
A sign of the times

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By today's standards of morality:

A prime time movie showing a crazed militant foreigner killing 80 people with circular saw blades, mines, automatic weapons and explosives - fine for prime time TV.

A commercial by the Swift Vets claiming that Kerry is lying about everything - approved.

Commercials by Kerry calling Bush a liar - fine.

A commercial from Bush implying that arabs are the problem, and that Kerry won't fight them, in a commercial paid for partly by public money - no problem.

But a commercial on TV fully funded by private money, in which a church says that all are welcome within its doors - too controversial. Apparently, had they said that most were welcome but that gays are going to hell, they would have not had any problems getting it put on.

What kind of a world are we leaving to our children? Is hatred the newest foundation of american morality?

United Church of Christ
Barb Powell, press contact
For immediate release
Nov. 30, 2004

CLEVELAND -- The CBS and NBC television networks are refusing to run a
30-second television ad from the United Church of Christ because its
all-inclusive welcome has been deemed "too controversial."

The ad, part of the denomination's new, broad identity campaign set to
begin airing nationwide on Dec. 1, states that -- like Jesus -- the United
Church of Christ (UCC) seeks to welcome all people, regardless of ability,
age, race, economic circumstance or sexual orientation.

According to a written explanation from CBS, the United Church of Christ is
being denied network access because its ad implies acceptance of gay and
lesbian couples -- among other minority constituencies -- and is,
therefore, too "controversial."

"Because this commercial touches on the exclusion of gay couples and other
minority groups by other individuals and organizations," reads an
explanation from CBS, "and the fact the Executive Branch has recently
proposed a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as a union between a
man and a woman, this spot is unacceptable for broadcast on the [CBS and
UPN] networks."

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I am usually called a liberal. How is it my fault?

Don't you fly model airplanes.

enough said
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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Is hatred the newest foundation of american morality?

Oh please. If it is, then that's just us getting in step with the rest of the world. :S

You seem to be treating this as though it's the government stepping in and censoring the airwaves.

But in reality, it's a network or two, which clearly have commercial interests to protect. They clearly do market research -- everyone knows that -- and they try to do their best to keep from pissing off people who they feel are the large chunk of their cash pot. They are not to be faulted for saying to themselves, "Gee, if we do X, the people who object to X, who are a major chunk, probably the hugest chunk, of our market are gonna hit us in the bottom line, so we'd better not do X."

They are private entities. This is their prerogative. If NOT running this is something that offends people, then THOSE people can withhold their dollars. That's how this works. Freedom of choice is a real bitch, isn't it, Bill?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I blame it on the liberals

I am usually called a liberal. How is it my fault?

(In fact "liberal" is usually used as an insult around here).

That's 'cause everyone realizes there's nothing respectable about holding liberal views! :P

That's almost like saying, "In fact, 'pedophile' is usually used as an insult around here.' " :D

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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i guess CBS and NBC are well aware the majority of their viewers are the fundamentalists who are to stupid to realize the only real programming on television anymore is on cable...and if they alienate their last market they go down in flames..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I blame it on the liberals

I blame it on religious oppression from the conservative zealots currently in power (not just in the gov't) that refuse to allow true religious freedom. At this pace there won't be another civil war but a schism. Anyone care to post a thesis of 99 items on the gates of the White House?
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I remember many years ago when I first heard, "If Jesus were alive he wouldn't be a Christian...." I think it might be true.

What's sad to me, though, is that the networks (where I have to pay attention to make sure my child doesn't watch things that will warp him *too* badly) don't want anything so controversial as a church welcoming all people into its congregation? That's difficult for me to fathom.

Sign of the times..... what bothers me most is that people seem more concerned with supporting some political aganda or another than with really paying attention to events. When these trends are brought to our attention (those of us who don't always pay attention), then people automatically become defensive of our political positions and try to defend them without ever really thinking about the implications. We have become cattle.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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I am usually called a liberal. How is it my fault?

Don't you fly model airplanes.

enough said

Oh, yes, sure. Mea Culpa.

(Good job you didn't know about my rockets)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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In other news, the House UnAtheistic Activities Committee (HUAC) has subpoenaed another 12 school district superintendents, intent on uncovering Christians in the educational system structure.

Said Joan McCarthy, "The doctrine of "separation between church and state' is an ancient doctrine exemplified by almost dead white men (ADWM). While the Constitution used to protect religious freedoms, the understanding of it was modified to prohibit religious freedoms in any relation to a government activity. This was fine in the 80's and 90's, but undr today's structure, this is unacceptable, and the natural progression is to not only eliminate any religion from governmental activities, but to eliminate all religious persons from government positions."

These hearings were spurned by a challenge by the United Church of Christ to FCC regulations, which were interpreted by major networks to prohibit church advertisements.

Said McCarthy, "The regulations did not actually say that, to which we thought, 'Why not?' So we passed a statute prohibiting religious advertisement on public airways, except from Scientologists." Unnamed sources indicated that Scientologists opposed such actions, and threatened to withdraw campaign stumps for progressive candidates.

Said McCarthy, "Well, I AM a living example of Dianetics..."

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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What kind of a world are we leaving to our children? Is hatred the newest foundation of american morality?

Thats a good question.

The problem is by whos terms do we define what is "moral"?

I know people who think that it is "moral" to true to themselves and be gay, I know others that think it is not. So who is "moral" and who is not?

I know folks that think stealing is "moral" in some cases, and I know others that it is never "moral".

I know folks that think killing is never "moral". But I also know folks that think killing for a good cause is "moral".

As for this ad....Well I have seen it on TV and it does not bother me in the least...In fact I think it is quite good, and pretty effective. They have decided to attract a segment of the population that feels can't go to church.

Now if Jesus(TM) would accept these folks...I can't say, nor would I care to, I am not religious. However, if you believe in God(TM) then you must also believe that he will deal with those that he does not agree with in his way, in his time.

So the questions of is homosexuality ok, is murder justified, or can stealing be OK in the eyes of God....Are for God(TM) to decide, not me.

So this ad is no bother to me. It is not overt and it is I think well written and from a marketing aspect a good idea and a good delivery.

However, I also respect the right of a company to decide how it wants to do business. So if these stations do not want to run that ad...In my opinion they have that right.

If I had a station and I made the descision that NO religious ads were to be run...That is my right. Also if I decide that I will only run religious ads...That is also my right.

So while I see nothing "bad" in that ad....I also understand and respect the companies right to not run it.

It is called a free market. The company now has to live with its choice.

If you like the fact they are not running that ad, support them by watching their programs. If them not running that ad upsets you, boycott the station.

And God, Budda, Allah, Huhamed, the IS...ect will deal with the people (or not) when they see fit.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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That's 'cause everyone realizes there's nothing respectable about holding liberal views!

I think about 10% of people around here actually know what liberalism is.
Life is ez
On the dz
Every jumper's dream
3 rigs and an airstream

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