
Why Vote for Kerry?

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I like his stance on the environment, specifically the ANWR.

I like his ideas for funding education.

I like that he believes Ashcroft has encouraged the violation of civil liberties, and that he plans to rectify this problem.

I like that he supports completely lifting the ban on gays in the military.

I like his support for civil unions.

I like his stance against discrimination based on sexual orientation.

I like that he supports a woman's right to choose.

I like that he has stated he will only appoint pro-choice judges to the supreme court.

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I like that overall, he's more open to dissenting opinions (I don't call it flipflopping, I call it being willing to continually reeveluate in the face of new evidence).
I like that he's prochoice, but I don't like that he'll only appoint prochoice judges -- that whole open mind thing.
I like that he'd rather leave sexuality in the bedroom.
I like that he's willing to lay aside his personal desires in the face of what he sees as either national interest or greater good (the two are not always the same).

And the fact that people didn't immediately begin responding might just be related to the fact that the oroginal post was at about 2:00AM Houston time (if I remembered to set my dz.com clock, which I think I did). That makes it anywhere from midnight to 3:00AM in most of the US -- some of us sleep then.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I like that he has stated he will only appoint pro-choice judges to the supreme court.

I like to see lists of 'for'. It's the real reason to vote.

I like to see judges appointed that uphold the laws and the constitution regardless of their personal opinions, so the only one I take exception with is the above. I'm pro-choice mostly, but I do not want judges appointed based on political opinions, rather their ability to put aside their biases for the sake of the law.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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-He will roll back the tax cuts and reduce spending
-He will restore funding to first line responders (fire houses and police) that Bush cut.
-He will limit trade with countries that exploit their labor force giving them unfair competetive advantage
-He will restore our good relations with allies that have been alienated by Bush
-He will replace John Ashcroft with someone who doesn't push their religious beliefs on society.
-He will put forth an energy policy that promotes that development of alternative energy sources instead of increasing oil supply and leaving demand unchecked
-He will provide tax credits to domestic small businesses and get rid of tax incentives for businesses to outsource to other countries.
-He will put forth a much more realistic budget that reduces deficit spending.
-He will require that lobbyist actions in relation to the passage of bills are part of the public record.

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-He will roll back the tax cuts and reduce spending.

That's impossible to "roll-back" the effect of the cuts (including increased state and local taxes).

Let's call it a tax increase regardless if you agree or not with whether it's the right thing to do. Because I doubt he can simultaneously 'roll-back' the local increases or wants to.

Net result overall increase from the original levels in total taxes for everyone. So it's a tax increase.

I doubt he'll decrease spending either. If so, great. I'll believe it when I see for either party.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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That's impossible to "roll-back" the effect of the cuts (including increased state and local taxes).

True, but you're also pointing out why the tax cuts that Bush touts as a great thing were really useless. And he's proposing more. And here in Philly, at least, they had been planning on reducing local taxes but stopped because of the federal cuts. If those funds are restored, they will be able to go that route again.


I doubt he'll decrease spending either. If so, great. I'll believe it when I see for either party.

Bush has increased spending in 3 years more than Clinton did in 8. He's increased spending even if you don't count military and homeland security spending. I have no doubts that Kerry will be more fiscally responsible than Bush is.

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Let me pre-qualify this by once again emphasizing that I am NOT a Kerry fan or a Democrat (remember ther ARE other parties out there besides the Big Two). I'm sure I'll have more than my share of policy disagreements with Kerry if he gets elected .. and when that happens all the Republicans here will be cheering "Yay, Zennie!" rather than the current "Zennie's a commie-pinko-terrorist-hugging-liberal!". And, of course the Dems here will then be calling me a insensitive-right-wing-fanatic.

Such is the life of a Libertarian. :P

ANYWAY... I'm voting for Kerry strictly to fire Dubya.

Policies that I HOPE Kerry implements?

- restoring our prior international good will
- repealing (or at least dramatically stripping down) the Patriot Act
- restoring some modicum of fiscal responsibility
- getting our government out of the legislating morality business
- eliminating corporate welfare perks

Most of these are pipe dreams, I know. But I DO know for a fact that none of these are happening right now.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Because with a republican controlled congress he'll be less able to screw up the country than Bush would be once he believes he has a mandate from "God and the People" in that order [:/]

they are both spoiled twits with little real ability to lead, however they are the only two choices with any chance of wining, so i have to vote with who i believe will cause less damage to our country and the principles of freedom i still hold dear...

our system sucks when these are our best two options...:|
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I'll vote for him because Sandy Berger was his advisor on foreign policy matters. Oh yeah, and he got caught stuffing classified documents from the National Archives down his shorts.:S His lawyer assures us that it was inadvertent.

Just as inadvertent as it hitting the news 2 days beofre the 9/11 report even though the investigation took place last October.

Did you answer what GWB has done for this country. So far a total of one people have come up with any reasons besides fear.

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Did you answer what GWB has done for this country. So far a total of one people have come up with any reasons besides fear.

IIRC, the thread was not about what GWB has done for this country, but why vote for Kerry? I'm sure you noted the seriousness of my response. Personally, I think they're both asses. Lesser of two evils, I guess. I will say that GWB's responded to the war on terror better than I think a Democratic administration would have. All Clinton would have done was launch a couple of cruise missiles and worried about what our friends in Europe would think. Fuck 'em. War means war. We did a good job in Afghanistan and are on our way in Iraq. Sure it's messy, but IMHO the alternatives are worse. Pax Americana, baby. My .02.

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IIRC, the thread was not about what GWB has done for this country, but why vote for Kerry?

I'm guessing it was supposed to be a rebuttal to my thread asking what GWB has done for the country. Which the creator of this thread has yet to answer.


I will say that GWB's responded to the war on terror better than I think a Democratic administration would have.

And specifically I asked "What besides the war on terror has he done for this country?"


All Clinton would have done was launch a couple of cruise missiles and worried about what our friends in Europe would think.

Yes, Clinton, the absentee candidate for the 2004 election. He gets brought up so much regarding the current race I think he might actually win it.


We did a good job in Afghanistan and are on our way in Iraq. Sure it's messy, but IMHO the alternatives are worse.

We did shit in Afghanistan. We sent less troops to Afghanistan, the size of California, then there are cops in New York City. The Taliban has been regrouping, AQ is just as active as it's always been, but on the plus side we rejuvenated their opium trade. As far as Iraq is concerneed, it's too early to tell, but hopefully the puppets we installed as their temporary gov't aren't assassinated before they have free elections.

What alternatives was it better than? I never heard of any alternatives besides war ever being considered.

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IIRC, the thread was not about what GWB has done for this country, but why vote for Kerry?


I'm guessing it was supposed to be a rebuttal to my thread asking what GWB has done for the country. Which the creator of this thread has yet to answer.

This is an outright bold-faced lie and you know it. Here was my response to your thread. Why are you knowingly lying, Kevin?


1. Signed No Child Left behind into law
2. 2005 Budget increases spending on Elementary and Secondary education by 49% over 2001.
3. Supported school choice for DC
4. Increased Pell Grant Funding by 47%
5. Signed Farm Bill
6. Signed Healthy Forest Initiative.
7. GDP grew by more than 5% over last 3 quarters. Fastest rate in 2 decades.
8. Low inflation
9. Low interest rates.
10. Highest percentage of home ownership ever.

I'm home sick today, can post more later.

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ANYWAY... I'm voting for Kerry strictly to fire Dubya.

Policies that I HOPE Kerry implements?

- restoring our prior international good will
- repealing (or at least dramatically stripping down) the Patriot Act
- restoring some modicum of fiscal responsibility
- getting our government out of the legislating morality business
- eliminating corporate welfare perks

Most of these are pipe dreams, I know. But I DO know for a fact that none of these are happening right now.

You might as well HOPE he does a complete 180-degree turn regarding gun rights, because so far in his legislative record he has been 100% anti-gun.

What's worse is now this inane posturing like he's some sort of friend of gun owners; like we'll somehow forget all the anti-gun nonsense he's voted in favor of in the past.

(And he's pulling the old trick of trying to distance hunters from gun owners. "I'm a hunter like you, and 'we' don't need 'assault weapons' to hunt ducks! Forsake your brethren! We're not coming for your duck gun! (Yet!)"

Lying sack of shit. That's my reason for NOT voting for him.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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