
Traveler sues after her joke goes awry

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This is based on your many years of experience as a customs agent?

If Kallend gets a job inspecting luggage, then only the stupid drug smugglers will succeed. It makes a lot of sense if you are very liberal about 'leveling' the field of competition. Even stupid drug smugglers deserve a chance.

Pippin "The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm"

Treebeard "why that doesn't make any sense at all. but you are very small...."

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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let me know if he does. I have some columbian friends who promised me a great deal of money for some help.

I was going to say your new avatar looked like a columbian drug dealer, but then if it was really you I wouldn't know if you'd take it as a good thing or a bad thing.....

So I won't say it.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Crystal balls are no longer standard police issue

No crystal ball is needed to know that drug smugglers don't go to the bother of packing stuff in condoms and then packing the condoms in their bags! A little common sense is all that's required.

A little closer to a police state every day.

I'm amazed that you of all people can safely assume that human behaviour can be assigned absolute values, or expectations.

If I understood you right, the fact of getting all that white powder into condoms, should have never arise any suspicion? Is that your point?
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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>If I understood you right, the fact of getting all that white powder
>into condoms, should have never arise any suspicion?

No, having suspicions is fine. Coming to such incredibly wrong conclusions based on those suspicions is not fine.

Imagine the following:

You are checking in for a flight. Your rig has been checked in your luggage. They inspect it, discover it is a parachute with an altitude trigger carrying an explosive charge, and arrest you. They hold you for 3 weeks before checking to see whether or not the altitude trigger is dangerous or not.

OK or not? Should you be the one to take the blame, since you were obviously playing a bad joke on the TSA that backfired?

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Bill, I don't doubt it would be wrong. The main difference to that possible scenario and what happened to this girl is a major one

We are prepared to tell the contents before hand, bringing brochures that explain the content of a parachute, and even then there are some horror stories.

Maybe it's just me but IMHO I'm aware that a Cypress really could be taken as a "suspicious" device. Don't you?

However believing that white powder in condoms in someone's luggage, who has not been forthcomming, and could have acted suspicous to be "incredible" is a little exagerated.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Sorry Bill, where's the joke in that?

Aren't rigs covered by certain specific FAA regulations?

Im sorry, stupid jokes should be punished because they take up time and resources.

Read back earlier to the story about my friend in a wheelchair being dismantled because he made a joke about Allah within earshot of security.

The girl was an idiot. Since we dont know if she acted like a fuckhead when she was confronted we dont know if there was motivation for 'losing' paperwork, or if thats just standard procedure.

From a security standpoint there are a number of legitimate reasons for an officer to detain her.

I would also assume that most people here have taken enough flights to know the drill and what is and isnt acceptable. Devil's advocate or not, the girl did something wrong and it took some time to sort it out.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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Sorry Bill, where's the joke in that?

Aren't rigs covered by certain specific FAA regulations?

It's airline policy, not the FAA. Here's a 2002 news release from USPA. The problem was supposed to have been resolved long before that, but apparently 9/11 made things more interesting:


And here are two threads from rec.skydiving, the first from 1992, the second from 1996, i.e., pre 9/11:



It's actually kind of easy for me to imagine a skydiver ending up in the same situation as that hapless girl.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Sorry Bill, where's the joke in that?

Aren't rigs covered by certain specific FAA regulations?

It's airline policy, not the FAA. Here's a 2002 news release from USPA. The problem was supposed to have been resolved long before that, but apparently 9/11 made things more interesting:


And here are two threads from rec.skydiving, the first from 1992, the second from 1996, i.e., pre 9/11:



It's actually kind of easy for me to imagine a skydiver ending up in the same situation as that hapless girl.


Criminalization of the trivial is a hallmark of a police state.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Im sorry, stupid jokes should be punished because they take up time and resources.

last year i drove a friend to newark airport, and while putting her luggage and things in my vehicle, i placed a 16" vibrating dildo in her gear bag.............. wrapped in aluminum foil. i waited for my phone to ring within 15 minutes of dropping her off, but nothing. called her half hour later, and shes perfectly normal, so i throw some hints her way and she runs into the bathroom to check what i did and finds it. went right thru security without them even blinking an eye, in fact when her rig went thru, they said, "oh, i know what that is"

geez, cant believe they didnt check something like that.......but they find other stoopit shit.

i love stoopit jokes......damn it didnt work tho.......

care to comment janet??????B|

HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

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Most likely to seal smell. Plastic wrap is also used but a double condom could seal smell provided they in order to trick dogs.....
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Most likely to seal smell. Plastic wrap is also used but a double condom could seal smell provided they in order to trick dogs.....

Neither plastic wrap nor condoms will prevent a dog from smelling what's wrapped inside either one.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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And I assume this is the portion where we could define the meaning "could".

It strikes me that you have never been in a position where you are the one conducting a search. Otherwise you would be inclined to agree with me. Check out this link

Or this link

But then again I would not expect you know much about the SOP in drug smuggling counter-intelligence.

I would advice you to do a little bit of a search, and you will be surprised on how often coffee beans, and tight wrapped plastic is used by mules...
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Your assertion is that plastic wrap is used to seal the smell. That's false. It does not do anything about the smell.

I know more than you might imagine about drug-smuggling counter-intelligence. Some years back, although not so much now, drugs were brought into this country with shipments of reptiles. Two of my close friends at that time were a US Fish and Wildlife agent and a Customs agent (not an inspector, but an agent) who dealt with drug smuggling issues all the time. And I was a collector of reptiles who occasionally did rehab for abandoned shipments, as well as other things.

Are you a drug smuggler or a law enforcement officer?

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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thats what coffee grounds and gasoline are for.

Getting wound up and burning stuff

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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cheap, easily concealed, easily trashed, in some cases - easily swallowed.

Hey, when someone uploads a link to the video of this girl being confronted by security it'll be easier to discuss the whys and hows.

But since we dont know if she acted like a crazed loon or not it's a little tough to judge.

IN the real world, what do you suggest as a solution? Do we let everyone pass if they have condoms filled with powder in plain sight? How do you suggest you test for drugs, explosives, and any number of substances that could be ground into a fine white powder - or cut with ordinary flour?

The arguments so far defending this girl for her use of condoms filled with flour are rather silly. Yes, I agree that 3 weeks for it to be sorted is crazy - but again, without knowing her demeanor or the truth of the situation it's really just a lot of conjecture with little substance to argue right or wrong about. Which only leaves discussion of using condoms filled with flour-like substances - and that, at any reasonable level, requires customs or security agents to investigate the matter fully.

Or are you saying that a drug dealer simply needs to leave his stash in plain site, mixed with a household ingredient when packing to ensure he can simply wave away any suspicion when his bags are searched? because that has been the crux of all the arguments regarding the use of condoms.

Criminilizing behavior isnt the issue here.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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