
Clinton spins Monica in the library

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>How does a capability weaken when it doesn't exist?

Anyone who can buy the ingredients from the US (which Saddam could) can make Sarin. We stopped selling them to him, so his capability to do that weakened.

If you don't have any bullets or guns, your ability to go on a shooting spree is pretty minimal. If you can't even buy them, it's even lower.

>Awfully big risk to take with everyone's safety.

We attacked Iraq and now we are less safe. That means he screwed up; he caused the deaths of thousands, and as a result, terrorism has increased.

>the Prez has the responsibility to make sure we do everything possible
>to protect ourselves.

That's exactly right. And if JFK had been as foolish as GWB has been, we wouldn't be here writing this - we'd all be living in a post world war III period trying to rebuild our cities. "Protecting ourselves" does not mean killing as many people as possible. Sometimes it means making your home secure so people who want to hurt you have a very hard time doing so.

And he's not doing that. Per a report today, we are getting rid of TSA agents in airports and going back to rent-a-cops.

>I'm willing to bet you'd be the first to crucify W if we were attacked again
> and it could have been prevented.

If it was caused by a terrorist group that we created in Iraq, using explosives we failed to secure? And if they got into the country because he weakened our airport and border security? You bet I would blame him. He wasted all that time and money in Iraq instead of making the US safer.

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How does a capability weaken when it doesn't exist?

No one ever said he doesn't have the capability. I have the capability to produce a bomb our of fertilizer. That doesn't mean I am. And if the police were stopping by my house daily, my capability would be weakened.

No, maybe your opportunity would be weakened. Your capability wouldn't change. And if you had the ability to tell the police you can't look where I keep the stuff your opportunity goes up.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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If it was caused by a terrorist group that we created in Iraq, using explosives we failed to secure? And if they got into the country because he weakened our airport and border security? You bet I would blame him. He wasted all that time and money in Iraq instead of making the US safer.

I see...you're one of those "it's our fault" types. You can only look backwards and say "what a mistake". Not everyone who makes crucial decisions has that luxury. I don't agree with everything W does. Do you agree with any of it? I personally believe we have begun a process that has the promise of a bright new tomorrow. I could be wrong...so could you. I guess we'll see. I'm optimistic...your pessimistic.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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> I see...you're one of those "it's our fault" types.

Yes, the war is our fault. Pretending it isn't is crazy.

>You can only look backwards and say "what a mistake."

One of the reasons I'm a reasonably good engineer is that I can try something and say "you know, that was a mistake - we have to do it a different way." After a few tries, you get something that works pretty well.

>Do you agree with any of it?

You mean any of his decisions?

War in Afghanistan - a good idea, just lacking in followthrough.
Creating the TSA - good idea
Upping funding for border security - good idea
Listening to military leaders instead of Rumsfeld - a good idea once he did it
Going to the UN first - good idea until he bailed
Appointing Powell - good idea
New diesel emissions rules - good rules

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if JFK had been as foolish as GWB has been

Castro would be in an American Prison and not still in power.


We attacked Iraq and now we are less safe. That means he screwed up; he caused the deaths of thousands, and as a result, terrorism has increased.

So Bill, are you saying that they died for a mistake?
As far as I know there has not been another attack on American soil since the antrax mess.


If it was caused by a terrorist group that we created in Iraq, using explosives we failed to secure? And if they got into the country because he weakened our airport and border security? You bet I would blame him. He wasted all that time and money in Iraq instead of making the US safer.

Make up your mind! Is he too hawkish or too weak.
Funny how GWB's opponents always chose the opposite side, regardless.


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Castro would be in an American Prison and not still in power

After many American and Cuban deaths so that we could be safe from the current threat that Castro poses. What was that again?


So Bill, are you saying that they died for a mistake?

Why else did all the innocent civilians die? Because that was planned?


As far as I know there has not been another attack on American soil since the antrax mess.

That's because I still bang those pots and pans together every night.


Make up your mind! Is he too hawkish or too weak.

Weak on defense...hawk on offense. Not too complex.


Funny how GWB's opponents always chose the opposite side, regardless.

Funny how GWB's supporters always agree with him, regardless.

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>Castro would be in an American Prison and not still in power.

Compare the damage that Castro has done to the US to what an all out thermonuclear war would do. Having Castro in a cell would be nice, but it's not worth losing NY, LA, DC, Atlanta, Chicago and Boston. Compared to that, things worked out pretty well.

>As far as I know there has not been another attack on American soil
>since the anthrax mess.

Al Qaeda averages an attack against the US every 8-15 years. If they pick up the pace a bit, we'll see the next one in 2007.

>Make up your mind! Is he too hawkish or too weak.

Neither, just not smart enough to know when to be which.

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Who cares about that, Bill? Clinton lied about SEX!!! That makes Jesus cry.



1. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
2. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.

To Lie

1. To present false information with the intention of deceiving.
2. To convey a false image or impression: Appearances often lie.



1. Law. The deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath.
2. The breach of an oath or promise.

To Purjure

To make (oneself) guilty of perjury by deliberately testifying falsely under oath.

Can we all see the difference?
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition. See Synonyms at effect.
The relation of a result to its cause.
A logical conclusion or inference.
Importance in rank or position: scientists of consequence.
Significance; importance: an issue of consequence. See Synonyms at importance.

That is the difference.

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Let's see.

Clinton lied under oath. (see perjury)

When people do that they get indicted.

When you're president, and indictment is called being impeached.

That seems to me like "something that logically or naturally follows from an action" he committed.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I didn't know anyone in Arkansas could read.:P

On the bright side, this is probably the only new large building to be built in Little Rock in 25 years. What a dump that city is.

You gotta admit that building does look like a trailer. :D

I was checking it out on the news shows, thinking "Wow, that doesn't look like a porn shop at all!"
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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When I read the title of this thread, my first thoughts were "Prop Job"....hehehe :D



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I was referring to the consequences to the nation and world...not his peronsal consequences.

Yeah, too bad for the world that Clinton decided to start a war to avoid dealing with personal controversy in office. :P
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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>The Lie of the Century: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

That was last century. This century we have "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." Good to see we're carrying on one of our finest traditions.

The big difference is that Clinton knew he was lying, and told that lie to escape a trial for sexual harassment. Bush knew only that he didn't have the proof to support his propoganda, but had a lot of circumstantial evidence (history, Iraqi resistance against inspections) to support it.

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Al Qaeda averages an attack against the US every 8-15 years. If they pick up the pace a bit, we'll see the next one in 2007.

Perhaps what you meant to say was "on US soil." You're too smart not to understand that the USS Cole, the Embassies, and several other attacks occurred against the US during the interim between '93 and '01.

On another note, while it's a beautiful building, it really does resemble a trailer in the trees.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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>Perhaps what you meant to say was "on US soil." You're too smart
> not to understand that the USS Cole, the Embassies, and several
> other attacks occurred against the US during the interim between '93
> and '01.

If you add attacks against US embassies, troops and interests abroad, then we are failing at 'the war on terror.' They have been going up, not down, and MardigrasBob's assesement that things are getting better is backwards. That's why most conservatives are careful to say "attacks against US soil" because there has only been one since 9/11 - and that sounds much better than listing the thousands of terrorist attacks against US troops and contractors.

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[replyIf you add attacks against US embassies, troops and interests abroad, then we are failing at 'the war on terror.' They have been going up, not down, and MardigrasBob's assesement that things are getting better is backwards. That's why most conservatives are careful to say "attacks against US soil" because there has only been one since 9/11 - and that sounds much better than listing the thousands of terrorist attacks against US troops and contractors.

And using that logic we should just throw up our hands and quit? I can see why your engineer's mind can't concieve that things don't go exactly as planned all the time. War is fluid. It changes constantly and must be dealt with accordingly. Some things work, some don't. But I think you're gettting caught up in the media's view of this war and not the reality of war. I beleive the frequency of attacks has escalated because the "cut your head off" crowd knows the only chance they have of victory is to wear us down. And with your help Bill, they'll win. Terrorism depends on people being afraid...you sound scared.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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If you add attacks against US embassies, troops and interests abroad, then we are failing at 'the war on terror.' They have been going up, not down, and MardigrasBob's assesement that things are getting better is backwards. That's why most conservatives are careful to say "attacks against US soil" because there has only been one since 9/11 - and that sounds much better than listing the thousands of terrorist attacks against US troops and contractors.

WE started talking about Al Queda attacks, and of course you changed it to all Attacks to make an unfounded point. How many of the Insurgent attacks on US troops have been by Al queda in Iraq?

How many major attacks on US troops by AQ in the last 3 months?

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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The big difference is that Clinton knew he was lying, and told that lie to escape a trial for sexual harassment. Bush knew only that he didn't have the proof to support his propoganda, but had a lot of circumstantial evidence

...to justify tens of thousands of deaths and 100's of billions of dollars.

What's worse? Someone who lies to protect themselves from a misdemeanor charge that effects no one else except the individuals involved, or someone who makes a guess...on bad information...and the guess is wrong...resulting in tens of thousands dead, hundred of billions wasted, and changing the global political climate to one of animosity toward the US?

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The big difference is that Clinton knew he was lying, and told that lie to escape a trial for sexual harassment. Bush knew only that he didn't have the proof to support his propoganda, but had a lot of circumstantial evidence

...to justify tens of thousands of deaths and 100's of billions of dollars.

What's worse? Someone who lies to protect themselves from a misdemeanor charge that effects no one else except the individuals involved, or someone who makes a guess...on bad information...and the guess is wrong...resulting in tens of thousands dead, hundred of billions wasted, and changing the global political climate to one of animosity toward the US?

Did you watch the Jennings Interview????

THere is only one thing on Clintons mind...... Himself.
The only thing that he cares about is himself.
He only cares about protecting himself.
He only cares about his enjoyment, his success....

Everyone else including family is not important in
that mans eye....

My current president cares about you, me and this country. Whether you like him or care about him is insignificant. He does what he feels is in the best interest of the USA, right or wrong.
Clinton did and continues to do what is in the Best interest of Bill clinton.

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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