
Teen is accused of raping neighbor's dog AND

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A Campobello teen is accused of raping one neighbor's dog and another neighbor's two little girls. Now the dog has died and charges against the teen have been upgraded.

After receiving word that the dog died possibly because of the rape. Fox Carolina called the Solicitor's office to see if now new charges would be filed against the teen. An hour later Solicitor Trey Gowdy called to say that the charges will be upgraded to the "most serious animal cruelty charges they have on the books."

The dog's owner Sylvia Jones says, "At first when it happened, I couldn't eat or sleep every morning I'm waking up thinking Princess is there but she's not.

Princess's little dog house is empty now. Sylvia Jones says she died of internal bleeding this past Sunday because of the rape. "The vet told me she had a little blood in her urine and that she was bleeding inside."

Sylvia says she and her husband would not have believed Cory Williamson raped Princess exactly two weeks to the day she died had they not seen it with their own eyes.

"When I got here we were laying on the deck looking at him and he had his pants down and he was doing sexual activity with the dog like a man would do to a woman."

The Jones family says Princess wouldn't eat or play anymore after the attack. "She (Princess) couldn't even sit down, her bottom was swollen sore."

Sylvia says she knows Princess was just a dog, but she wants people to know that Princess was also a part of her family. A family that now has been forever changed. "She looked so pitiful. It's sad, there was nothing I could do for her."

Neighbors worry that if Williamson is accused of raping a dog and molesting two girls in the same neighborhood, who knows what might happen next.

Neighbor Bill Johnson says, "As a community we shouldn't have to watch our kids every second they're playing. We want him out of this neighborhood."

The Solicitor's office says it wants to make sure Williamson is out of this neighborhood while he's awaiting trial on the molestation and dog rape charges so they are requesting that his bond be revoked. Williamson's bond hearing will be held next Friday.


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Is there an animal cruelty charge that is a felony? I've seen too many animal cruelty people get off with just a misdemeanor. >:(

How were they able to use his name (and picture) if he is only 17? Just curious.

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A Campobello teen is accused of raping one neighbor's dog and another neighbor's two little girls. Now the dog has died and charges against the teen have been upgraded.

WTF is wrong with the REPORTER of this story?

Hello! He raped " . . . another neighbor's two little girls." and all this asshat report cares about is the DOG?!?

Geebus! WGASA about the -dog- compared to the two little girls?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Well, he's only accused of assaulting the girls, and they're underage, so maybe they don't have anywhere else to go with that, or maybe the parents aren't talking yet...

The dog's owners witnessed the act and there's no regulation of age, plus they were willing to talk to the reporter.

I'm just guessing that there's a good reason they couldn't pursue the other angle, since it would seem obvious to do so...

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Paul, see my comment above. Unfortunately, raping two little girls just doesn't seem as bad as raping a dog. I mean, that's animal cruelty right there. How can you do that to a poor little defenseless dog?

Haven't you or anyone else realized that raping a dog, maybe to the point of killing it, is worse than raping little girls? Sure, the guy should do a few days and maybe register as a sex offender for what he did to the girls, but killing a dog? Send him away for a very long time. That's just sick.

Paul, could you pass me the Tylenol for stating so eloquently what I had merely alluded to...

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I simply can't (don't want to) believe there isn't an explanation for the dog-angle.

Was this the only article covering this case? Was it a possible update on one aspect of the case with the rest of the story covered elsewhere?

If not, is this a real article?

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Paul, could you pass me the Tylenol for stating so eloquently what I had merely alluded to...

I suspect that my post only came after yours because I had to -compose- myself after seeing the article.

I absolutely go nuts when I see something as poorly reported as that.

You, being a lawyer type, are fully trained and licensed to not react violently when you see the ridiculous. I'm also guessing a lawyer would not be a person with which to play poker.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm also guessing a lawyer would not be a person with which to play poker.

You'd be surprised at how many lawyers don't know composure. Plenty of attorneys wear it on their sleeves. Most, in fact.

Some, on the other hand, are so damned icy it's scary. But this is very few.

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Just have to say that I, like several others in this thread, am DISGUSTED by the way that the dog seems to be more important than a 3yo and a 13 yo girls!! I might not have all the facts, but the way the story is written, seems to dismiss the importance of the real story.
Don't misunderstand, cruelty to animals shows a level of depravity... but a 3yo girl....

I think whoever the author of the article, and the editor of the paper, are idiots.

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A Campobello teen is accused of raping one neighbor's dog and another neighbor's two little girls. Now the dog has died and charges against the teen have been upgraded.

WTF is wrong with the REPORTER of this story?

Hello! He raped " . . . another neighbor's two little girls." and all this asshat report cares about is the DOG?!?

Geebus! WGASA about the -dog- compared to the two little girls?

"Man rapes dog" is just more newsworthy than "man rapes girls". I don't think it has anything AT ALL to do with the seriousness of the offense, just the extreme deviancy of the inter-species congress.

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The perp is a serious nut case and needs to do some hard time in prison with everyone knowing he goes after kids.

BTW I'm a little confused about the incident quoted in the paper is rape and molesting considered the same thing?

Either way a real sick dude. Surprised the dog didn't bite the hell out of him.


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I didnt mean to trivialize the acts this kid did with the two minors. You cant compare bestality with child moletation, but IMHO isn't it better to protect the identity of the minors and family rather than feed the curiosity of the media and public. As to releasing his photo and name, well isn't that public record. Also if putting more emphasis on his rape of the dog gets more exposure to this story so be it. Do you think we would be talking about it if it just involved the two girls.

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Surprised the dog didn't bite the hell out of him.

The dog's name was Princess. It was probably a little fluffy white doggy about the size of a kitty with hair so long you can't see it's legs when it walks, and it has a tiny little high pitch pathetic woof. I can't picture it being too fierce.

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Do you think we would be talking about it if it just involved the two girls.

No, I don't, and that's a shame. Kallend has it right - the bestiality aspect makes it more newsworthy. But the tone of the article and it's, "Oh, yeah, besides boning a dog, he raped a couple of little girls" is saddening.

Was it disgusting and cruel what the guy did to the dog? Yes. But I think it in no way can compare to the gravity of the what allegedly happened to the little girls, and like it or not, the article downplays that.

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Is there an animal cruelty charge that is a felony? I've seen too many animal cruelty people get off with just a misdemeanor. >:(

How were they able to use his name (and picture) if he is only 17? Just curious.


The only felony charge I am aware of in regards to aminals is theft of a dog, but I don't really get into the animal laws much. Around these parts they have an agency run by the county that handles animal laws the police just turn over the cases to them. I am sure there are some.
A little over a year ago we arrested a man who, to teach is son a lession about getting good grades, douced the familey dog with gasoline and set it on fire, fucker was charged with a misdemeanor.
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The dog's name was Princess. It was probably a little fluffy white doggy about the size of a kitty with hair so long you can't see it's legs when it walks, and it has a tiny little high pitch pathetic woof. I can't picture it being too fierce.

Picture of the dog here. Looks like it could kick my ass.

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Was it disgusting and cruel what the guy did to the dog? Yes. But I think it in no way can compare to the gravity of the what allegedly happened to the little girls, and like it or not, the article downplays that.

Even calling what he did to the dog "rape" trivializes rape and diminishes the gravity of child molestation. Is there any definition of rape that includes dogs?

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In the state of South Carolina - animal cruelty can be a felony:

South Carolina

S.C. CODE ANN. §§ 47-1-10 et seq. -- last amended 2000

Definition of Animal: All living vertebrate creatures except homo sapiens.

Statute Summary: A person commits the crime of cruelty to animals if the person:

Knowingly or intentionally overloads, overdrives, overworks, ill-treats any animal, deprives any animal of necessary sustenance or shelter, inflicts unnecessary pain or suffering upon any animal, or causes these things to be done; tortures, torments, needlessly mutilates, cruelly kills, or inflicts excessive or repeated unnecessary pain or suffering upon any animal or causes the acts to be done.

Cruelty to and ill treatment of animals (fines and imprisonment increase for subsequent offenses).
$100 to $500 fine.
Imprisonment up to 60 days.
Tortures, torments, cruelly kills an animal.
Fine up to $5000.
180 days to 5 years imprisonment.
Abandonment of animals.
$200 to $500 fine.
Imprisonment up to 30 days.
Forfeiture of Animal/Seizure: Seizure

Other Sentencing Provisions: Cost of care.

Exemptions: Farming, training of animals, veterinary care, forestry, and silvacultural practices, hunting.

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