
Zero Tolerance for Weapons

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In the news:
Joyce Heath said her 8-year-old son returned to school yesterday after a seven-day suspension for carrying a butter knife to school with his lunch.

Nicholas, a third-grader, initially was suspended for 10 days and faced the possibility of being placed in disciplinary classes for a year, Heath said.

Heath said she packed a butter knife in her son's lunch along with a package of peanut butter and jelly on Oct. 1. "I didn't think about it," she said. Heath said Nicholas was not doing anything threatening with the knife.

"They said they have a no-tolerance policy" about knives and weapons, Trabolsi said, "but this is an insane tolerance policy."
Source: Times Dispatch

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Do you really not see a problem with suspending a student for 10 days because his mom put a butter knife in his lunch?

I find is disturbing that people responsible for educating children cannot tell the difference between a sandwich spreader and a weapon.

Can you see the difference?
Can you see why we are upset that children are being treated in such a fashion?
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What about the kids "no tolerance" policy of anyone violating his civil rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The key word in there is liberty. This is plain and simple stupid. Reading things like this make me want to consider home schooling more and more. A couple of psycho kids with neglective parents let their kids take weapons to a school in Colorado and kill their classmates. A true tradegy in anyone's book, but that does not give the right to everyone in America to go mad.

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Do you really not see a problem with suspending a student for 10 days because his mom put a butter knife in his lunch?

I find is disturbing that people responsible for educating children cannot tell the difference between a sandwich spreader and a weapon.

Can you see the difference?
Can you see why we are upset that children are being treated in such a fashion?

How do you feel about not allowing adults to carry fingernail files on airliners?

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How do you feel about not allowing adults to carry fingernail files on airliners?

Every bit as disgusted and angry.

It wasn't that long ago that I did not have to feel like a criminal, even though I regularly traveled with a Spyderco Delica sharpened like a straight razor, in my back pocket. Now to even suggest doing that makes people look at you like you're a psychotic waiting to explode. The ol', "Why on earth do you need a KNIFE" horrified response, as though having and using a knife as a normal human being is an unfathomable concept.

Things are well and truly fucked up.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I did not pass any judgment on that matter.
And yes, I can see the difference and understand you.

If school generally insists on "no weapons" at school, the boy's mother should have known it. A butter knife has round tip and is no weapon, in my eyes. My 4 cm nail-file is no weapon, too. But at airport's checking in, it was confiscated.

It's just irritating.

The story itself is "telling a story" about, how much must be running wrong in a society that is suspending a child of 8 years for mentioned reason. :S

When my son was in that age, in school they used to have breakfasts together. I packed plastic cutlery in his backpack. That was required by school.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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I did not pass any judgment on that matter.
And yes, I can see the difference and understand you.

If school generally insists on "no weapons" at school, the boy's mother should have known it. A butter knife has round tip and is no weapon, in my eyes. My 4 cm nail-file is no weapon, too. But at airport's checking in, it was confiscated.

It's just irritating.

The story itself is "telling a story" about, how much must be running wrong in a society that is suspending a child of 8 years for mentioned reason. :S

When my son was in that age, in school they used to have breakfasts together. I packed plastic cutlery in his backpack. That was required by school.


When I was a kid we had to take "pen knives" in order to sharpen our quill pens.:$

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I wonder if that school has scissors for the kiddee's in arts and craft's class ? What about the circle making tool, the compass ? Does this school have baseball or softball bats for gym class ? This incident let's everyone know how little commen sense "some" of our school admistrators have.

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Does this school have baseball or softball bats for gym class ?

Team sports in gym class? If they're there now, they're not likely to be in the future. :S

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Let us not forget that school policies are made by elected school boards in most places in the US, and the school administrators just enforce those policies.

If the community doesn't like the policies it always has the option of throwing the bums out.

One wonders why idiots get elected in the first place.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Let us not forget that school policies are made by elected school boards in most places in the US, and the school administrators just enforce those policies.

How could we? You've never failed to remind us. :P


If the community doesn't like the policies it always has the option of throwing the bums out.

One wonders why idiots get elected in the first place.

Agreed. My comment wasn't directed at the schools so much as it was at those who implement, support, and tolerate such ridiculous policies. :S

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Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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Let us not forget that school policies are made by elected school boards in most places in the US, and the school administrators just enforce those policies.

How could we? You've never failed to remind us. :P

Something I've discovered in teaching college for 35 years is that some people just have to be told more than once.

"What I tell you three times is true" (Lewis Carroll)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Let us not forget that school policies are made by elected school boards in most places in the US, and the school administrators just enforce those policies.

If the community doesn't like the policies it always has the option of throwing the bums out.

I think we're looking at a tautology, here.

If the majority of the people in the community were not stupid enough to go for such policies, enabling "the bums" to be voted out, they would be represented in an approximate equal proportion IN the school board, and the policies would never have gotten enacted in the first place.

The problem originates with the fact that we, here, pointing out the stupidity of these policies probably really are the minority, among soccer moms and milquetoast office-bound pansy-dads -- who DO clamor for such "safety" policies.

Face it, folks: smart people are in the minority around the country and around the world.

And the majority makes the rules.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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