
Anti-gay amendment soundly defeated

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Marital law is by state, not federal government, and to change that just isn't right.

The problem is when you cross over a state line...In Or you are married, but in N Dakota you have none of the rights.

To me MARRIAGE is RELIGION...I object to gay marriage based on that.

Now if the religions want to support it...thats the religions buisness.

Im not opposed to gay unions, but they are not MARRIAGES due to that beng religious in nature.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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The problem is when you cross over a state line...In Or you are married, but in N Dakota you have none of the rights.

Actually, the opposite is true and the reason for some people wanting the constitutional amendment. Because of the full faith and credit clause different states MUST honor legal contracts that are binding in other states.


Im not opposed to gay unions, but they are not MARRIAGES due to that beng religious in nature.

And since a marriage IS based on religion is exactly why there shouldn't be an amendment regarding them. The people who claim to want a ban on gay marriage but not civil unions are arguing about a non-issue. For the most part, gays don't care what you call it, but those pushing for a ban are doing so to ban both.

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Why of course, that is the goal. Obviously we're fighting the gay marriage amendment so that we can marry our cats and goldfish.

Get real.

Quade he has a vaild point...At what level do we no longer allow people to get married? Can a father marry his daughter or son?

Can a brother marry a sister?

I mean if you REALLY want freedom to choose...Then you would have to support these situations also.

So do you support the right of a father to marry his son?

Serious question and I'd like a serious response.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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For the most part, gays don't care what you call it, but those pushing for a ban are doing so to ban both.

Wrong...Im not.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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To me MARRIAGE is RELIGION...I object to gay marriage based on that.

Now if the religions want to support it...thats the religions buisness.

In which case the Federal Government has no role to play in the matter.

I thought you conservatives wanted to minimize government intervention in our lives. Say one thing, do another....

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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For the most part, gays don't care what you call it, but those pushing for a ban are doing so to ban both.

Wrong...Im not.

It was a generalization. I'd like to think that you aren't that prejudiced. To be more specific, most of the politicians I've seen pushing for the amendment have stated that their reasons are to protect society and because of their opposition to homosexual lifestyles in general.

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In which case the Federal Government has no role to play in the matter.

I thought you conservatives wanted to minimize government intervention in our lives. Say one thing, do another....

Oh cute John...I am more liberal than you think...However, that does not mean I have to support every liberal idea.

You want a few liberal stands of mine?

I support the womens right to choose. Even knowing that my mother wanted to get an abortion with me.

I support the right to legalize pot....Its MUCH less dangerous a drug than alcohol.

I believe in ACTUALL equal rights, not some Bull shit laws or quotas...that is I want the best person for the job no matter what color/creed/sexual leanings.

I agree that gay couples should have some legal rights....I don't agree with them being allowed to adopt, but thats my CHOICE and I will vote that way.

Another persons rights end where someone elses starts....And a child is a person.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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It was a generalization

They bite you in the ass huh?


To be more specific, most of the politicians I've seen pushing for the amendment have stated that their reasons are to protect society and because of their opposition to homosexual lifestyles in general.

Even Kerry does not support gay marriage. Why not?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Even Kerry does not support gay marriage. Why not?

Because, as you stated, marriage is based on religion and most main stream religions don't condone homosexuality. However, he doesn't support an amendment and he does support gay civil unions.

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In Reply To

I am more liberal than you think


I think I feel a sig line coming on.

It would only be fair....


How's the math coming?

I delayed my math class to do 4way at the nationals....I was going to miss to many classes...And that didn't seem like a good idea since its my weak subject....Other than that I have been doing well. Lowest grade was an A- in 5 classes so far
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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To me MARRIAGE is RELIGION...I object to gay marriage based on that.

This concept is so foreign to me. Why does marriage = religion? Does that mean that you wouldn't recognize my heterosexual marriage with AndyMan because it has no basis in religion whatsoever?


Now if the religions want to support it...thats the religions buisness.

Im not opposed to gay unions, but they are not MARRIAGES due to that beng religious in nature.

Okay, you obviously know that there are churches the world over that are acknowledging gay marriage. If a gay couple has a religious marriage ceremony, shouldn't that make the union a marriage since the union is blessed in a religious nature?

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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Why of course, that is the goal. Obviously we're fighting the gay marriage amendment so that we can marry our cats and goldfish.

Get real.

Quade he has a vaild point...At what level do we no longer allow people to get married? Can a father marry his daughter or son?

Can a brother marry a sister?

I mean if you REALLY want freedom to choose...Then you would have to support these situations also.

So do you support the right of a father to marry his son?

Serious question and I'd like a serious response.

The issue boils down to rights. As a son I have "rights" with my father, ie rights to visit him in the hospital, rights of inheritance etc. A married couple have certain rights too. If you purchase property with your wife, she and you have certain rights to that property. Health insurance benefits to being married too, right to social security in case one of you buys the farm, some homeowners insurance comps will treat one of you as a renter if you are not married. Hell even car insurance rates are lower for married couples. This list goes on. Some people would say "get a lawyer and file a will etc" you dont need to be married for that. If that were the case then why doesnt everyone do that?

I agree the word "married" should not be used. Hell I could care less what word they want to use. It boils down to denying a group, a small group, rights that they should be entitled too if they want to get hitched, civil unionized hell whatever you want to call it. Of course if they break up they will also get the flip side to this, e.g., alimony, child support, property being split in 1/2, etc.

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The issue boils down to rights. As a son I have "rights" with my father, ie rights to visit him in the hospital, rights of inheritance etc. A married couple have certain rights too. If you purchase property with your wife, she and you have certain rights to that property. Health insurance benefits to being married too, right to social security in case one of you buys the farm, some homeowners insurance comps will treat one of you as a renter if you are not married. Hell even car insurance rates are lower for married couples. This list goes on. Some people would say "get a lawyer and file a will etc" you dont need to be married for that. If that were the case then why doesnt everyone do that?

I agree the word "married" should not be used. Hell I could care less what word they want to use. It boils down to denying a group, a small group, rights that they should be entitled too if they want to get hitched, civil unionized hell whatever you want to call it. Of course if they break up they will also get the flip side to this, e.g., alimony, child support, property being split in 1/2, etc.

Ok then would support a man that wants to marry his son?

Serious question.

Where are you willing to draw the line?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I would draw the line in a situation where either or both parties are not consenting or are not adults or both. Oh... as for the goldfish argument, an animal is not capable of providing consent.

beyond that, I don't really care who marries who.

OK, so a guy can marry his son if the son is 18 and agrees to it?

As for the gold fish...Well you think your cats wanted to be pets?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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No I dont support it. I guess your right, if we allow gay unions it will open up the flood gates and pretty soon fathers will marry daughters, sons/mother, etc. Just like they said in the 50s with interracial marriage and the downfall of western civilization.

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No I dont support it. I guess your right, if we allow gay unions it will open up the flood gates and pretty soon fathers will marry daughters, sons/mother, etc. Just like they said in the 50s with interracial marriage and the downfall of western civilization.

See, instead of seeing the potential problems you joke.

If you allow this, then you have to allow brothers, and sisters to marry.

I mean who's buisness is it anyway right?

Then you have to allow Dads to marry their kids...I mean who's buisness is it right?

For the record Gay marriage WILL happen, just like ALL "rights" movments have happend.

That does not mean a person should not voice or fight for what they think is right.

And just because it will happen doe not make it right....I mean a guy can't smoke a joint in his own home....Thats limiting his personal freedom right?

So I guess all drugs should be legal right? I mean its a person right as long as they consent right?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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