
New Orleans vs. Irak

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Don't really know a lot about the U.S. budget/expenditure process, do you? LoL. Read up on it a bit.

This Iraq vs. New Orleans comparison is akin to comparing lingerie to meteors.


I bought my GF some hot meteors. Is that bad?:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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War, while being perceived as stupid, unfortunately is a fact of life...unless you have a worldwide peace forever plan we are not aware of.

I'm reminded of a *Peace* song in the seventies .., it went something like "I'd like to teach the world to sing...".
It wasn't long before corporate America bastardized it with "I'd like to hand the world a Coke".

Now handing out free Coca-Cola is all cool with me. Thing is that isn't what they had in mind with their slick advertising campaign.

What they really wanted was to force the third world to manufacture their product at slave wages as they stole the resources ,polluted the environment and took advantage of the *less advanced* peoples of the world.


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... sorry, I didn't answer your question. The answer is: Mexico is not belligerent. We do not go to war.

And why would you need to goto war? Nobody is gonna screw with you guys, your too close to us.. Anyone screwed with you we'd crush them.

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Anyone screwed with you we'd crush them.

Better yet: "Anyone screwed with you we'd make them understand they'd better stop or they'd be crushed"!:)How are you Nate? WTF are you?

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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The fact that you compare Iraq to Katrina as being a choice is ridiculous. No one had the opportunity to sit down and say to themselves "Should we pay to end the war in Iraq* or save the money for Katrina?"

You don't agree with the effort to end the war in Iraq? Fine. You are entitled to your opinion and I do respect that. But the position that it was either Iraq or Katrina is arbitrary...certainly no different than someone who claims we should not have spent billions on NASA while New Orleans (or any other city) faced devastation.

*Just in case you weren't paying attention during the '90s...the Iraq war was ongoing.


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What was the annual budget to manage the Iraqi situation pre-invasion and what is it now?

The decision to invade Iraq (and seriously you have to include the clean-up costs in the original "plan") was optional.

The decision to fund the clean-up of Katrina was not optional in any way.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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And why would you need to goto war? Nobody is gonna screw with you guys, your too close to us.. Anyone screwed with you we'd crush them.

That is precisely what I am saying: if you don't mess with other Countries, there is no need to go to war against them.

Although we may be "protected" by the U.S. we also feel threatened. Particularly us that live 5 miles away from your naval base in Coronado. What someone with a loose screw such as North Korea decides to throw a couple of missles this way. Just to piss you off. We would certainly be affected.

In any case, the point of the matter is your Country is going through a crisis. Lots of countries (and people) are trying to help... some of them fruitlessly: again, like Venezuela and Cuba. They are offering to help, but it seems like your government is to proud to accept such help although the people need it.

At least that is what we can perceive from the outside.

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That is precisely what I am saying: if you don't mess with other Countries, there is no need to go to war against them.

I just wanted to put my two cents in on this comment. While I wished the world worked that way, human nature does not allow it. I thought like this when I moved out to my farm....my own little space...I wont bother a soul and no one will bother me. I have gone out of my way to help people and where did it get me...threatened by people - even the people I was helping. It also got me arrested twice and in court once, not to mention all the emotional turmoil. I quit being nice, took the offensive and 8 months later, it is just as peaceful as can be, no more threats no more drama. In the begining I was minding my own business and got nothing but trouble, when I put out that the next person who attempted to hassle me was getting the brunt of it, everyone left me alone-guess no one really wanted to find out.
Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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$10.5B for Katrina

About $192.2B for Iraq so far.

How much for the boob jobs?

Well Tom I gotta tell ya, with all the campaign funding reform, soft money and whatnot, I can't tell you exactly how much money it took to get these boobs in office.

Now, that joke aside . . . I wanna go on record saying that our federal government (and yes this even includes the current Administration for those folks that think I never have anything good to say about it) has done about as well as can be expected under the circumstances. Could they have done better? Dunno. Maybe. People can usually do better, but they also could have done a lot worse.

I don't really have any beef with the responce. It's a difficult situation to have had thrust upon those involved.

What I do have a beef with is the main point of this thread which is that doing very expensive elective things does in fact detract from our ability to do really expensive required things.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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