
College students are ignorant-they have no business being out and voting

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At least that was what I was told when I tried to go out and vote today.

What amazes me is that here everyone is trying to get college students out to vote...and then once they do go out, they get treated like they have no place being there....

My friends and I went out to our local polling place which happens to be right near all of the major universities in the area. We get out of the car and I'm kind of shocked at just how many young people there are out voting! The younger crowd definitely out numbered the older which was pretty cool...too bad those inside didn't think so.

We get in line just in time to hear one of the women who are providing information turn to another man and say how ridiculous it is that the local colleges are transporting the students there. "College students are just a bunch of misinformed kids who have no place here." she says. She goes on to say that the only reason we are there is because someone told us to be and we probably dont even have an educated reason for picking the cadidate we are voting for today. "The majority of them are very ignorant afterall"

Nice. Its always great to be at a place where you aren't wanted.

This attitude keeps up the entire time we are there. If any student asked a question they were greeted with a rude response which typically didn't even answer the question. Heard most often was that we need to be better informed, yet when anyone else who didn't arrive with the students asks questions they are provided with an answer right away. The one woman keeps muttering about how we shouldnt be there. I think she was happy to see the crowd of students go, until she saw the next buss pull up.

As a citizen of the USA, I have the opportunity to help decide who should lead our country. I try and go out to fulfill this responsibility and am called ignortant for being there in the first place...
I don't mean this to sound like a rant or a wine, I just think its ridiculous that finally, more young people than ever before get out and vote and now instead of people saying we won't go out and let our voices be heard, they are saying go back home because your voices shouldn't be heard.


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Those people are dead wrong.

I was lucky when I was in college; our campus had its own polling place :)
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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At least that was what I was told when I tried to go out and vote today.

What amazes me is that here everyone is trying to get college students out to vote...and then once they do go out, they get treated like they have no place being there....

My friends and I went out to our local polling place which happens to be right near all of the major universities in the area. We get out of the car and I'm kind of shocked at just how many young people there are out voting! The younger crowd definitely out numbered the older which was pretty cool...too bad those inside didn't think so.

We get in line just in time to hear one of the women who are providing information turn to another man and say how ridiculous it is that the local colleges are transporting the students there. "College students are just a bunch of misinformed kids who have no place here." she says. She goes on to say that the only reason we are there is because someone told us to be and we probably dont even have an educated reason for picking the cadidate we are voting for today. "The majority of them are very ignorant afterall"

Nice. Its always great to be at a place where you aren't wanted.

This attitude keeps up the entire time we are there. If any student asked a question they were greeted with a rude response which typically didn't even answer the question. Heard most often was that we need to be better informed, yet when anyone else who didn't arrive with the students asks questions they are provided with an answer right away. The one woman keeps muttering about how we shouldnt be there. I think she was happy to see the crowd of students go, until she saw the next buss pull up.

As a citizen of the USA, I have the opportunity to help decide who should lead our country. I try and go out to fulfill this responsibility and am called ignortant for being there in the first place...
I don't mean this to sound like a rant or a wine, I just think its ridiculous that finally, more young people than ever before get out and vote and now instead of people saying we won't go out and let our voices be heard, they are saying go back home because your voices shouldn't be heard.

Sounds like voter intimidation to me. File a complaint, since you clearly have a whole bunch of witnesses.

I'm a professor and I get the impression that our students are very well informed.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm a professor and I get the impression that our students are very well informed.

Students at my school seems to be pretty well informed too. There have been countless programs this year for students helping them to learn everything about the candidates and what to expect when you get out to vote.

It just makes me so mad that this lady seemed to be doing everything in her power to try and get us out of there...she seemed to be trying to do everything to get us not to vote>:([:/]


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I'm a professor and I get the impression that our students are very well informed.

Would that include the C students B|:P

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Someone made the comment while we were there that students are only getting out to vote this year because mtv, the media, and celebrities are telling them too. Have you found this to be true at all among your students?

I personally think it has a little to do with it, but I really dont think young people are going into it with the "Im going to vote because MTV told me to." I believe young people are better informed now more than ever before and are voting because they want to have a voice...


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Even if young people are educating themselves about the issues and then voting because MTV made them think about it, that's great. It's better than people being driven to the polls because you carefully pick people to drive; it's better than people listening to cars driving by with megaphones -- just because you didn't think about it until someone gave you the idea doesn't lessen it.

I hope the numbers for young voters go way up, no matter how they vote.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I'm a professor and I get the impression that our students are very well informed.

Would that include the C students B|:P

Wendy W.

You don't need differential equations to understand the issues in this election.

The minimum SAT that we admit is 150 points higher than the national average. Our "C" students are still pretty smart.:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I was very surprised to see a lot of kids I knew in high school out at my polling place voting. I don't live near a university, but the younger people definitely seemed to be in the majority. I was so happy about that! If I would have heard that woman, I would have probably gone off on her. I'm happy that young people are getting out there and getting their voices heard! I know mine was!
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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Someone made the comment while we were there that students are only getting out to vote this year because mtv, the media, and celebrities are telling them too. Have you found this to be true at all among your students?


I don't think that's the case here. We are primarily an engineering school, our students don't have time for MTV!


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Around here they don't wait for you to show up before they try to intimidate you.


an effort to limit student voting at Temple and the University of Pennsylvania.

Dorm residents at both schools reported that a doctored version of an Associated Press news article left the impression that out-of-state students voting in Pennsylvania could be forced to repay state grants because of a residency controversy.

The original article had warned that a Pennsylvania student attending a college in Illinois had a problem with a grant, but the falsified version that was distributed in Philadelphia said that "voting may prove costly to Pennsylvania students."

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I was happy to see so many young people out too-I was just really upset with the way they were being treated...I hope its not happeneing everywhere because it is a real turnoff [:/]

We definitely wanted to say something just as rudely back to that lady, but I'm sure that would have given her and some of the others just one more reason to hate that we were there...

Apparently someone did say something and a local news station took note of the situation, because someone just said there have been lots of cameras down there-and I guess the mood down there has improved dramatically!;)

I can't imagine who would have complained:)


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Around here they don't wait for you to show up before they try to intimidate you

that is ridiculous!!

Its great they push young people to vote then when it comes time to, they give them every reason not to! Are people really that afraid of the next generation?


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Problem is there are two different "they"s. The "they"s that push for the young vote are the democrats because younger voters tend to lean that way. The "they"s that try to intimidate college students are Republicans, for the same reason.

Not that the roles aren't reversed for different voting blocks, but that's the way the sides line up when it comes to college students.

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I think you and your friends ought to file complaints with the precinct, I really do. That behavior isn't acceptable at a polling place. I think its great that voter registration and turnout is so high this year, and I think that's a trend that should continue among younger and older citizens alike!

On a side note, its interesting that you posted this because I just saw some news special talking about how the volunteers who work in the polling places are generally older and at some point, if they don't get some new blood there will be a shortage of workers. So think about complaining, but also consider volunteering at the next election so that in another 4 years, other students might not have to deal with the same bs!

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Interestingly, I heard something on the radio this morning that was disturbing.

A 19-year-old college student in Maryland was being interviewed, and he stated he voted for Kerry because he didn't want to be drafted.

If it wasn't such a sad indicator of naivete and downright ignorance of the masses, I think that would have been gut-busting hilarious.


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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Overheard in Chipotle's a month ago - two women talking about the election:

1: Are you gonna vote?

2: I don't know, are you?

1: Oh yeah. Kerry is saying we have to pay for this war, but Bush is going to pay for it himself. So I'm going to vote for him. The war is, like, really expensive.

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If it wasn't such a sad indicator of naivete and downright ignorance of the masses, I think that would have been gut-busting hilarious.

That's naive.

Sure, the current situation doesn't necessitate a draft. But 60% of the reserves have been deployed. A president in office who has a stated policy of pre-emptive strike, and the possibility of other problems in the world that would require our military makes for a very real possibility that a draft would be needed. Electing someone who is willing to work with the world instead of giving ultimatums to the world lessens that chance dramatically.

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All of our poll workers were fairly older...i dont believe there was even one there was was in his or her 20's...

Just flipping through the channels i noticed MTV say that they have surpassed the 20 million mark of voters age 18-29:)


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Overheard in Chipotle's a month ago - two women talking about the election:

1: Are you gonna vote?

2: I don't know, are you?

1: Oh yeah. Kerry is saying we have to pay for this war, but Bush is going to pay for it himself. So I'm going to vote for him. The war is, like, really expensive.


Bill, please don't scare me like that! I don't need to hear stuff like that on a night like this!

Amusingly enough, the song that is playing on my iTunes right now (I have it set to shuffle) is New Order's "State of the Nation" :ph34r:
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Interestingly, I heard something on the radio this morning that was disturbing.

A 19-year-old college student in Maryland was being interviewed, and he stated he voted for Kerry because he didn't want to be drafted.

If it wasn't such a sad indicator of naivete and downright ignorance of the masses, I think that would have been gut-busting hilarious.

Isn't ignorance appalling.

According to the PIPA survey:

"Even after the final report of Charles Duelfer to Congress saying that Iraq did not have a significant WMD program, 72% of Bush supporters continue to believe that Iraq had actual WMD (47%) or a major program for developing them (25%). Fifty-six percent assume that most experts believe Iraq had actual WMD and 57% also assume, incorrectly, that Duelfer concluded Iraq had at least a major WMD program."

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Calm down there tiger.

The Universal Draft (H.R. 163)is actually something that has been before Congress in the last 30 days. It has an interesting, partisan list of sponsors, but seems to have no tie to Bush. My old buddy and one of your (Pennsylvania's) Reps gave one of the two yea votes it received.

Informative article from The Hill here.


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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All of our poll workers were fairly older...i dont believe there was even one there was was in his or her 20's...

Just flipping through the channels i noticed MTV say that they have surpassed the 20 million mark of voters age 18-29:)

same thing in the polling place in PHX i went to... and of the 60ish people in line i'd say none were over 30 (except me)...:o 3 of them i talked to seemed reasonably well informed (hard to judge in a 10 min conversation)... and very cute :)

apparently the "VOTE or DIE" message is getting lots of press, many news polls are reporting that as the comment most heard from younger voters
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Oh, I agree. I've tried to point that out several times that the bills for the draft are non-partisan. It comes from both sides.

BUT, there won't be widespread support for a draft in congress unless our militry is really in desperate need. And I find that need to be much more likely with Bush and his doctrine in office.

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