
Spelling/grammar importance?

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apologies if that is how it read.. apparently i wasnt as clear as intended (but better punctuation wouldnt have helped

those 'Slaved to Spelling and Grammar" are those who immediately judge the content based on the form.. if you are capable of reading past the forms without prejudice and focus on the content, you've broken your chains..

in addition i find that revising a passage for spelling and grammar removes in individual expression. Creative use of Capitals, punctuation etc helps me to convey my thought closer to the manner i intend to express it.

I know 'the rules' i break them because it serves my purpose. Real Communication.

and (to another poster) i 'pass my style off' regularly in a great deal of 'more important' places and means of communication, but feel free to assume your opinion of that sytle matters.. it doesnt.. even in "Important" places...

USAGE is what matters, those who rage and cry against L33t 5pe@k for example fail to understand how language evolves and ARE slaved to inflexible, irrelevant formating...

are you a machine? or is there a brain in there???
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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are you a machine? or is there a brain in there???

Holy shit!

That entire post was the biggest load of horse shit I've ever read here, and I am not kidding.

Like I said -- enjoy yourself and your completely silly "individual expression" techniques.

BWHAHAHAHAHA . . . LOL sorry couldn't help it. :D:D:D

. . =(_8^(1)

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so apparently there ISNT a brain in there... good luck skydiving...[:/]

only machines need exactly parsed code.. and lately not even they do.. i can write code all day without ever typing a complete term...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Hi, Zen...it was how you came off. I know you better than that, which was why I was somewhat surprised and dismayed to find you saying that.


know 'the rules' i break them because it serves my purpose. Real Communication.

Agreed. But the difference is you already know the rules, and know when to break them effectively to communicate your point. There are some who don't know the rules, and "break" them when communicating, and then defend it by saying "it's my cre8tivie expressing itself" is nothing like using language to more effectively communicate.

I break rules all the time; but again, I know them to break them. Sometimes, a sentence is more effective with a dangling participle, or with cap usage, or ellipeses (which I always use incorrectly. . . [I hate the spacing between them...]). Spelling does indeed bear on the communication; with our language, we often have words that sound alike but are completely different (brakes/breaks, bear/bare, read/read, et cetera), and if one's sentence is not constructed properly, and the word used is the wrong one, it is nearly impossible to decipher the communicator's message.

In an internet forum, where there is no body language, tonality, or facial expression to add to the understanding, it becomes very important to use proper grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation. As I am limited in my expression to only the written word (with the occasional emoticon), it is imperative that I pay attention to that which communicates my message properly.

I agree, though, that the judicious use of language expression/rule breaking can provide an element to the written word which is not there without it.

And I also think that most people read for content before parsing/correcting someone else's manner of communication...however, there is a time for that, as well.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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so apparently there ISNT a brain in there... good luck skydiving...[:/]

Ah oh! You and your god must be at odds today. :o

Enjoy your coding career. It won't go much farther than that too many places in the professional world. All those other 99% of the literate population without brains will reject you outright. The container counts, not just the contents.

. . =(_8^(1)

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You are hereby publically chastized for using an emoticon in a post.

-5 l33t pointz for you.

Unless, of course, you're doing a double switch thing where you're so fucking cool, you reject the usual l33t's rejection of such comformist symbols and use them just to prove yourself ahead of the usual l33tist by a notch -- if that's the case I stand corrected. +10 pointz.

PS: do you wear the beltline your pants down around the bottom of your ass cheeks? Just curious. :D:D:D

. . =(_8^(1)

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Only important in buisness, legal documents and diplomacy, Its like english dialects between common people....Anything thats understandable are acceptable as fair to good english except to the peculiar anals known as spel natzi's imoho

It reflects a person's attitude toward life.
Do you also think that people in other areas of life who demand quality are also nazis?
I see people who can barely read and write building houses, and their attitude is reflected in the shoddiness of their work.
A 1/2 inch out of plumb in 8 ft. is close enough. After all, the home owner isn't going to know until they decide to hang pictures.

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I'd be willing to compare salaries and responsibilties with you for any day in the last 5 years... (and prior to that as well in responsibilites, as the US Military doenst pay so well)

you clearly dont understand the meaning of the word "professional" either, and are so trapped in the tiny nuances of form you completely miss the functions that actually matter

To bad ignorance isnt painful.. you'd be tethered to a morphine drip for the rest of your life...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I'd be willing to compare salaries and responsibilties with you for any day in the last 5 years... (and prior to that as well in responsibilites, as the US Military doenst pay so well)

But my dick is much larger than yours.


To bad ignorance isnt painful.. you'd be tethered to a morphine drip for the rest of your life...

Can't defend your so-called "argument" -- hell you can't even define it -- so you go for the PA.

You speak volumes about yourself in doing so. ;)

. . =(_8^(1)

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apples and oranges..

amazingly enough some of the most illiterate cultures still managed to create astounding feats of engineering..

if you spend your time qibbling over irrelevant details you never get the project started..

application of critical thought allows you to ignore the ephemerals and focus on what really matters..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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application of critical thought allows you to ignore the ephemerals and focus on what really matters.

Absolutely true. And when the desired end result is communication, a consideration of the expected audience should be part of the application of critical thought.

I don't really think I'm disagreeing with you particularly violently here, either :P.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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lol perhaps you should read up? My argument is and remains completely sound, and you have yet to refute a single point, instead you make ignorant assumptions and childish comparisons..

you focus on ephemera.. I focus on content.. while you criticize the irrelevant forms, i've understood the content and already moved on to the actual execution...

and by the way.. your mistaken about your dick too...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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you focus on ephemera.. I focus on content.. while you criticize the irrelevant forms, i've understood the content and already moved on to the actual execution...

Having this conversation with you is . . . boring.

I think I'll take a pass on your sensless babble and meritless PAs, thanks.

. . =(_8^(1)

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I don't really think I'm disagreeing with you particularly violently here, either :P.

Nose up all you want, but you capitalize sentences, use apostrophes, and otherwise seem to give a shit about the presentation of your writing.

Therefore, you disagree with Zen and his stupid argument that "only content matters".

. . =(_8^(1)

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So, is it important or not??

Yes. Highly important. Do not forget about the poor aliens which really are brave in entering this lousy site day by day wanting to learn a bit more of "natural tongue English"...

If it's coming from Rednecks or the East Coast, it's educating for us - pls respect that. Danke.

Makes me wanna stay on dizzydotcom few hours more than the normal 12 ..


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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If something is worth doing, it' worth doing correctly.

Innovative new literary devices:

1. Computer Programming Languages
2. Screenplays
3. The Internet
4. Enhanced Color and Font Capabilities used in Print Media.

Lousy new literary devices:

not capitizing or puctuating anything or checkin ma spellin. its the shiznit.

. . =(_8^(1)

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Hey, folks, there's a spell checker button, right? Use it! I realize it won't correct "hanger" to "hangar", or "to" to "too". And yes, I know - ironically for a skydiving site - that it considers "skydiving" and "skydiver" to be misspelled words. But, by and large, the spell checker button works. It only takes an extra moment or two to use it; and if your post is "bleeding in red", maybe it's time to find out why.

Anyhow, among several excellent responses above, I think Michele said it for me: if I can easily understand what you're (not "your") saying on the first read-through, that's one thing. But if I have to stop and re-read what you've written a couple times just to understand your point, then there's a problem, and it's not with me.

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if you spend your time qibbling over irrelevant details you never get the project started..

application of critical thought allows you to ignore the ephemerals and focus on what really matters..

Details are very important. If a crappy job has been done on the footer of the house, you have to start fudging everything to fake out the home owner.

Sloppy attitude about education
Sloppy attitude about appearance
Sloppy attitude about work

When is it important?

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When is it important?

Good question. An example of when it should have been important maybe during the "Mars Climate Orbiter" project; which crashed due to a lack of attention to detail (some team members were working in SI-Units and others in Imperial).. So like bad spelling or punctuation, SOME people maybe able to extract the true meaning but not ALL people and there are times when ALL people need to have 100% understanding, 100% of the time.

Shooting the shit on t'internet is NOT one of those times, though.


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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When is it important?

Good question. An example of when it should have been important maybe during the "Mars Climate Orbiter" project; which crashed due to a lack of attention to detail (some team members were working in SI-Units and others in Imperial).. So like bad spelling or punctuation, SOME people maybe able to extract the true meaning but not ALL people and there are times when ALL people need to have 100% understanding, 100% of the time.

Shooting the shit on t'internet is NOT one of those times, though.


Why is spelling correctly and using good grammar considered a chore? Doing it properly is no harder than doing it improperly.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Correct spelling shouldn't be much of a chore;what with dictionaries being readily available. Grammar, on the other hand, is more complex and requires knowledge of often complex rules as well as the ability to follow them.
Also, difference is grammatic use can be attributed to regional variation, whereas spelling shouldn't.

For example "Write me some time" would be considered correct grammatically in the US and obselete (if not wrong in the UK), where "Write to me" would be considered more acceptable in the context of modern English, English.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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