
Wake Up Liberals, I Don't Post Here Or Read Here!

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Which comes back to the point of piss poor planning on the local level, not the national level. If you live in a bowl, you should prepare differently than if you live on a mountain top.

The argument revolves around living in dependency. Liberals believe that we should care for these people no different than if they were in the hospital and we were in charge of their total well being. While this sounds great on moral grounds there are just too many people living in dependency these days to make this possible.

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Guess what? I'm not impressed.

You re-posted something that was already posted.

I read that spew, twice now. Here's a re-post for you too. Enjoy.

Read the second half of the subject line. I posted this because I thought it was noteworthy outside the mainstream liberal media. Funny how we know not to trust the media in incident reports because we know better, yet we jump on their band wagon in our own ignorance of the truth elsewhere.

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This is the first thing he admitted culpability for during his tenure as president. If he admitted responsibility, then he's in part responsible for the failure on the federal level. End of story.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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This is the first thing he admitted culpability for during his tenure as president. If he admitted responsibility, then he's in part responsible for the failure on the federal level. End of story.

yes failure to change the government policies in effect by previous governors and senators before.

Funny how you haven't heard the senator,governor or mayor accept ANY blame for their thumb twiddling ineptness, no just blame it on someone else. They all fucked up and just won't admit it! Bush bashing is the in thing you know.

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When I see very weak defenses for what this president does and does not do, you'll hear it. I did not bash him in my previous post.

He made me late to my meeting this morning -- cops & FBI wouldn't allow me to cross 50th Street for ten freaking minutes so his motorcade would pass on his way to the UN. For that and many other reasons, he's a POS.

There, I just bashed Bush.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Oh, and I also forget that I can't have an opinon that is contrary to the libs ideas I know this because I am called names and told that I am uneducated, ignorant and that I should not be allowed to vote because I do not know what is good.........even for me!

Well that sucks, no question about it.

However I could dig up several threads from the past couple of months where libs are told they shouldn't even be allowed to live in the US cos they have different ideas from the cons. It all cuts both ways.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Which comes back to the point of piss poor planning on the local level, not the national level. If you live in a bowl, you should prepare differently than if you live on a mountain top.

The argument revolves around living in dependency. Liberals believe that we should care for these people no different than if they were in the hospital and we were in charge of their total well being. While this sounds great on moral grounds there are just too many people living in dependency these days to make this possible.

SOME liberals think that way. Not all. Some liberals adhere to the original definition.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Which comes back to the point of piss poor planning on the local level, not the national level. If you live in a bowl, you should prepare differently than if you live on a mountain top.

The argument revolves around living in dependency. Liberals believe that we should care for these people no different than if they were in the hospital and we were in charge of their total well being. While this sounds great on moral grounds there are just too many people living in dependency these days to make this possible.

SOME liberals think that way. Not all. Some liberals adhere to the original definition.


1. A political theory founded on the natural goodness of humans and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority.

# An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard

It is amazing how the term liberal has shifted. :)
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Houston's air is more polluted than most.

1) Houston is the fourth largest city in America. All large cities are "more polluted than most".

2) Houston has a lot of oil refineries. We'll be glad to shut them all down to clean up the air, if you'll agree to pay $10 per gallon for gasoline, with a 10-gallon limit per week. Deal?

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>yes failure to change the government policies in effect by previous
>governors and senators before.

I thought you weren't posting here!

Dude, he CREATED the DHS and moved FEMA under them. He appointed the head of FEMA, a man who has now resigned in shame. You can't pin this one on someone else. (And to Bush's credit he didn't try to.) He's admitted he made serious mistakes; would seem silly to keep believing he didn't.

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>Houston is the fourth largest city in America. All large cities
>are "more polluted than most".

?? That's like saying all gun owners are more irresponsible than most. Makes no sense. Did you mean "all large cities are more polluted than most cities of any size?" Still untrue. NYC and Chicago are both much larger than Houston, and much cleaner. Only LA ranks up there with Houston for dirty air.

>2) Houston has a lot of oil refineries. We'll be glad to shut them all
> down to clean up the air, if you'll agree to pay $10 per gallon for
> gasoline, with a 10-gallon limit per week. Deal?

Sign me up! That would bring my monthly gas bill to around $64, a small price to pay for saving the lives of thousands of americans.

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Don't worry, the left won't listen. Even though the response to those needing aid in Mississippi seems to be going fairly well. The press isn't covering that.

Just wait until there's a bit more coverage on Congressman William Jefferson (eight term democrat representing New Orleans) used National Guard assets to get personal effects from his house, ultimately utilating two 5-tons and diverting a rescue helocopter. >>> And, it's from ABC News, a solid member of the liberal media. <<< :o Make sure you read the final section on page three of the story. Holy cow.... :D This guy's a loser.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I live in Houston and we woulld take care of our own. As we did in in other hurricanes! We don't need the support of others! I support the relief efforts of others but if it happens at home? We can handle it without gov help! Why? WE ARE TEXAS!!!!

Typical Texas attitude......what, do they teach you guys in school that you are your own separate country?
(God! I hate even driving through that state)
I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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I live in Houston and we woulld take care of our own. As we did in in other hurricanes! We don't need the support of others! I support the relief efforts of others but if it happens at home? We can handle it without gov help! Why? WE ARE TEXAS!!!!

Typical Texas attitude......what, do they teach you guys in school that you are your own separate country?
(God! I hate even driving through that state)

uhhhh...Lone Star State.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Hey guys -- Texas has lots of people.

Wendy W.
(in Texas)

Sooo.... you're saying if you look at any set of people and focus on the bad/crazy/criminal/ones with wacky ideas, you might make false assumptions about the people as a whole?
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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if you look at any set of people and focus on the bad/crazy/criminal/ones with wacky ideas, you might make false assumptions about the people as a whole

Unless they're Aggies :ph34r:>:(

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Typical Texas attitude......what, do they teach you guys in school that you are your own separate country?
(God! I hate even driving through that state)

In fact, Texas was its own separate country for about 10 years, after winning independence from Mexico in 1836, and before being accepted into the Union. Personally, I think that latter part may have been a mistake.

Attached: Republic of Texas currency on my wall.

When you have to fight off Apache, Commanche and the Mexican Army to keep your land, it kind of makes you a bit independent and self-sufficient.

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When you have to fight off Apache, Commanche and the Mexican Army to keep your land, it kind of makes you a bit independent and self-sufficient.

Wow John, when did you do that?

And damn those Indians for coming to someone elses country and taking their land>:(
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Typical Texas attitude......what, do they teach you guys in school that you are your own separate country?
(God! I hate even driving through that state)

In fact, Texas was its own separate country for about 10 years, after winning independence from Mexico in 1836, and before being accepted into the Union. Personally, I think that latter part may have been a mistake.

Attached: Republic of Texas currency on my wall.

When you have to fight off Apache, Commanche and the Mexican Army to keep your land, it kind of makes you a bit independent and self-sufficient.

Yes cause America never had to fight off anyone!
It was just handed to us......
I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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