What happens when an Iraqi tries to fire a bazooka towards Americans?

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But I also agree with Weegegirl. You don't need to 'see' violence to know it's horrible.

Can you really know how horrible it is if you haven't experienced it? If you haven't experienced it then I think the next closest thing is to see it. Right?

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That's a tough one.

In this day and age, is there anyone who hasn't seen or experienced violence in some form?

I guess my thought was more that those who advocate war and violence and in any form, shouldn't hide from it's realities. Those who are opposed to it, shouldn't have it forced upon them.

Overexposure to violence does have an affect on people. To me, that doesn't mean show less violence - that means, do what we can to prevent it.

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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I guess my thought was more that those who advocate war and violence and in any form, shouldn't hide from it's realities. Those who are opposed to it, shouldn't have it forced upon them.

I agree that those who advocate war and violence in any form shouldn't hide from it; absolutely. I also agree that those who advocate non-violence at any costs shouldn't hide from it either. Violence is a part of our reality, and one that must dealt with. Before it can be dealt with it must be understood. Before it can be understood it needs to be experienced.


Overexposure to violence does have an affect on people.

Agreed. 100%


To me, that doesn't mean show less violence - that means, do what we can to prevent it.

Prevent violence, or prevent people from seeing it? As I said above, I think it's important for everyone to see it - not all day long, not every day, but to hide from it as though it doesn't exist doesn't seem right either. As far as preventing it, figure out a realistic way to do so and I'll back you all the way.

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You don't need to 'see' violence to know it's horrible.

True and I'm not sugesting viewing violence just for the sake of it. Hell you can see more than you'll ever *need* to at the movies tonight.

I'm talking about reality. We have a wonderful tool in video technology and the ability to brodcast to any part of the world in seconds. Let's use it. Let's show what life on the Gaza strip is like, let's show what starvation in Africa is like, let's show how the "underprivilaged" in this country live, let's show how corrupt fat cat burracrats are ripping off our tax dollars, and let's show how some guy in a country thousands of miles away get shot and die in a conflic that you may or may not agree on, but bringing the reality of it to the masses might make people think first before letting things get to this point again. I think EVERYONE in their right mind would rather have peace.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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no. i would prefer to watch NOBODY die. those who think that death is funny are sick.

I agree............ but it is better he went down then the Americans that he was about to blast with that Rocket! War is hell and people die. Maybe more people should see stuff like this, thenthey will realize how bad war can be and not be so quick to want to go there.

For the record, if I was gonna go in war I would want it to be that quick.

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>Thats one of the reasons why there hasn't been another terrorist attack since Sept. 11.

Perhaps you missed the anthrax attacks agains the US government. I know, I know, it didn't make for good video, but still - you would think even a pro-bush person might notice a biological weapon being used against the US.

> That will change in the near future as soon as the appeasers get their
> way and U.S. Troops come home.

So if we just keep troops in Korea, Afghanistan, and Iraq forever there will be no terrorism? Hmm. I think there might be more than one hole in that vision of utopia.

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To desensitize someone who is sensitive to violence does nothing toward ridding the world of violence. If nothing else, it seems it would make us apathetic.

To enlighten someone who is ignorant, is to sensitize them.

As for your challenge, I don't know what to say. If you are against something - why would you be 'for it' just because you haven't seen the way out of it?

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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To desensitize someone who is sensitive to violence does nothing toward ridding the world of violence. If nothing else, it seems it would make us apathetic.

I missed the part where I suggested that people should be desensitized to violence. We shouldn't be apathetic at all, we should be outraged.


To enlighten someone who is ignorant, is to sensitize them.

Agreed, I think.


As for your challenge, I don't know what to say. If you are against something - why would you be 'for it' just because you haven't seen the way out of it?

I didn't mean for that to come across as a personal challenge, nor did I ever suggest that I am for violence. As another poster already suggested, we would all prefer a world free of violence - unfortunately that isn't the case, at least not today. I guess the point I was trying to make is that I would gladly support any reasonable system to end violence once and for all. However, I can't think of a reasonable way to do that. That hardly means that I'm pro-violence though, I'm not.

Anyhow - I have to get back to work, unfortunately.

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I'm not sugesting viewing violence just for the sake of it. Hell you can see more than you'll ever *need* to at the movies tonight.

I hope you know that I was agreeing with you! :)
Part of my post was in defense of weegegirl's expressed desire not to watch someone die. I was also the one who advocated someone's desire to see video of someone 'going in' on a skydive.

My point, I guess, is you can't cram meaning or education or reverence into something for everyone.

Put it out there - yes. Try to 'make' it mean something to someone? - good luck.

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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Note who this is directed to please.

Get a grip people. Seriously.

Just because I am not "directly involved" with the violence going on in this world DOES NOT mean that I am not educated about what is going on, or that I do not "understand" the suffering in the world.

I certainly do understand it. But there is NOTHING that is going to change inside me or in my life because I watch a man get shot to death in a video. I read about what happens. I know what happens. I have friends and family that were in the trade center on 911. That was the worst day of my life. I balled up on the floor in the fetal position crying like a baby because I thought my brother was dead. You want to talk about up-close-and-personal???? Just because I am not fighting this war that I strongly disagree with... just because I choose not to watch videos of death... does NOT make me any different.

I just choose to find my understanding and reflect in different ways. Not LAUGHING at a guy who is being shot to death! >:(


now *deep breath*... i think all of you are cool people. please don't take any of this personally. but i just don't see why someone should shove this video down my throat or why i should "have to watch it".

drunkmonkey... can i have another bunny picture please??? :P

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I missed the part where I suggested that people should be desensitized to violence.

You didn't. :)

I would gladly support any reasonable system to end violence once and for all.

How 'bout just stop resorting to violence?

I know, I know. If 'we' stop being violent, others will be violent to us and then we'll be 'conquered' and only violent countries will remain...

So, why should we be outraged over violence? It's so obviously necessary to our survival.

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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>Thats one of the reasons why there hasn't been another terrorist attack since Sept. 11.


Perhaps you missed the anthrax attacks agains the[ US government. I know, I know, it didn't make for good video, but still - you would think even a pro-bush person might notice a biological weapon being used against the US.

O.K. Bill, if it helps you feel more self-rightious, change that to "Another Terrorist attack by Al Qaeda". You know.. the ones we are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan? The ones even an anti-Bush person could understand?

> That will change in the near future as soon as the appeasers get their
> way and U.S. Troops come home.


So if we just keep troops in Korea, Afghanistan, and Iraq forever there will be no terrorism? Hmm. I think there might be more than one hole in that vision of utopia.

Pssst... Hey Bill..... we aren't fighting terrorists in Korea. It's also pretty obvious to all except the Bush bashers that we need to keep troops on the front lines of our war on terror because if we don't do our best to keep them contained and occupied on their own turf, they are going to take the war to the U.S.

Now I know that in the Peoples Republic of California it is thought by many that if we just leave them alone and don't provoke them that they will just forget about us and go back to herding camels in the desert and pumping oil for the world. Unfortunately, Bill, thats just not going to happen. And the appeasers can engage in all the speculation and theories they want and it won't change the fact that the U.S. is going to get hit and hit hard if we let down our gaurd and go back to being the fat and happy nation we were before Sept. 11.

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I find myself agreeing with you, and you really shouldn't have to defend youself so many times.

But how can you not watch tv, or at least, how can you not watch the Simpsons.

P.S. You still wearing your helmet on every Jump?
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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I find myself agreeing with you, and you really shouldn't have to defend youself so many times.

But how can you not watch tv, or at least, how can you not watch the Simpsons.

P.S. You still wearing your helmet on every Jump?

hahahha. well, the one time i've watched tv in the last while, i was busted for watching *runs n hides* america idol. :o hey, katie watched it too!!!! :S

haha. simpsons used to be one of my favorites. but tv sucks you in and rots your brain. ;):P

and yup. wearing my helmet. ;)

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ah yes the dirty little pleasure of American Idol.B|

I blame it on the fact that my 4 yr old liked to watch it.:o
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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"la muerte en directo se ha convertido en una imagen cotidiana alli, esto a ocurrido en el suburbio bagdali controlado por las milicias del clerigo radical al-sad (never finished the sentence). "

Death, live has become a familiar sight there. This has occurred in a Baghdad suburb controlled by radical clergyman Al-sad........

Word by word translation would serve no purpose, yet when he refers to live, it is as on live TV.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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