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Ron Reagan has written a scathing, sweeping, 4,100 word critique of President Bush (not on stem cell) that will be appearing in next month's ESQUIRE magazine. Reagan doesn't hold back in this candid piece where he shares his real feelings towards our 43rd President.


The Bush Administration cannot be trusted.

George W. Bush and his administration have taken normal mendacity to a startling new level far beyond lies of convenience.

They traffic in big lies, indulge in any number of symptomatic small lies, and ultimately, have come to embody dishonesty itself.  They are a lie. And people, finally, have started catching on.

When Nobel laureates, a vast majority of the scientific community, and a host of current and former diplomats, intelligence operatives, and military officials line up against you, it becomes increasingly difficult to characterize the opposition as fringe wackos.

Given candidate Bush's remarks, it was hard to imagine him, as president, flipping a stiff middle finger at the world and charging off adventuring in the Middle East.

Even as of this writing, Dick Cheney clings to his mad assertion that Saddam was somehow at the nexus of a worldwide terror network.

What followed was the usual administration strategy of stonewalling, obstruction and obfuscation.

But image is everything in this White House, and that image of George Bush as a noble and infallible warrior in the service of his nation must be fanatically maintained, because behind the image lies*nothing?

He is ineloquent not because he cannot speak but because he doesn't bother to think.

His Republican party, furthermore, seems a far cry from the current model, with its cringing obeisance to the religious Right and its kill-anything-that-moves attack instincts.

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Wasn't it you who was saying sons of presidents aren't automatically as powerful or as deserving of respect as their fathers?

OK, so this kid (thirty years my senior, whatever) has decided that he hates the Bush administration, and that it can do no right. Big deal. Tell me again why he would be anybody except for his father.

ps - esquire is still a rag.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm NOT saying he should be automatically be given the key to The White House simply because he's the son of President Reagan.

What I -am- saying is "Wow! Those are pretty strong words coming from the son of a Republican icon."

I think somebody in the GOP has a LOT of explaining to do for not grooming Reagan Jr. to fill the shoes of Reagan Sr. -- for letting such a legacy campaigner as he obviously -could- have been to slip over to the opposition.

I'm thinkin' if you've lost the Reagan legacy vote . . . whew! . . . you've -really- f'ed up.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I think somebody in the GOP has a LOT of explaining to do for not grooming Reagan Jr. to fill the shoes of Reagan Sr. -- for letting such a legacy campaigner as he obviously -could- have been to slip over to the opposition.

Is there a "somebody in the GOP" who was responsible for dictating to Ron Reagan what he should believe!? Or is it too much to expect that he would have his own convictions? And if he had supported the GOP it would be easy to predict that the Left would chastise him as "having been mindlessly groomed to fill his Father's shoes.


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Ron Reagan has written a scathing, sweeping, 4,100 word critique of President Bush (not on stem cell) that will be appearing in next month's ESQUIRE magazine. Reagan doesn't hold back in this candid piece where he shares his real feelings towards our 43rd President.


Sure, but since Ron Reagan Jr wouldn't be known except for his biological connection to one of the greatest US presidents, I'm not sure how relevant this is except as to be a personal form of agrandizement. However, let us take this one line at a time.


The Bush Administration cannot be trusted. You mean you and your kind choose not to trust him. Opinion.

George W. Bush and his administration have taken normal mendacity to a startling new level far beyond lies of convenience. Again, matter of opinion. The President was acting upon current US and Allied intel. His motive is argueable but that is fact.

They traffic in big lies, indulge in any number of symptomatic small lies, and ultimately, have come to embody dishonesty itself.  They are a lie. And people, finally, have started catching on. So if you act upon partially correct or wrong information you still lie? Just because Ronnie writes it with conviction and has a lot on the left who agree with him doesn't make it so.

When Nobel laureates, a vast majority of the scientific community, and a host of current and former diplomats, intelligence operatives, and military officials line up against you, it becomes increasingly difficult to characterize the opposition as fringe wackos. No it doesn't. The right can line up just as many who say the opposite. Remember, the intelligence apparatus in the US is still mainly populated by the previous administration's appointees.

Given candidate Bush's remarks, it was hard to imagine him, as president, flipping a stiff middle finger at the world and charging off adventuring in the Middle East. Okay, maybe he flipped them off metaphorically, but jesus, we'd just been attacked in the continental US. Was he supposed to wait for a second attack?

Even as of this writing, Dick Cheney clings to his mad assertion that Saddam was somehow at the nexus of a worldwide terror network. Saddam was providing safe harbor to terrorists, members of his administration were meeting with terrorists, we've destroyed multiple terrorist training camps, and Saddam was offering rewards to suicide bombers' families for acts of terror. These are inargueable facts. Now, as the leader of a country who was supporting these activities, if he was at the center or the focus of a worldwide terror network, how else could he be classified?

What followed was the usual administration strategy of stonewalling, obstruction and obfuscation. By doing what, exerting executive privilege everytime the left shrilly requested documents they had no right to?

But image is everything in this White House, and that image of George Bush as a noble and infallible warrior in the service of his nation must be fanatically maintained, because behind the image lies*nothing? Well, image is everything in any White House.

He is ineloquent not because he cannot speak but because he doesn't bother to think. Opinion. You can't get inside any human's head and say he doesn't bother to think. He is ineloquent probably because he knows that actions speak louder than words. The left loves to attack this man and call him stupid because they don't like his accent nor his lack of public speaking polish.

His Republican party, furthermore, seems a far cry from the current model, with its cringing obeisance to the religious Right and its kill-anything-that-moves attack instincts. Typical attack on the right...to associate everything the President does with the "religious" right. We don't all wear that on our sleeves...in fact, most of us don't, but religion is an easy target. Kill anything that moves? No, we aren't...I've been there and am going back soon. We could be killing everything that moves but unlike the islamic terrorists, we kill people and break things that only need to be killed and broken. How do you fight an enemy that only wants the total destruction of your way of life regardless of the direct threat you pose to them? You destroy them first.


Nothing about what Reagan Jr. wrote wows me. It's just an attempt to mitigate his father's legacy and swing votes to John Kerry. This election is about removing Bush, not about electing Kerry. That is why the left will lose.

Of course, much of this is my opinion as well. :ph34r:

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is
sick of her shit!

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If it were coming from Nancy, I'd say WOW... coming from Ron, Jr. I say who cares... Although he would like to think he is, Ron, Jr. is not the tourch barer /protector of Ronald Regan's political legacy (at least not to anyone who knows anything about Ron Sr.'s time as President)

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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I think somebody in the GOP has a LOT of explaining to do for not grooming Reagan Jr. to fill the shoes of Reagan Sr. -- for letting such a legacy campaigner as he obviously -could- have been to slip over to the opposition.

I'd say that the GOP is not responsible for brain washing the youth of the country. Much of that is already handled by left wing teachers in many of the public school systems.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Reagan Jr. has always been an unabashed liberal and has not seen eye to eye with the Republican party or many of his father's political beliefs. No different than in the past years. He is entitled to his own views -- they just happen to be given a public audience from the mere fact that he is the son of a great President. If he was not Reagan's son, his views would likely not get any publicity. He just so happens to be capitalizing off of his name. I take whatever he says with a grain of salt -- he is hardly someone I consider a great thinker or leader...

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I think somebody in the GOP has a LOT of explaining to do for not grooming Reagan Jr. to fill the shoes of Reagan Sr. -- for letting such a legacy campaigner as he obviously -could- have been to slip over to the opposition.

I'd say that the GOP is not responsible for brain washing the youth of the country. Much of that is already handled by left wing teachers in many of the public school systems.

O Dear! First it's the left leaning media, now it's left leaning teachers. In a democratic, capitalist society where anyone with enough money can open a media outlet and school boards are elected by the community, how do such travesties come about?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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How come Michael Reagan's opinions don't carry as much credibility with you as Ron Jr's.?

I'll answer that for him.

Because Jr is a liberal and Michael is a republican. All democrat's opinions carry more weight to flaming liberals.

They're still stuck in the, "Democrats=Good Republicans=Bad" mode. Can't snap them out of it.

One day I'm going to eliminate the herder so all of you sheep can start thinking for yourselves.


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One other point: I have 2 parents, 7 siblings, 7 brothers and sisters-in-law and 17 nieces and nephews. All are staunchly Republican with the exception of my oldest niece who is very liberal.

It happens in families.


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Again, that's not my point. I don't actually give a rat's ass about his actual opinion. I -marvel- at how the GOP has not courted him to speak for them. For me, that is the wow.

Can you imagine if Chelsea decided to come out against the Democratic position? Or Caroline? Or one of the Bush twins was against the GOP?

That's all I'm saying. It's rather astounding.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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But Jr has never hidden the fact that he was a liberal. Don't you remember his (deservedly) short-lived tv show? That was a long time ago...

Sometimes people just can't see the light, no matter how close to it they are... :P
Oh, hello again!

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I am very much opposed to Ron Jr's views but I have respect for him in that he appears to be very consistent, isn't afraid to take a stand, and, like was said, doesn't hide the fact that he's very liberal. I would never vote for him but maybe the Democrats should have picked him as their candidate. [:/]

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