety is number one.
I do no good if I am hurt!

As far as animals, well we have one rescue dog of our own and I will always do what I can for animals, yesterday I saved a baby bunny from a cat.
I say do what I can as long as I do not place myself in danger!


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Animals or human, I'll help...

I take in the situation first to make sure that my involvement is needed though. If other people are helping, I move on.

I believe that good comes back to you, just like bad.

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yesterday I saved a baby bunny from a cat.

so you hate cats?

poor starving bored cat[:/]

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Funny this thread is here now. I got a story last night that royally pissed me off. I did a home visit (eye exam) for a quadriplegic due to deer vs. motorcycle. He crushed his spine from C6 to T10. He layed on the side of the road for over an hour watching people go by, slow down to stare at him, and keep driving before someone even picked up a phone to call 911.

People that heartless truly disgust me.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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