
Gee... I wonder if obesity is becoming a problem.

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There is a lot of "blah blah" about this debate, on both sides. The truth is that this is (in virtually every case) a self inflicted condition.

I can't help but think that the environment doesn't play a role though. Otherwise, why is this more so a problem in America than in other countries?

The environment does play a role... we used to the land of milk and honey, now we're the land of sugar and junk food...

It's a lot easier to grab a bag of chips and dip for a snack than it is to actually make something healthy.
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Who cares how you feel.

That's a bit harsh.

For the record I too think its wrong to be mean, as I also think its wrong to selfishly eat oneself into an early grave without a thought to family that's left behind.

If my flippant one-liner distracted you from that message, then I apologize.

So it's harsh when someone doesn't care how YOU feel....or maybe the one-liner distracted you.

After reading NWFlyer's blog entry, I wondered if most of us don't, at some time, feel that same kind of emptiness that she described. We all choose different ways to fill our holes....

Obesity does affect others, but the solution is all on the obese person's shoulders....and it's a problem that's really damn difficult to solve. I just say why not give 'em a break and let people work their problems out without your arm chair quarterbacking....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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The problem comes from the people who say "Fuck it, I am going to eat whatever I want and get as heavy as I want and the rest of the world can just deal with it cuz it is my right," who are the root of the problem.

You've got me pegged right there, but most of the rest doesn't apply. I'm not obese by any means, but I eat what I like, and however much of it I like. I also dislike exercise just for the sake of exercise, and I carry some extra weight as a result. When my weight gets to a point I'm not comfortable with, I lose some, but in the meantime I'll be eating big steaks, toast with melted cheese, dipping my artichokes in melted butter or mayo, maybe having a side pound of bacon, and drinking a bottle of wine. :PB|

(drink Mountain Dew)

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As for denigration, hmm is it unreasonable to criticise those who eat vast quantities of food, do no exercise when they know it will knock decades off their lifespan? Isn't that reason enough to put the fork down, are these people really waiting for my understanding and empathy before they do something about it?

It is not hatred, it is disgust that the precious gift of life is wasted on people who have such little regard for it.

What makes you think it's wasted on people? I'm one of those guys who eats a lot and exercises little, and I have the blood pressure and cholesterol levels to prove it. I also smoke and I participate in recreations that many would consider unsafe. But see here's the thing. I ain't here to run a marathon, I'm here to have some fun. Whether *you* consider my life meaningful or a waste matters not, it's how *I* feel at the end of the day that matters to me. Don't worry though, I'm not disgusted by people who spend their lives denying themselve pleasures just so they can die a little later, I just feel kinda sorry for them.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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It can be as tough an addiction as smoking. Or alcohol. Or drugs.

That is the rub, isn't it? If you are smoke, drug, and alcohol free......you don't have to go to the well three times a day. Would the alcoholics here be able to have 1 shot with breakfast, lunch, or dinner? I have heard it compared to "letting the tiger out of the cage three times a day and trying to get him back in after every meal."

Finally, I have to applaud Krisanne for sharing such a deep and personal part of who she is with us. She's got brains, beauty AND guts. :)

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The environment does play a role... we used to the land of milk and honey, now we're the land of sugar and junk food...

It's a lot easier to grab a bag of chips and dip for a snack than it is to actually make something healthy.

Four words: High fructose corn syrup.[:/]

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Four words: High fructose corn syrup.[:/]

Yeah that is bad stuff, and yet it is in almost everything. The difference in the ingreediants between regular marmalaid and reduced sugar is that the regular has corn syrup and the reduced just uses water.
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That is the rub, isn't it? If you are smoke, drug, and alcohol free......you don't have to go to the well three times a day. Would the alcoholics here be able to have 1 shot with breakfast, lunch, or dinner? I have heard it compared to "letting the tiger out of the cage three times a day and trying to get him back in after every meal."

Good reminder, Jack. My "light bulb" moment was figuring out what foods are most likely to trigger addictive behavior in me. Most people don't ever figure that out (hint: it's usually refined sugar and simple carbs), and thus at every meal, their brain is battling with their body chemistry.


Finally, I have to applaud Krisanne for sharing such a deep and personal part of who she is with us. She's got brains, beauty AND guts. :)

Aww, thanks... :$ ... it's all part of what I have to do to get and stay healthy. As I mentioned earlier, denial is one of the most powerful forces against change. I've denied myself up to the point where my jumpsuit doesn't fit right now, and I'm currently in the process of getting my addictions back under control.

I've seen the freedom (physical, mental, emotional, societal) that comes with *not* being morbidly obese and I'm not going back there.

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Obesity does affect others, but the solution is all on the obese person's shoulders....and it's a problem that's really damn difficult to solve.

Hmmm, difficult you say...

I read this story about a hiker who got trapped under a huge bolder in a canyon in Utah, he had no water and his chances of survival where slim. In order to free himself, this guy took out his penknife and CUT HIS OWN FRIGGIN' ARM OFF!!

Now where were we... oh yes, you were telling us all how difficult it is to eat sensibly and do 30mins of walking a day.
One day, I'm gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless...

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a lot has to do with portion control. there was an article in monday's or tuesday's financial times stating when dining out eat 1/3 of what's on your plate... europeans: 1/2.
i know a few people that still feel (OCD? a childhood thing? bored? i dunno...) :S it would be a lot cooler if restaunts just made their plates & portions smaller.
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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And I know skydivers who are world champions. Why aren't you one?

Not everyone is blessed with the same amount of skill, guts, brains, or anything else.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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And I know skydivers who are world champions. Why aren't you one?

Because I'm not good enough. It's not because the sky's too big/not big enough, or fellow jumpers are being mean to me, or the canopy is the wrong shape, or gravity is too strong where I live, or the plane was flying at the wrong way, or that my family has a history of flying bad, or the clouds got in the way, etc etc etc.

If people are honest and say "I am too weak, please help", then fine. If people say "fuck it, I know the risks I want to enjoy myself", then fine. Its when people make a whole sack of excuses blaming everyone but themselves that we get in the mess we are in now with obesity at 60%!!! We're not talking about people who need to drop a few pounds, we are talking about people who use electric carts designed for disabled people just because walking around wal-mart is too much effort.

I am not being mean, I am not being nasty, I may be saying something that people don't want to hear...but it needs to be said.
One day, I'm gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless...

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And I know skydivers who are world champions. Why aren't you one?

Not everyone is blessed with the same amount of skill, guts, brains, or anything else.

Yeah, that's a pretty bad analogy. For that analogy to work, he would have to say, "Fuck it, I am not going to train or work hard to become a World Class skydiver because it takes too much effort, and it is much easier to just say this is who I am and I am happy being a mediocre skydiver." Then he would have to bitch about how he is not being respected in the same way that World Class skydivers are and blame the rest of the skydiving community for his not being able to compete at the World's Meet, and also demand that there be new rules changes that allow him to compete because he has a right to, even though he can blame no one but himself for not being up to par.

THEN that analogy would work.

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Hmmm, difficult you say...

I read this story about a hiker who got trapped under a huge bolder in a canyon in Utah, he had no water and his chances of survival where slim. In order to free himself, this guy took out his penknife and CUT HIS OWN FRIGGIN' ARM OFF!!

I think this comparison is weak. You are talking about a life altering moment with a context that is altogether different than the "everday" aspect of daily life. I think there is an argument that making life changes that last on a day-to-day basis is harder than that one moment of clarity that comes from (and after), a life or death experience.


Now where were we... oh yes, you were telling us all how difficult it is to eat sensibly and do 30mins of walking a day.

I don't begrudge anybody their opinion. After all, opinions are like assholes, everybody has them, but it really makes me sad that someone would share something so personal about themselves and that someone would marginalize that struggle and that person. Well done "mate", I am sure you are really proud of yourself.

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I read this story about a hiker who got trapped under a huge bolder in a canyon in Utah, he had no water and his chances of survival where slim. In order to free himself, this guy took out his penknife and CUT HIS OWN FRIGGIN' ARM OFF!!

Ok no hiking in small canyons for me.. I mean that shit is dangerous....

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Don't be sad, that wasn't the point I was making.

The point I was trying to make is that people should get the "difficulty" into perspective, if something is perceived as being unachievable (ie too difficult) then they will not try. If people accept that something needs to be done and it is achievable they they are more likely to give it a go.

Perhaps rather than saying "It's difficult" a better message would "Look I did it, so can you!"

I have nothing but respect and admiration for those who have beat their addictions, whether it was with drugs, alcohol or food.
One day, I'm gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless...

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I don't think it was supposed to be a comparison in that way. I think his point is that SOME obese people just give up because they think it is just too hard of a struggle to fight, when there are people who have fought through something much harder. Yes, his comparrison is two different types of struggles, but you could also compare the struggle with obesity in daily life with the struggle of someone living with cancer and fighting for their life. A person with cancer will fight for every last minute of their precious gift of life, yet someone who is obese will throw it away.

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How often do you hear someone who is fat bitch about not being respected? I would bet that this hardly ever happens.. maybe you saw it on Oprah once or something.

My experience with friends that are overweight or obese is that whenever they bring up their weight it is usually when they are talking about their weight loss attempts or being down on themselves for not being sucessful at losing weight. I don't know ANYONE who actually goes around saying, "Fuck you, I'm fat, DEAL WITH IT."

Most people tip toe around the subject because they are embarressed, ashamed, or dissapointed in themselves. So it is not even remotely correct the way you are trying to characterize people with weight problems. But who knows, maybe you are just incredibly rude and hurtful to people with weight problems and you get a response from that person that doesn't actually characterize the way that they feel. Personally, I am very supportive to all of my friends who are trying to deal with their weight, they have never ever whined to me about how people won't accept them. They don't want to accept themselves. They don't need you to be an asshole to them.

You know what? The solution sounds pretty fucking easy. I mean, how hard can it be to do less of something? You actually get to be more lazy, right? No. The solution is actually to reverse a lifetime of bad habits and to change your lifestyle completely. Often people have to try to block out components of their culture. If the solution were to go on a diet for a few months, plenty of people would be sucessful at losing weight. But in reality, you have to be sucessful at really changing who you are.

So basically, my point is, quit being an asshole. They are trying. And if they aren't trying, I guarantee you that obese people are angry enough at themselves, they don't need your hatred for "help."

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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I really do wish I could be around in 30 or 40 years

Eat right and excercise a liitle and you probabily will be!

And of course if you go hiking in Utah, make sure your penknife is sharp.
One day, I'm gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless...

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