
Google volunteers to censor searches in China -- 'cause it smells MONEY!

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Google agrees to censor search results in China -- because it apparently values MONEY over LIBERTY

Fuckin' scumbags.
They want access to a huuuuge market, so it's okay to go along with unconscionable human rights abuse, including censorship.

They should be fuckin' ostracized for this. Talk about the ultimate display of absence of ethics and morality.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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To obtain the Chinese license, Google agreed to omit Web content that the country's government finds objectionable. Google will base its censorship decisons on guidance provided by Chinese government officials.


In other words, ask the Chinese communist dictatorship for permission to publish.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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To obtain the Chinese license, Google agreed to omit Web content that the country's government finds objectionable. Google will base its censorship decisons on guidance provided by Chinese government officials.


In other words, ask the Chinese communist dictatorship for permission to publish.


Wrong forum :|

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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It's a business, just like any other business. Doesn't every other business that operates in a foreign country have to comply with the standards and practices of that country? Are they all scumbags that should be ostracized? I'm not saying they aren't, it's an honest question.

And as far as "unconscionable human rights abuse, including censorship." Did I miss the part in the article where it talked about them going along with anything other than censorship?

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Google agrees to censor search results in China -- because it apparently values MONEY over LIBERTY

Fuckin' scumbags.
They want access to a huuuuge market, so it's okay to go along with unconscionable human rights abuse, including censorship.

They should be fuckin' ostracized for this. Talk about the ultimate display of absence of ethics and morality.


You know what? I am sure that you will get over it.

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I'm gonna make it a point to be stuck on this one.

Interesting that you ... in other threads rail on and on against anyone who does not agree to follow along lockstep to our, "you are either with us or agin us" Administration...
Free Speech...... its getting rare here too.

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Why is it that you feel I should be singled-out as someone who is not entitled to feel that my views are correct?

Aren't you doing the same, when you point out your disagreement with the way I am, and what I say and espouse?

For what it's worth, I have NEVER said that people are not entitled to free speech. Where you got that one, I'll never understand. I think it's a strawman you just constructed.

But really, above, you are just doing to me what you are in the middle of chastising me for doing. :S You're saying that I don't allow people to be how they are and feel how they do, and in so doing, you're condemning me for being how I am and feeling how I do.

Nope, no hypocrisy there... :S

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Wrong forum :|

I'm starting to wonder if he got banned from speakers corner.

Nope, actually, I've refrained from the personal attack-ish stuff and have been thus far unindicted.

Actually, it may have been a miscalculation to put this thread here, and I wouldn't object to it being moved. Is it that big a deal?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I think the Chinese who want to work around censorship will do what they already do: use google.com (instead of google.com.cn). And if the US version is blocked, they'll find ways around it. Much like Chinese who want to read foreign news go to cnn.com, fox.com, bbc.com, etc...
You'd be surprised at how much access there is from China to the outside world. Hell, I even get to postwhore on dz.com...

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Google agrees to censor search results in China -- because it apparently values MONEY over LIBERTY

Fuckin' scumbags.
They want access to a huuuuge market, so it's okay to go along with unconscionable human rights abuse, including censorship.

They should be fuckin' ostracized for this. Talk about the ultimate display of absence of ethics and morality.


Did you just say liberty? FOR CHINA?!?!?!?!

oh that is hilarious.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Why is it that you feel I should be singled-out as someone who is not entitled to feel that my views are correct?

Aren't you doing the same, when you point out your disagreement with the way I am, and what I say and espouse?

For what it's worth, I have NEVER said that people are not entitled to free speech. Where you got that one, I'll never understand. I think it's a strawman you just constructed.

But really, above, you are just doing to me what you are in the middle of chastising me for doing. :S You're saying that I don't allow people to be how they are and feel how they do, and in so doing, you're condemning me for being how I am and feeling how I do.

Nope, no hypocrisy there... :S


Don't you get it? (remember it?)

As a conservative you want to destroy freedom, protect big business over the little man (even if big business is right) and you are too uneducated to be allowed to vote:S

You oppresive bastard:P
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Fuckin' scumbags.
They want access to a huuuuge market, so it's okay to go along with unconscionable human rights abuse, including censorship.

How many things have you purhased that were made in China?

I'm guessing quite a few. So it's okay to go along with unconscionable human rights abuse, including censorship?


Talk about the ultimate display of absence of ethics and morality.

Yes, indeed.

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Go visit The United Arab Emirates. Open up any "questionable" site including MySpace.com and the warning shown in the photo attached appears. Lets hear what you have to say about the Arab government. Go to other countries as well. Same thing.

This type of censorship happens all over the world. The press in many countries will tell the people what their government wants them to hear. I suspect you know this already.

Google is doing nothing but complying with a business request and there are ways around it.

Google search engine works fine in the UAE however the websites themselves are blocked. Google has nothing to do with it over there.

You choose who censors, it's the big guy or the little guy, either way it's the big guy and the little guy must comply or die.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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More than the Google angle, isn't it really pathetic that after all that has happened in the world, including the sweeping changes in what used to be a quite repressed USSR, that there are still idiots out there trying to maintain control of the populace by attempting to screen democratic messages that might give them some wild notions about a free society? Guess it's just me, but what a bunch of a**holes to think that you are going to keep people back with that old stick and stone way of supression in a digital age. Just shows how out of touch with reality they are - They are already losing the battle -

Divorce, which used to be relatively unheard of in China, is now dozens of times easier and cheaper than the US. If a couple both decides they no longer want to be married in China today, you go down to the community center, pay the equivalent of one american dollar, and in about 10 minutes the marriage is dissolved. Traditional Chinese values in this area have gone down the tubes without additional outside help. Their plan is not working.

These people have forgotten the lesson from Rome and the rest of the would-be world powers. The culture disintegrates from the inside-out, not from the outside-in.

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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isn't it really pathetic that after all that has happened in the world, including the sweeping changes in what used to be a quite repressed USSR...

You just made the PRC government's point.:)
Check back in 5 years, and see where Russia vs China stand on the "sweeping changes" front.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Isn't it a bit hypocritical to chastise Google when America purchases huge amounts of goods from China. So Google should say f-it to a huge market but your average American Joe is OK with 'made in China' just because its cheaper. How about the hundreds of other American companies who conduct business with China. Why not boycott Walmart. They are one of the biggest buyers of Chinese goods.

If you think doing business with China is a "display of absence of ethics and morality", then I would assume you dont purchase any goods made in China. Since purchasing any Chinese goods would in a way support a country that has a questionable record with human rights.

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I boycott Wal-Mart, but it has nothing to do with their Chinese relations. I live in East Texas and the sheer volume of sweaty guys in wife beaters with mulletts and 18 year old girls with multiple children and fewer teeth has scarred me for life. I get the shakes and uncontrollable vomiting anytime I'm near a Wally world.

Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance
"They sicken of the calm, that know the storm."

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I think the Chinese who want to work around censorship will do what they already do: use google.com (instead of google.com.cn). And if the US version is blocked, they'll find ways around it. Much like Chinese who want to read foreign news go to cnn.com, fox.com, bbc.com, etc...
You'd be surprised at how much access there is from China to the outside world. Hell, I even get to postwhore on dz.com...

Yep, you go through any larger Chinese city and you see one
internet shop crammed against the next one.

Noone is happy that Google-do-no-evil complied with censorship,
but they are still a few notches in government compliance behind
all of the others such as Yahoo!, MSN, etc. Those have been
agreeign to censorship lonmg times ago. Also Goolge does not
run Gmail and similar services there to avoid having private
records confiscated by the Chines government.

Even if they did some evil, I'd much rather see Google dominate
the Chinese internet market than Micro$oft or some Chinese
homegrown service.

Cheers, T
Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true

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Isn't it a bit hypocritical to chastise Google when America purchases huge amounts of goods from China. So Google should say f-it to a huge market but your average American Joe is OK with 'made in China' just because its cheaper. How about the hundreds of other American companies who conduct business with China. Why not boycott Walmart. They are one of the biggest buyers of Chinese goods.

If you think doing business with China is a "display of absence of ethics and morality", then I would assume you dont purchase any goods made in China. Since purchasing any Chinese goods would in a way support a country that has a questionable record with human rights.

We are not talking about "doing business with". If a company has a factory in China, and it treats the employees well, then that company is actually doing good. If they start deciding what the employees are allowed to read, they are bad - see the difference?

What you, and many others here, have said so far equals to "since everyone else is doing it, so can google".

Google has for years tried to be "the good guys". Latest example is when they denied the US gov. access to their databases. They didn't have to do that. For this reason, it disappoints me that google agrees to cencorship.

Now, how long do you think it takes before the internet starts being cencored in america? Hell, terrorist-friendly websites could pose a real threat, seemingly harmless websites can be used to send coded messages by terrorists, in a very effective way (For this reason, the CNN and other american media companies agreed to self-cencorship during the afghanistan war).

edit: spelling, and such.

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