
I might not be so in favor of the death penalty...

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Not the old grammar and spelling arguement...:S


What the fucks wrong with that:S PJ is PJ and will always be PJ, personally I wouldn't have it any other way, we don't have to read his stuff. It's entertaining and very predictable.

PJ take a bow and sit down. You can respond but I'll never see it. So you'll just be pissing upwind in cyber space of course.

Thank you!, thank you very much don't get up I'll close the door on the way out.


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Not the old grammar and spelling arguement...:S


It's funny how people who can't manage it, always criticize those who point out atrocious grammar and spelling. It's like you feel things can be done too well or something.

We are folks who can master plummeting toward the earth and saving ourselves seconds from impact through the use of parachutes and parachute-flying skills, and yet there are those among us who cannot master the difference between "you're" and "your," or "they're" and "there"?! :S Just what is the valid excuse for screwing this stuff up? "Duhhh, I just can't remember it"?! And yet you file income taxes, drive automobiles, remember whether you stop or go at a red light... some of us even fly planes. So how can it be that something as simple as a handful of rules of grammar is so tricky and mastery of them is so elusive?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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It's funny how people who can't manage it, always criticize those who point out atrocious grammar and spelling. It's like you feel things can be done too well or something.

We are folks who can master plummeting toward the earth and saving ourselves seconds from impact through the use of parachutes and parachute-flying skills, and yet there are those among us who cannot master the difference between "you're" and "your," or "they're" and "there"?! :S Just what is the valid excuse for screwing this stuff up? "Duhhh, I just can't remember it"?! And yet you file income taxes, drive automobiles, remember whether you stop or go at a red light... some of us even fly planes. So how can it be that something as simple as a handful of rules of grammar is so tricky and mastery of them is so elusive?


There is such a thing as dyslexia which takes many forms and operates on many different levels. Also English is not always someone's first language.

But that aside, there is no requirement to be 100%accurate in spelling and grammar to post on these forums and by picking up on it, you come across as making a pretty desperate attempt to pull someone down, instead of doing the more credible, and creditworthy thing of backing down gracefully.

Oh, me is very bad, I forgot an apostrophe. :P
Next Mood Swing: 6 minutes

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Not the old grammar and spelling arguement...:S


It's funny how people who can't manage it, always criticize those who point out atrocious grammar and spelling. It's like you feel things can be done too well or something.

We are folks who can master plummeting toward the earth and saving ourselves seconds from impact through the use of parachutes and parachute-flying skills, and yet there are those among us who cannot master the difference between "you're" and "your," or "they're" and "there"?! :S Just what is the valid excuse for screwing this stuff up? "Duhhh, I just can't remember it"?! And yet you file income taxes, drive automobiles, remember whether you stop or go at a red light... some of us even fly planes. So how can it be that something as simple as a handful of rules of grammar is so tricky and mastery of them is so elusive?


Yeah... But you only ever bring it up when your argument has got you in a corner.

Your regular "PHLease!" comments also make light of your own argument.

Since you're just packed with retribution, what's your plan for those who have poor grammar or spell badly? Death? Imprisonment? 50 lashes with a wet pull up cord?

It's the year of the Pig.

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There has been a lot of discourse here on the merits of building more prisons at the cost of more tax dollars, but why is it necessary?

My opinion has always been, if we take away the recreation areas, the libraries, the tv rooms, etc etc etc, and, make the prison a PRISON and, get rid of parole and early release AND, just stack them in the cells like cord wood, the prison is no longer as "good" an option as it once was. It becomes a larger deterrent and perhaps, just perhaps, makes the would-be criminal think twice before he commits that crime.

We, in the "Land of The Free" could learn a lot from the legal systems of some of the "third world" countries, and from some of the middle eastern countries. I am all for JUSTICE, but when the SOB was caught in the act, its on video, and 30 people watched it happen, why waste time on a trial? Why waste time on incarceration for a muderer? Just despense the JUSTICE.

Whats so hard about that?


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There has been a lot of discourse here on the merits of building more prisons at the cost of more tax dollars, but why is it necessary?

My opinion has always been, if we take away the recreation areas, the libraries, the tv rooms, etc etc etc, and, make the prison a PRISON and, get rid of parole and early release AND, just stack them in the cells like cord wood, the prison is no longer as "good" an option as it once was. It becomes a larger deterrent and perhaps, just perhaps, makes the would-be criminal think twice before he commits that crime.

We, in the "Land of The Free" could learn a lot from the legal systems of some of the "third world" countries, and from some of the middle eastern countries. I am all for JUSTICE, but when the SOB was caught in the act, its on video, and 30 people watched it happen, why waste time on a trial? Why waste time on incarceration for a muderer? Just despense the JUSTICE.

Whats so hard about that?


Listen Scott. Quit trying to hijack this thread.

You failed to capitalise "TV"
You placed no punctuation between etc two and three.
Your repeated use of etc is redundant.
You failed to capitalise Middle Eastern.
You spelt "murderer" incorrectly.
You spelt "dispense" incorrectly.
Your final two sentences are incomplete.

It's the year of the Pig.

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Listen Scott. Quit trying to hijack this thread.

You failed to capitalise "TV"
You placed no punctuation between etc two and three.
Your repeated use of etc is redundant.
You failed to capitalise Middle Eastern.
You spelt "murderer" incorrectly.
You spelt "dispense" incorrectly.
Your final two sentences are incomplete.

Hey, pretty good...Can I start posting my papers for school so you guys can edit them for me?

It would save me tons of work.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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That's the scariest and most fascist idea I've ever seen expressed in these forums.

You mean stop making prison a fucking day camp?
Not let prisoners lift weights?
Hold people accountable for how they act?
Actually make prison un-fun?

Why did I know you would have a problem with that?

Look on the bright side...They will get free health care.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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No, I was referring specifically to

"why waste time on a trial? Why waste time on incarceration for a muderer? Just despense the JUSTICE."

Well if the critera he laid out was met.

30 witnesess on video...Hell I don't see to much of a problem.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Well if the critera he laid out was met.

30 witnesess on video...Hell I don't see to much of a problem.

Ok, so if womeone who is the spitting image of you robs a store and kills the clerk, you have no problem being executed on the spot because everyone thinks it's you on the video?

What if there is no video, just several credible witnesses? Is that ok with you too? They had a court like that in Salem, MA once upon a time.

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Ok, so if womeone who is the spitting image of you robs a store and kills the clerk, you have no problem being executed on the spot because everyone thinks it's you on the video?

Well my doppelganger was in the same place as me at the same time...And I was somehow caught in the same place wearing the same clothes at the same time...Well I guess.


What if there is no video, just several credible witnesses?

Well then that would not meet all the criteria like I had said now would it?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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And I have been arrested and covicted of a crime i DID commit, and it WAS a slam dunk ( I wasn't the most intelligent person in my youth).

My point is, however, that there are instances where the truth is the truth is the truth and, we need to get past lining the pockets of the trial lawyers et al and, spending gobs of $$$ on providing public defenders for the dirtbags of society when all it is a show.

I am well aware that there are instances where trial is necessary, it would be ignorant to think otherwise, but as far as I can see, there is nothing wrong w/ law enforcement bringing the facts / proof to a competent judge and saying, heres what we've got, and it's a "no brainer". Judge says "yep, you're correct, send the perp to prison, 10 yrs, NO PAROLE".

The fact that our legal system ALLOWS the dregs of society, and even the "blue collar" criminal get "off" because their attorney was "slick" enuff is F___ed up.

Again, just my opinion, but when I am supreme ruler, that is the system i will implement.


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That's the scariest and most fascist idea I've ever seen expressed in these forums.

You mean stop making prison a fucking day camp?
Not let prisoners lift weights?
Hold people accountable for how they act?
Actually make prison un-fun?

Why did I know you would have a problem with that?

Look on the bright side...They will get free health care.

I know people in prison. I don't know if you've been there (you might have?), but state prison is not a day spa. And, the medical isn't all that great, either. Teeth problems... that doesn't call for a root canal or whatever, it calls for a tooth removal. Liver problems, good luck. Now, I know people who have gone to federal prison who say it IS a day spa with compare to state.


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It's NOT supposed to be a day spa. It's supposed to be a friggin PRISON!!!!! They committed the crime, now let them be PUNISHED for the crimes.

I am so tired of hearing about the "poor" conditions that people in prison have to exist in. IT"S PRISON. As far as I'm concerned, if they get a bed with a mattress, a blanket, clothes and 3 meals a day, they get too much. But NOOOOOOOOO, the FRIGGIN ACLU, NAACP, Defense Lawyers of America, and every other bleeding heart liberal in country wants to make sure they have TV, a library, free education, and they must get PAID for any labor they perform. What a crock!!

Hell, send ME to prison. Then the state will have to support my kids, and I get a free ride. Hell yea, thats it, I NEED a vacation.




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As far as I'm concerned, if they get a bed with a mattress, a blanket, clothes and 3 meals a day, they get too much.

Well, you'll be happy to know that they don't.

My stay in jail comprised of an 8x6 cell with 3 people in it and one wooden bench. I was fed nothing but stale white bread with one piece of government cheese. No blankets and had to lay on the grimy floor in my clothes.


Hell, send ME to prison. Then the state will have to support my kids, and I get a free ride. Hell yea, thats it, I NEED a vacation.

If you truly believe that then get yourself sent to prison. What? You don't want to? Gee, why not?

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