
Gaza pullout

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It will be interesting to see what will happen in the next few months. I have no doubt the Israeli military will be able to get all the settlers out and keep them out.

But will the Palestinians be happy?
Will Zionists groups re-form at start attacking the Palestinians?

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I doubt the extremeists will be happy - they never are until Israel is completely destroyed, while on the other hand., there are Israeli extremists who will never negiotiate either.

unfortunately you can never please some people in this world IMHO.

I hope it doesn't cause any more tension between the two sides resulting in more violence and death.

That would be trajic, but unfortunately very possible.:(

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I doubt the extremeists will be happy - they never are until Israel is completely destroyed.

I hope you realize that there are extremists on both sides of this conflict. Israel is not innocent here and some of us view what Sharron is doing here as a good step towards possible peace. The Palestinians have every right to live in this region as do the Israelis.

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I doubt the extremeists will be happy - they never are until Israel is completely destroyed.

I hope you realize that there are extremists on both sides of this conflict. Israel is not innocent here and some of us view what Sharron is doing here as a good step towards possible peace. The Palestinians have every right to live in this region as do the Israelis.

Uh huh, Right. Why were the Palestinians firing mortars at the Israeli settlers as they were leaving last 2 weeks ago? Is this what you would call a good start to peaceful co-existence?

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I doubt that this move will do anything other than further embolden Palestinian militants to carry out more acts of terror. Hamas and Palestinian islamic Jihad were rallying in the streets claiming their terrorism was what drove the Israelis out of the settlements.

Perhaps I'm wrong - I hope I am - but I do not think this will stop the terrorists at all.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Peaceful coexistence is never likely to happen between the Palestinians and the Israelis. While I don't condone how the Palestinians have dealt with I do understand how their lands were given away to the Israelis. Basically we have the English to thank for all that mess.

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So am I to understand that there are no Jewish extremists in your mind? How do you explain this?

Remember I said there were extremists on both sides of this conflict. I'm not taking sides with either side. You on the other hand believe that the only bad people in this world are Muslims. I think it's time to wake up and take notice that there are fucked up people everywhere you look.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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O.K but it was the British government via a mandate from the League of Nations after WW1 that initiated the setting up of the State of Israel.
It was (obviously) a compromise, but what else was the world to do with the displaced Jews from, initially the First and latter the 2nd World War?

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I doubt that this move will do anything other than further embolden Palestinian militants to carry out more acts of terror. Hamas and Palestinian islamic Jihad were rallying in the streets claiming their terrorism was what drove the Israelis out of the settlements.

Bingo! Appeasement accomplishes nothing. All the Israelis have done is show the Palestinian terrorists that their tactics are effective. That's the wrong message to send. And thus, the terrorists will be encouraged to continue their attacks against innocent civilians.

In the end, this may be one final ploy on the part of the Israelis to show how magnanimous they are. And when it fails to stop the violence, as they surely must expect to follow, then they will say: "We've tried everything! And since even ourr generous abandonment of land has proven not to bring peace, then we have no choice remaining but to wage all-out war against Hamas."

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You on the other hand believe that the only bad people in this world are Muslims.

BULLSHIT!!!!!!... give one example of this.

I said something which wasn't 100% true people after I did a quick search from some of the posts concerning Muslims which GM has said in the past. But you should see the abusive PM he just sent me. It's kind of amusing that someone would take SC so seriously. This is the internet after all. What was that saying about arguing on the net and the Special Olympics. Lighten up dude, you'll live longer (in reference to stress). :$

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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It started before that while the British had control over that area. They allowed Jews to immigrate to palastine with out much restraint and assisted them. All while not assisting the Palestinian. It all pretty much started from that point on.

English = British = UK = Great Briton = you know who I meant

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<<Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the British assumed control of Palestine. In November 1917, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, announcing its intention to facilitate the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." In 1922, the League of Nations granted Britain a mandate over Palestine which included, among other things, provisions calling for the establishment of a Jewish homeland, facilitating Jewish immigration and encouraging Jewish settlement on the land. >>


<> Ha!
<> :P


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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The country of Palestine never existed.

True ... but the Palestinian people have existed for a long long time. Christians, Jews and Muslims all lay claim to this holy land. Is there any wonder why these RELIGIOUS groups are threatening world peace? I say they're all pretty fucked up. But what do I know? I'm agnostic and obviously certain people hate me for this. Then again these people aren't showing very much tolerance to those who are different from themselves. The world would be a much better place if we stopped judging people for their differences and accepted them for who they are. But that will never happen as it's human nature to judge and dislike those who are different from yourself. The latest PM I received helped back up this claim. :S

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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>All the Israelis have done is show the Palestinian terrorists that their
> tactics are effective. That's the wrong message to send.

I think we should stop bothering with what the terrorists think and just do what's right for both the Jews and the Palestinians in the long run.

>And thus, the terrorists will be encouraged to continue their
>attacks against innocent civilians.

They're going to attack no matter what. You could settle every area in Israel; they'd attack. You could pull out everywhere; they'd attack. So again, stop basing all your decisions on what the terrorists think and just do what makes the most sense.

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The country of Palestine never existed

Who determines whether a political unit called a country exists in a tribal society? Before WW1 the determination of "country" was often arbitrarily made by colonizers from far away, with no regard for the people actually inhabiting that land.

By whatever definition, there were people who were living on that land who were displaced by the Balfour declaration. Regardless of what name you give where they lived, they were impacted.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Yer - but depends on how you define country,

An old history teacher said their country did exist - it was where they were settled at the time, the temporary country if you see what i mean.

Might sound bullshit, but some palestinians called it their home.

From legitimate facts YOU ARE RIGHT.

From liberal interpretation, we are both right i think.

Sorry if there was confusion.

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>All the Israelis have done is show the Palestinian terrorists that their
> tactics are effective. That's the wrong message to send.

I think we should stop bothering with what the terrorists think and just do what's right for both the Jews and the Palestinians in the long run.

>And thus, the terrorists will be encouraged to continue their
>attacks against innocent civilians.

They're going to attack no matter what. You could settle every area in Israel; they'd attack. You could pull out everywhere; they'd attack. So again, stop basing all your decisions on what the terrorists think and just do what makes the most sense.

I couldn't agree more Bill. I hope this latest pullout will help alleviate the tensions, but I still have my doubts based on the actions of the Palestinians recently. Question is, how much more does Israel have to do to bring peace? At what point do we say they have done enough and shift the blame to the Palestinians?

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