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I heard from someone the other day that they don't believe dinosaurs ever existed. They are a Creationist and don't believe it was possible for dinosaurs to have lived.

I really don't understand how they can think this way especially since there is so much evidence that dinosaurs did, in fact, walk the earth.

This could be a debate between Creation and Evolution. I'm just thinking this lady is insane and no one else really thinks that way.

What do you think? Do you think dinosaurs really existed?
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P.M.S. #102

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I've known people who honestly believed that dinosaur fossils were placed on Earth to test our faith. To me, a loving parent doesn't test his beloved creations' faith like that, but, well, their belief isn't mainstream in fundamentalist Christianity either, from what I understand.

I think what I'm trying to say is that no matter what you hear or read on this, it's a pretty small subset of folks if it's those who don't believe in evidence...

Wendy W.
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Some people really are stupid and stubborn enough to denounce science based on what some book written a thousand years ago says. I have no problem with someone believing in god or being spiritual, but there's a difference in having faith and denouncing facts.
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There's actually a pretty clear (in my opinion, which is sure to be debated) reference in the bible to dinosaurs. Here's a pretty good dissection of the subject.

I've also heard the fossil faith testing theory before... like God is sitting up there trying to just mess with us. Some Sunday School teachers should get over themselves. ;)


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It would be nice, but I just don't buy the dinosaur theory in reference to them being Biblically described. It could reference a dinosaur. It could also reference a cow, a lion, or an alligator. Who knows? Some of the stories in the Bible are very metaphoric. "He moveth his tail like a cedar” could just mean a very powerful animal. I don’t think its tail would necessarily have to be as big as an actual cedar. That’s quite a stretch.

Edited to add: Or a Giraffe. ;)

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I think that is what can be referred to as 'Blind Faith'

Theres quite alot of tough issues that religions generally pass by with the wand of faith...

But, suppose its scary not to have anything to believe in :S

Me.. I am sticking to the tooth-fairy:P

Bodyflight Bedford

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Some people really are stupid and stubborn enough to denounce science based on what some book written a thousand years ago says. I have no problem with someone believing in god or being spiritual, but there's a difference in having faith and denouncing facts.

There are also people some would say are stupid and stubborn enough to completely denounce what’s written in that collection of books known as the Bible just because most of it cannot be proven “scientifically.”

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Who knows?

Exactly. I think we all have a list of first questions to ask the Almighty upon arrival at the afterlife. I know I've got a few... Lord, why do dogs have black lips, anyway?

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I see the Bible as a book to teach how to live by stories, metaphors, not a book of facts. Pretty much the same as any other religious book. I'll take science over faith any day. Especially when there's multiple books out there all explaining different ways life began. The only consistency between different religious books is that they teach morals, how to live, etc, using their own language, and the traditions of the area the book was written.

I won't denounce something that's written in the bible, or any other book; however, I'm also not going to accept it as fact. Science can not explain the beginning of the universe, but neither can man, and the bible was written by man. it's all stories, it's all theories, nobody knows for sure .... so take whatever your belief and stick to it....

i do believe in reincarnation, it can't really be proven or disproven (at the moment) and it's simply a belief I have, but not so ignorant as to accept my belief as fact, or try to force that belief on others.

Believing in Creationism is one thing, since we can't prove or disprove it; believing dinosaurs don't exist and they were put here to test our faith is absolutely ridiculously retarded.
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There are also people some would say are stupid and stubborn enough to completely denounce what’s written in that collection of books known as the Bible just because most of it cannot be proven “scientifically.”

And of course, some would completely denounce whats in all those other religious books just because it ain't the bible;)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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And of course, some would completely denounce whats in all those other religious books just because it ain't the bible;)

You’re correct and I personally don’t discount “everything” that’s in “all those other religious books” completely. I think most religions have good things to say and aren’t bad or wrong all through. I just think primarily where Christianity differs from them in reference to the main character, his purpose, and the effect it has on us is right and all the others are wrong. By the way, maybe those others have references to dinosaurs. ;)

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>This could be a debate between Creation and Evolution. I'm just
>thinking this lady is insane and no one else really thinks that way.

Many do. One popular theory is that god created fossils to test our faith. Another is that the bible just forgot to mention them, and all that prehistoric stuff happened during one of the "days" of the genesis creation story. Personally I think that there's no conflict between god and evolution; the bible is not a science book, and contains moral lessons rather than paleontology lessons.

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I've also heard the fossil faith testing theory before... like God is sitting up there trying to just mess with us.

Yes, and if god is fooling us about dinosaurs, then how do we know he isn't fooling us about a whole bunch of other things, like heaven and an afterlife, and other core religious beliefs? In fact, if you accept that theory, then we have no guarantee that anything is real. We could all be living like the movie "The Matrix". If god was so all-good, he wouldn't "test" us in such ways. It's the tactic of the dishonorable and untrustworthy. An all-wise god would *want* us to be inquisitive and to find the truth.

Attached: photo of dinosaur footprints, in a riverbed, near Rose, Texas. So I guess god just put on some big dinosaur shoes, and stomped around in the river a few million years ago, knowing we would come by later and find the footprints...

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Just two more pennies, but I remember some psycho on campus who managed to calm down long enough to say that the bible did infact mention dinosaurs, in the guise of leviathan and behemoth (I think those are the names he mentioned, I don't remember, and I don't have the book memorized).
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Just added for some perspective on what might have been referred to within the Biblical verses instead of dinosaurs.

New International Version (NIV)
Look at the behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. What strength he has in his loins, what power in the muscles of his belly! His tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are close-knit. His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like rods of iron. He ranks first among the works of God, yet his Maker can approach him with his sword.
Job 40:15-19

The behemoth is identified by many commentators as the hippopotamus; the leviathan (chapter 41) is often identified as a giant crocodile or a whale. By these illustrations God emphasized that if Job could not subdue the great creatures of the world, then he was in no position to question and counsel the God who had made these creatures (41:10). Job must trustfully submit to God’s rule over the universe, the affairs of humankind and the lives of his followers. He must trust God and maintain his faith in God – both during the sufferings and afflictions of life and during the times of blessing.

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