
shitty remarks regarding US Servicemen

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Excuses!!?? Yeah, you've served before, I can competely tell...

And that has to do with... (Why do i have the feeling you didn´t read my post?)


Our intel is incredibly good and accurate, but of course you like to believe the shitbag media, so go right ahead Mr. I'm an expert on war.

You must be kidding. U.S intelligence is far from good and/or accurate. May i remind you that WMD have still not been found.


And since when have I advocated the predator? FUCK THAT THING!

Yeah, Fuck that thing. Send the marines and sort out the terrorists (kill them) from the civilians (Don´t kill them) But some how you guys are still using it and killing everybody.


royal fuck up eh? Take a look at that link. Oh, and take a look at the photos attached and tell those kids helping them is a royal fuck up. Tell it to their face...tell them they're worth shit to you and you would rather sit behind a computer and bitch about something you know absolutely NOTHING about while at least some decent Americans help them as much as possible. Tell me right now how worthless those kids are to you, tell me!

Now i am sure you didn´t read my post. Anyway, i will byte. I will tell them that right after you tell this kids how important they are to the U.S. Wait, you cannot, they are dead...

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It is repulsive to think someone could derive pleasure from the death of service personell.

Indeed, quite repulsive... yet plenty of people here seem to post and savor gunsight videos. You can either enjoy them all or refrain from posting any.



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hir RIGHT to burn my flag
his RIGHT to make shitty remarks about servicemans deaths
his RIGHT to aplaud there injury

MY right to kick his ass .
even this old man would try and if I get my ass kicked ..well it would not be the first time

weather we as citizens agree or not with the deployment of our troops..what matters is we all respect the troops for what they are doing

I want to thank all the men and women who are serving this country in uniform



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Yes, how can we dare limit the constituional rights of those terrorists, after all they don't target innocents.

Seems much better to bitch about the US, and their tyranny, and downplaying what Al-qaeda and the likes have around the world.....

Yep, we should be very much thankfull to this line of thinking. (to the run and hide people out there, thanks!!!!!!!!!)
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Yes, how can we dare limit the constituional rights of those terrorists, after all they don't target innocents.

Seems much better to bitch about the US, and their tyranny, and downplaying what Al-qaeda and the likes have around the world.....

Yep, we should be very much thankfull to this line of thinking. (to the run and hide people out there, thanks!!!!!!!!!)

But it's just fine to talk about turning the countries of the "towel-heads" into "glass parking lots", and let God sort out the guilty from the innocent. (Search the archives for these statements).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Not need to, if you failed to see that for what I would call terrorists, and trying to imply that it is meant for all people of the same ethinicity-religion or what have you, then there is no much but agree to disagree.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Not need to, if you failed to see that for what I would call terrorists, and trying to imply that it is meant for all people of the same ethinicity-religion or what have you, then there is no much but agree to disagree.

The point that you miss (again) is that the set of people who get outraged when Americans are the victims are the self same set who make statements like "Turn Afghanistan into a glass parking lot and let God sort them out later". That's called hypocrisy.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You must be kidding. U.S intelligence is far from good and/or accurate. May i remind you that WMD have still not been found.

Oh no, I'm not kidding. I know how good us intel is, you have no clue. And I don't necessarily blame you since your opinion of US intel is formed around baselss media and your roundtable of liberal propoganda. And of course prove your point by the alltime dumbest arguement: WMD.


But some how you guys are still using it and killing everybody.

we are not killing everbody.


I will tell them that right after you tell this kids how important they are to the U.S. Wait, you cannot, they are dead...

Yep, and prove to me those kids were hurt/killed by US soldiers/airman. Prove that. I'm willing to be they were hurt/killed by some terrorist fucktard who wore an explosive belt to work that morning.

Sorry, but you know nothing about anything you're spewing. This is as bad as me claiming to be an authority on cooking...move over wolfgang, you're doing it all wrong! But thanks for the humerous 100% bullshit, it's a good laugh for us all!

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You must be kidding. U.S intelligence is far from good and/or accurate. May i remind you that WMD have still not been found.

Oh no, I'm not kidding. I know how good us intel is, you have no clue. And I don't necessarily blame you since your opinion of US intel is formed around baselss media and your roundtable of liberal propoganda. And of course prove your point by the alltime dumbest arguement: WMD.

Yep. Still "alltime", but not "dumbest" argument. So, following your logic, US troops died for a dumb argument? Wow, weird.


Yep, and prove to me those kids were hurt/killed by US soldiers/airman. Prove that. I'm willing to be they were hurt/killed by some terrorist fucktard who wore an explosive belt to work that morning.

Sure. You would bet on that. What an impressing argument. Somewhat convincing.


Sorry, but you know nothing about anything you're spewing. This is as bad as me claiming to be an authority on cooking...move over wolfgang, you're doing it all wrong! But thanks for the humerous 100% bullshit, it's a good laugh for us all!

Wolfgang? Who is Wolfgang?? Aahhh... I see: You just made a little joke about Wolfgang A. Mozart! BTW, he was Austrian, not Spanish.

And, what the heck do yo mean with "...good laugh for us all!" ?? I do not remember I ever entitled you to talk for me. :| It's fully OK and enough if you talk for yourself....

:P Cheers

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Wolfgang? Who is Wolfgang??

"Wolfgang" is Wolfgang Puck, a famous chef who moved to the US from Austria. His face appears in the US media and on food containers all the time. Almost as much as WA Mozart’s face appears in Salzburg, from where I just returned BTW.

ViperPilot flies F-16s, which are nicknamed the “viper.” As such, I bet he has a better appreciation of US intelligence collection capabilities than most who post here. You might want to cut him a little bit of slack on that issue.

Blutarsky 2008. No Prisoners!

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Look at Vipers point on WMDs again.

He did not say the Soldiers are fighting or dieing (as you point out) for some thing "dumb".

The claim that the intel is so wrong because of 1 item, WMD, is dumb. That was his point.

Having physically gathered, actually read and acted on the intel he is refuring too, he has apoint on the average citizen of the US (can't speak to other countries) not knowing how to put it in to proper context.

The whole system has flaws but far from the catastrophic failure we would be lead to beleive in the media.

The failure was implementing a course of action prior too and after September 11, 2001.

That failure is not 1 parties fualt in the US. It is a fine example of bi-party politics working together to screw up.
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I'd wager christelsabine has never worn the uniform of her country, yet is somehow qualified (In her warped Socialist/Marxist-Leninist mind) to speak on military-political affairs. Typical.

I like what Robert A. Heinlein had to say on the subject of what the relationship between Military serivce and access to the political process ought to be.

That being said, instead of secondguessing their actions, thank them for keeping the world safe.

Then speak to the politicians. Servicemembers are simply doing what they're ordered to do.
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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The claim that the intel is so wrong because of 1 item, WMD, is dumb. That was his point.


To claim that the WMD intel failure is "1 item" is even dumber. Re-read Colin Powell's speech to the UN Security Council and Bush's 2003 SOTU and you will see plenty of evidence of multiple failures.

And, of course, that's just one that's come to light because the Administration got caught short with it. Another clear intel failure is the 9/11 event. That's 2 very high profile cases.

It's not like the CIA has to make an annual public disclosure on their successes and failures. Who knows what other f&ckups they have made that have not been made public?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I do not disagree that there has been plenty of mistakes.

But so many use only the WMD argument.

SH did at one point have them, not in dispute, when did they get given to the countries around him? In dispute.

You can not blaim all of 9/11 on the current admin. The previous admin had opertunities t oact and in some cases didn't or just made "token" acts.

The CIA has made plenty of mistakes I am sure, but so has the DNC, RNC, DOD, NSA, etc. etc.

For you or I to argue over it is silly. Neither of us (even with intel insight and higher IQ's) still can't have all the facts.

I would guess that even after things are released there will still be plenty of holes and black lines to keep the whole story from getting out.
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Like matt said, it's just dumb to focus on one thing for an argument that's been used for 5 years. Plus, we're talking more about micro intel, not macro intel. The kind of intel that tells us where to bombs on target is fucking good. The kind of intel that says where the bad guys are and where they aren't is pretty fucking good. I'm not necessarily arguing for macro intel (i.e. WMD stuff). Nonetheless, it's still really annoying to hear the same one-liner over and over again...all some people got is a crutch called WMD and it's becoming, sorry...has become, a ridiculous argument.

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when the time comes that we ..thats the only whorld power with the balls to do anything ..has to react to a nuclear NORTH KOREA or IRAN or some outher equally dangerous country.

i for one am glad we have a military of the quality and dedication that we have.

anyone that thinks there are not folks out there that want to do harm to the US is sadly out of touch.

I for one sleep more soundly knowing that our military is awake and on guard..and I thank them for there service.


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in reply to "I for one sleep more soundly knowing that our military is awake and on guard..and I thank them for there service. "

Here here ...there seems little denying that without the US forces having their international go for the last 100years or so the world would be a very different place.

We'd all most likely be dragging ploughs for either Hitler Stalins or Mao's descendants.

Of course some things may be beyond even the power of the US. Some effective UN type action appears to be the only way for this world to get over the destructo bit.

Hopefully the US won't make an enemy of every-one like Hitler managed to do .

Lots of us out here care about you guys & gals but are concerned about you going it alone like you tend to do. Running railroad may have worked in the wild west but this world's bigger than any one nation.

Take care and give some back


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The claim that the intel is so wrong because of 1 item, WMD, is dumb. That was his point.


To claim that the WMD intel failure is "1 item" is even dumber. Re-read Colin Powell's speech to the UN Security Council and Bush's 2003 SOTU and you will see plenty of evidence of multiple failures.

And, of course, that's just one that's come to light because the Administration got caught short with it. Another clear intel failure is the 9/11 event. That's 2 very high profile cases.

It's not like the CIA has to make an annual public disclosure on their successes and failures. Who knows what other f&ckups they have made that have not been made public?

What would/will you say should evidence that show SH had WMD's just prior to the attack?

More and more sources are saying that they were moved to Syria.

I am not here claiming that this is what happened (yet) but you got your ass hung way out there on this one topic don't you?

Anyway, I think that this will be proven and I look forward to see how you will respond (should it happen)....
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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[It's not like the CIA has to make an annual public disclosure on their successes and failures. Who knows what other f&ckups they have made that have not been made public?

yeah I am sure that if they have a sucess they will post it in the New York Times! what a bunch of shit!!!!

The only time anyone is going to know about any CIA action is if it fails....FACE IT

oh and by the way in order for you to disagree I am sure you must be an expert on covert actions. :|

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Not sure what the point of such a vicious attack is.
The Prof has tons of insite on what the subject is.

The CIA Should be a shadow, that is their job.

It is the politicians (who are supposed to keep some things secret as part of their commity position) who leak the mistakes when it is a benifit, politically.

And if you read a news paper or watch TV news, you will see plenty of CIA success'. One only has to look a little closer. But history will read success differently than you or I read it now.

For example;

The Soviet Union falling apart was influenced by CIA action (as well as many other supportive nations) no real big secret.

They also helped Afgans gain freedom from the Soviet Union, but history will show that may have been a bad idea as the CIA had to partner with an evil that came back to bite our hand.

But the whole of this thread is not the CIA or failed politics and politicians, but the bad comments made about service men and women by some one (or "ones") who happen to be in this community.

I may not agree with those posts, but I welcome them. I joined the Army so that I could speak freely and thus allow all US citizens and any world citizen who wanted the same to speak freely. So say what you will, but expect me and every one else to voice our opinion, for that is the point; COMMUNICATION.

OK, so you don't deserve all of my post pointed at ya.
Next time I am in the Chi town area I will be a drink for the lot of ya.

I hope the Prof likes beer:)
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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But the whole of this thread is not the CIA or failed politics and politicians, but the bad comments made about service men and women by some one (or "ones") who happen to be in this community.

The funniest thing about this thread is that no such comments have actually been made. Somebody has a warped imagination here ;)



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