
shooting etiquette

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This was the situation this past weekend;
I was invited to a friends house, after laughing about old times I was handed a family heirloom taurus "raging bull" handgun (the father's, now deceased) and we all walked outside for some target shooting. I noticed that my grouping was tight but off target to the left, do I hand the gun back and say " WTF who sighted this thing in?" or do I move the aiming point to the right and continue. I wanted to get a screw driver and start fiddling with the sight. WW you do?
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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his father may have had a left or right eye problem....bad sight in dominate eye and therefore had to compensate by adjusting the sights to the inferior side.

is it your pistol?
... then change it

is it someone elses and they intend to use it?
...help them by explaining and adjusting it.

do they want to keep it as their dad had it?

...leave it the fuck alone and explain they may not want to count on it for defense unless at point blank range...no sights needed

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I noticed that my grouping was tight but off target to the left, do I hand the gun back and say " WTF who sighted this thing in?" or do I move the aiming point to the right and continue. I wanted to get a screw driver and start fiddling with the sight. WW you do?

Practice. You give us no indication of how often you shoot a handgun. It is very common for shooters to have POI left of POA. Make sure you are squeezing the trigger straight back not pushing it with the end of you finger.
If it is the sights so what? I would do neither of what you suggest. Just keep shooting and be proud of you tight group.

Why the hostility???

I shot a Browning Buckmark at a Local Firearms dealer in March that was not on paper at 25 Yard. I could not see where I was hitting and thought I must have been placing the entire mag in the black. Imagine my surprise when I pulled the target back. I shot at 10 yards and had a group just on the edge of the right side of the paper. The front sight was all the way pushed over to the right trying to compensate but something was wrong with the gun. I laughed and let them know when I returned the firearm.

I didn't get angry over it though

btw the Taurus Raging Bull has not been around long enough to be what I would consider an "Family Heirloom"

edited to add: It appears as though the Raging bull was introduced in it original chambering in 1998
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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I have a Glock 17. Always down and to the left by a few inches[:/] Always grouped close. Inches, fast fire. Asked the gunsmith. He said. "It ain't the gun boy, it's you. Aim up and to the right to compensate" So I guess it's my mind or my vision. I NEED LAZACB|[:/]>:(
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I hand the gun back and say " WTF who sighted this thing in?" ..... WW you do?

I'd take my gun back from you for being an insulting and whining little baby and give you a stick and rubber band slingshot to shoot the rest of the time. :P

If you aren't just missing the target, you could just shut up and aim to the right a bit.

If it was your gun that you sighted for yourself, would you want someone to say "WTF, some idiot must have sighted this thing in" and then start fiddling with it?

Edit: Actually, I tell them I'm missing to the left and ask them to "take a few shots for themselves, maybe the sight is off". If they don't care, then I just adjust my aim. I'd only "take a screwdriver to it" if they ask me to, and I don't offer to at all.

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I'm sure that you are aware that zeroes differ from person to person. It's why most people spend some time with a new weapon zeroing it.

If it is not your gun, don't do anything to it. Be happy with tight groupings, which is what any shooter wants.

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I practice a few times a month and figured it might be a parallax issue with left or right eye dominance. I happen to shoot right handed with right eye dominance. Maybe the dude was left eye dominant, but parallax could not account for it being that far off. The family just recently found the gun, in any case there was no hostility just a small group of people watching which makes the ol' marksmans pride kick in, not a big deal. it's a nice handgun, and I was respectful though I did offer to sight it in for them. BTW an heirloom is anything that is passed down from generation to generation, even though it was new it still qualifies.

My thinking is a gun that is shooting off target for whatever reason should be locked in the gun cabinet until properly sighted in.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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BTW an heirloom is anything that is passed down from generation to generation, even though it was new it still qualifies.

I know what the defintion of an Heirloom is. I never claimed it was not an Heirloom either. I said that it is not what I(repeat I) would consider a "Family Heirloom"

Regardless of defintion of an Heirloom, many people would not consider their late Fathers brand new car a "Family Heirloom"


Maybe the dude was left eye dominant, but parallax could not account for it being that far off.

You never told us how far off it shot from POA at what yardage you were shooting at. BTW what caliber was this firearm? They make it in several.

At any rate alot of people disrespect Taurus but that is nice handgun.. I plan on picking up a Taurus Tracker in .17 hmr.
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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Some people shoot a pistol so poorly that they don't even realize, it isn't sighted in right. That could be the case with your friend's gun. You might be shooting well, and the gun might need some major sight adjustment.

Some people hold the front sight below what they want to hit or others put it right on. Still other shooters put the front sight to high or too low in the back sight notch. All this results in different points of impact on the target (as far as up or down).

If it's not your gun, you might suggest to your friend that it's sights are off a tad. Or as other's have mentioned it might shoot okay with another person's vision.

Get some sand bags to help steady your aim when you sight it in. I'm not an expert on pistols, but for any fire-arm you need to be really steady to sight it in properly.....Steve1

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It grouped about 9" off in 25 yds.
Yeah Tauruses don't suck, I was actually impressed with the fit of the machining on the frame, much like a Smith. The bugger was nice and heavy, had a ported muzzel and kicked up not more than 3". Anyway, I do try to work on smooth slow trigger pull a lot, the goal is being pleasantly surprised by the bang.

"All gun related disputes shall herein be settled with a pistol duel"
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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