
Would You Vote For Hilary?

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My sister didn't discover she was pregnant until past 5 months into the process

Well, that is a good point. I just didn't think you could go that long w/o knowing, but guess you can. Sometimes abortion just seems to be a very case-by-case situation. I would think generally you would know before the 3rd month and should make a decision, and if you haven't by then, tough luck (if you decide you don't want it later of course). But I guess things should be different for women like your sister who don't even know until into the 2nd trimester. It's just a sticky situation IMO.

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Sometimes abortion just seems to be a very case-by-case situation. I would think generally you would know before the 3rd month and should make a decision

Both are true in my experience. I'd like to see it be supremely easy to get birth control -- then abortion would (hopefully) be less common.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Would I vote for someone who voted no on $350 billion in tax breaks (breaks go to Medicaid, and state discretion..not big compaines) and no again on cutting $1.35 trillion in taxes? Now of course some of you are going to say I'm an idiot for not seeing it as Hillary does, but you just go ahead and pay socialist levels of taxes while others fight to not fork over 1/2 or more of their sallary to the govt. And, she's about as good of friend to the military as cancer is to my friend.

You do realize that those tax breaks were not accompanied by a decrease in government spending? Those tax breaks were payed for by borrowing and borrowing and putting the country in (more) debt at record rate.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I think Hillary is all about molding herself for a seat on the latest bandwagon. Just look at her and GTA. Where was she when it first came out? It has COP KILLING in it ferchristssake! But the minute some poorly animated sex is revealed..there she is, jumping all over it. No sir, I don't like it.

She has never seemed genuine about anything to me.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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>It seems to me like the US (and world, for that matter) economy
>is funcamentally based on smoke and mirrors.

In a way.

A US dollar is a promise that the US will give you something for that dollar. What the 'something' is keeps changing. Since exchange rates vary but usually not very rapidly, you can have some assurance that if someone gives you a dollar for a product you can turn around and give it back to someone in the US for another product of similar value. It's an abstraction that allows you to exchange goods and services more easily. Of course, the real wealth is in those goods and services; money is just a way to exchange them so you don't have to herd 75 cattle to the car dealership to buy a car.

What I really don't understand is what that "something" is that the government is supposedly willing to give me in exchange for the dollar. As far as I can tell, there is no consistent thing backing that promise.

In past years, that something was silver or gold. Neither is the case today and, as far as I can tell, nothing has replaced either of those things.

I still consider it quite ironic that the US government is prosecuting former Enron executives--not that I think the former Enron execs being prosecuted are fine human beings (I don't)--but because it seems to me that the US government is committing a FAR larger financial fraud.


YOU are the US Government.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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YOU are the US Government.

My first reaction was, "THAT is one hell of a scary thought!!!" Then it occurred to me that what is really scary is that I feel so disconnected from this government that I am quite sure that they don't represent me at all.

I'm quite sure that I'm one of many who feel that way.

I voted for Bush and I will take the hit on that. Rather than not vote, I voted for the candidate that repulsed me the LEAST. I still like to think that I made the better decision on that, but I'm tired of being fed really bad choices.

Where the hell do they find these people? They don't live in the America I see every day. Not at all.


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Would you vote for Hilary in 2008? Do you think she would make a good President? Share your thoughts.

Depends on who she (theoretically) runs against. Luckily GWB can't run again, as that would win Hillary an automatic vote from me. Against McCain, there's no way I'd vote for her.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I voted for Bush and I will take the hit on that. Rather than not vote, I voted for the candidate that repulsed me the LEAST. I still like to think that I made the better decision on that, but I'm tired of being fed really bad choices.

Badnarik ran. He got my vote.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Kallend, can you find figures of how much was actually borrowed vs how much was cut in taxes? I'd just like to see that, not calling you a liar. Either way, I still stand by the fact that I sure as hell do not plan on paying ungodly amounts of taxes, thus I wouldn't vote for her. If I actually got more back from paying more taxes, then maybe I'd consider it, but considering the Democrats tend to spend increased taxes on social programs...well screw that. Screw welfare and the dying SS program, they don't need more wasted on them. I don't feel I would personally see any benefits from paying more taxes to Hilary, thus I'm not going to do it...i.e. not vote for her.

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I'd like to see it be supremely easy to get birth control

Isn't it pretty easy to get birth control nowadays? All you have to do is go to a doc and get a prescription. Maybe I am just missing something, but it doesn't seem like it could get much easier than that.

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>Isn't it pretty easy to get birth control nowadays?

In general, yes. There are various movements afoot to restrict access to it. from pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions to politicians who try to legislate against its availability. Fortunately they haven't gotten much traction yet.

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1) I don't think she's electable. She may, in fact, get the nomination, but there is no way in hell she can actually win the election.

She doesn't have to win. all she has to do is pay the same people Bush did to mess with the poll numbers. Then she's in. :P

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>What's their reasoning for legislating against it?

It curries favor with the pro-life crowd, who are in general also against sex ed and easy availability of birth control. Some pro-lifers believe that certain birth control methods (IUD's, oral contraceptives) are in fact forms of abortion, or allow easy sex with no consequences. One advocate (Karen Brauer) even believes that allowing such methods of birth control will lead to doctor-mandated late term abortions or infanticide, and thus action must be taken now to prevent us from starting down that path.

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allow easy sex with no consequences

Seems to me it would be better to have this. That way there are less cases of people having unplanned pregnancies, and thus there will be less abortions. Doesn't that make sense, especially for pro-life people? I think of myself as relatively pro-life...maybe on the fence a bit, and I strongly believe that birth control is fine, and a good practice.

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>That way there are less cases of people having unplanned
>pregnancies, and thus there will be less abortions.

Oh, I agree, but some don't see it that way.

1. Some religions are against most forms of birth control; they typically also tend to be in the right-to-life camp.

2. Some feel that some forms of birth control actually are abortions. An IUD, for example, causes a non-implantation of a fertilized egg. And if a pro-lifer believes that life begins at fertilization - well, that's murder or killing or something equally evil. Also, some believe birth control pills cause what is essentially a spontaneous abortion. There was a long argument about that here a while back.

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I believe that as long as the brain is not active, the fetus is just a formation of cells. once the brain becomes active and the heart starts beating, the fetus is alive. I forgot the exact amount of months that usually takes but in most cases, a couple would have plenty of time to decide.

Something that really grinds my gears is that Hillary is against stem cell research. I can see when she gets older and has some illness and realizes that whatever she has couldve been cured with the research she didnt support. Its bound to happen.

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