
Conspiracy to kill the black man

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I think one reason it's OK is that there WAS a vast conspiracy to enslave, torture, kill etc black people in the US.

My parents didn't, I don't.


But keep in mind that there are people living today who were not allowed to marry or go to school because of their skin color - and that matters

Who prevents them? There are schools I can't go to...Some just because I am white.


But don't feel like you're left out of all this. By all means, if you're irish and you think the irish have been discriminated against, form an Oppressed Irish Advocacy Group or whatever. I doubt very much if anyone will stop you.

What if my group is "White Americans" and my goal is to rid AA from the government...Think that would fly?

Not likely. I'd get sued, or killed.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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The notion of ignoring my family history, education, ect is interesting and not something I'd considered When I meet someone, if I'm interested in getting to know them I'll ask about their family, where they were born and raised ect. I don't know if that's a me thing, a Black thing, or a certain type of peple thing but that's normal to me. That difference explains why we don't see eye to eye. Interesting.

Oh, I ask and listen. But I don't JUDGE based on the answers. How many times have you see someone with all the things a person would need to do really fuck it all away? I'll throw Paris Hilton into that group. She could of had anything she wanted. Instead she is a twit. I know folks that had nothing and managed to make something of themselves.

I don't care where you are from, I care about who you are, and where you are going.


Again, what would the National Association for the Advancement of White People's agenda be? How would it differ from the gov't that's in place now?

Does it matter? The group would never be allowed. Just like "White TV" could be NASCAR and hunting shows...The fact that it would be called "White" would make it so they were sued even before they could air...

But we can have "BET" and "Gay TV"

How about this:

Orbitz -- a joint effort by American, Continental, Delta, Northwest and United -- created a dedicated gay travelers section a year ago that is now big business

If someone tried to have a "straight only section" they would be called homophobes.

I am not saying that there are not some stupid folks that are not racist....What I am saying is that they are of all colors and types.

The difference is that some are government sponsored.

There's an African proverb that bascially says "If you don't know where you've come from you won't know where you're going." I understand what and how you view people we simply do it different ways. Let's not beat a dead horse.

Yes, it matters. If there's no need for it, as defined by the people it would represent, then it's a moot point.

If someone tried to have a straight only section... who cares? Soome would complain the same way there were complaints when the gay section was established. Let them complain. Who's it hurting?

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What a nice sincere apology

See a guy says he was wrong and you act the way you do....I'd like to hear what you say, but your actions speak so loud I can't here you.


There go those wonderful mind reading powers again. You know my attitude, thats so cool.

More comedy please

And still you act like a three year old.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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What a nice sincere apology

See a guy says he was wrong and you act the way you do....I'd like to hear what you say, but your actions speak so loud I can't here you.


There go those wonderful mind reading powers again. You know my attitude, thats so cool.

More comedy please

And still you act like a three year old.


I would give it up... This guy is what he is. He won't change, and he will only make his situation worse. Screw these people.... The sad thing for him is he doesn't even realize how he is acting, and how that is detrimental to his argument and his life.

His loss, not ours.
Society has a way of handling these types of people :-)


Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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First off, yes I screwed that up. It's backward.

Fair enough....5 out of 4 people are dyslexic;)


Secondly, yes I did see "White Chicks." "Soul Plane" made fun of Black people and there were actually heated debates about the film. One side said "Oh, they're just jokes" and the other side, myself included felt there should be better representation of Black people on the screen. A large portion of Black people boycotted the film and the personalities in the film.

Remember the scene in "Spaceballs" where they're ordered to "comb the desert" and they give the Black people picks? Hella funny. When asked if they've found anything they respond "Man, we ain't found shit!" Hella funny. Airplane... The mom from "Leave It to Beaver" goes back and forth with the two sick Black passengers speaking "jive." Hella funny. White people do make fun of Black people. Different people/races/ethnicites are more and less sensitive about certain things.


One difference is Spaceballs was made in 1987, Airplane in 1980. White Chicks and Soul Plane were both made in 2004. Can you name one film made by white directors staring white actors that makes fun of blacks in the last 5 years?

While I thought SpaceBalls, Airplane and Even Blazing Saddles were great, they could not be made today. I would not care. Its good humor. But why is it OK for Blacks to make fun of whites, but whites making fun of blacks is taboo and will get you sued?

Lady Killers directed by Joel Coen starring Tom Hanks.
Bulworth directed by and starring Watten Beatty.
Malibu's Most Wanted directed by John Whitesell starring Jamie Kennedy.

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>My parents didn't, I don't.

Agreed. It was the US all the same - and I assume you feel some sort of allegiance towards the US. If you feel entitled to post "we saved your ass in WWII!" then you clearly feel like there's some connection between yourself and what the US has done in the past.

>Who prevents them?

The US state and local governments prevented them.

>What if my group is "White Americans" and my goal is to rid AA from
>the government...Think that would fly?

Sure. If white supremacists can still exist in this day and age, a less-extreme white rights group should have no problem at all. You will get some grief, of course. One of the benefits of freedom is being able to say what you want, but one of the drawbacks is having to listen to everyone _else_ saying what they want.

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What about the shit storm that would happen if I had White TV?

Would that be fair?


Yes, there is a possibility that there aren't as many qualified Black coaches, although I don't agree. But, let's interview and find out.

Great interview...But does it not seem strange that you want to FORCE people to interview? What if they don't get the job? Is the next step to call the owner a racist?

As i said earlier, what's strange is that people need to be forced but apparently they do. If they don't get the job they don't get the job. The next step is to keep interviewing.

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I ask and i recieve


You attitute towards Funks shows what you are:

Why don't you try doing an informal poll with your "black friends" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'll go slow here. What I say to one person does not include everyone in that group. no matter how much you would like it to be so.


What he can't have black friends?

I didn't say he couldn't if I did please show me where i did


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I'm really confused since you and Funks seem to be mind readers why do you seem to be having these problems. Surely your amazing powers to see deep into other peoples minds can solve this problem.

You are getting very close to a Personal attack...I have been banned for calling someone a mindreader.

You can't debate anything, instead you choose to riddicule.

You are your own races biggest problem.

Your the one who claims to know my mind, so you either got this information by me telling you which I didn't or you can read minds, if theres a third option please do tell

So I'm my own races biggest problem huh? Where exactly did you get this scientifically derived information? Please do provide links and/or proof of this soon to proved baseless accusation. Oh and you really have hurt my feelings with that comment you know how much your opinion means to me.


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I think one reason it's OK is that there WAS a vast conspiracy to enslave, torture, kill etc black people in the US.

My parents didn't, I don't.


But keep in mind that there are people living today who were not allowed to marry or go to school because of their skin color - and that matters

Who prevents them? There are schools I can't go to...Some just because I am white.


But don't feel like you're left out of all this. By all means, if you're irish and you think the irish have been discriminated against, form an Oppressed Irish Advocacy Group or whatever. I doubt very much if anyone will stop you.

What if my group is "White Americans" and my goal is to rid AA from the government...Think that would fly?

Not likely. I'd get sued, or killed.

What school can't you attend because you're White?

There is actually a concerted effort to remove AA from government as well as public schools. It is flying as it's already started to happen in California.

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What a nice sincere apology

See a guy says he was wrong and you act the way you do....I'd like to hear what you say, but your actions speak so loud I can't here you.

Hmmmmm lets see


Sorry my mistake...Different thread, different poster, same topic and attitude.

Yep that attitude modifier really makes it seem like it's sincere. I just call em as I see em

***In Reply To
There go those wonderful mind reading powers again. You know my attitude, thats so cool.

More comedy please

And still you act like a three year old.

No way ......three year olds can't write....gimme 8 at least

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Lady Killers directed by Joel Coen starring Tom Hanks.
Bulworth directed by and starring Watten Beatty.
Malibu's Most Wanted directed by John Whitesell starring Jamie Kennedy.

Lady Killers is a remake. http://www.movie-gazette.com/cinereviews/775
Bulworth...was an attack on politics? There might have been racial slams, but not like the movie "Soul Plane"
MMW. Was about a WHITE Kid trying to be black....And it was quite stupid.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Ahhh another prospective member of my entertainment crew



I would give it up... This guy is what he is. He won't change, and he will only make his situation worse. Screw these people.... The sad thing for him is he doesn't even realize how he is acting, and how that is detrimental to his argument and his life.

His loss, not ours.
Society has a way of handling these types of people :-)

Screw what people. Are you taking what I say and applying it to a group of people? How very convenient for you.

I didn't realize i was in an argument I thought it was a bunch of venting and tail chasing. Definitly not my loss most definitly my gain.

Please do tell how society will handle oh wait.......please tell me what type of person I am then you can tell me how society will deal with my uppity impertinant ass

Your comedy is kind of weak but there may be hope for you

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*** I can't even begin to take anything funks has to say about this seriously,

Please explain to me why you cant take anything i say seriously? Are you not willing to listen to someone elses OPINION and have a constructive discussion about that opinion?

I could understand if my thread subject said "why does snowflake think its a conspiracy" but it doesnt.

Snowflake, above everything else, do you understand the primary point i am trying to get across or are you completely oblivious to what we are saying?

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I'll go slow here

No need I read fast.


What I say to one person does not include everyone in that group. no matter how much you would like it to be so.

Like how the blacks in the article that started this thread think whites are out to get them?


Your the one who claims to know my mind

Lets play your game...Show me where I said that I can read your mind? You are the only one saying that.


So I'm my own races biggest problem huh?

Your attitude is.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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>Who prevents them?

The US state and local governments prevented them.

I asked who PREVENTS them, not who DID PREVENT them...Who is keeping them from getting married now?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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>Who is keeping them from getting married now?

Now? Nothing - as long as both of them are heterosexual. We fixed the racial-discrimination thing, and I am sure we will fix the gender-discrimination thing as well.

Hopefully not. Gays were never meant to be included in the whole marriage idea.

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Hopefully not. Gays were never meant to be included in the whole marriage idea.

But then, of course the whole marriage idea has changed so dramatically so many times through history and across cultures....so maybe there's more than 1 idea of marriage. Hmmmm.....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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>Who is keeping them from getting married now?

Now? Nothing - as long as both of them are heterosexual. We fixed the racial-discrimination thing, and I am sure we will fix the gender-discrimination thing as well.

Hopefully not. Gays were never meant to be included in the whole marriage idea.

HEY!!!! No hijacking allowed. The purpose of this thread was to specifically piss off snowflake..ummm errr I mean to discuss racial equality in todays day and age:P

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Buuut it's no fun if I can't hijack a thread now and then:D

By the way I don't think there will ever be racial equality in humanity as long as humans are still humans. The psychology of it is extremely unlikely to change. You would need to get rid of jealousy and insecuritys first before any real progress would be made. AA and all similar bullshit is just that bullshit.

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...and here I thought it was to answer your very genuine question about why blacks always think everything's a conspiracy against them.....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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