
The WAR is about OIL

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And Ron, his point about the best place in the world flew over your head - unless you've lived in many places, how are you qualified to answer?

Simple look at such things as GNP. Number of vehicals per thousand persons.

Number of TV's per person.

Average national income.

There are PLENTY of ways to look at it without living all over the world.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Speaking of germany, the war for oil, the president, and the state of our government.....
I thought these were interesting...

Congratulations! You've won the award for the most lame image reposts in one day award.

. . =(_8^(1)

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>don't let the door hit you in the ass.


It's fortunate more do not share that view. Some of the greatest americans in history thought the US had problems, and worked to fix them. Martin Luther King comes to mind. Thank god (for us) he didn't "just leave" when he saw racial injustice.

The problem is, he is not american, lives and works in the US and has a profound interest in diminishing as well as insulting anything that has to do with the US. I consider that either lack of character, or just sucking up on a system to make his life better. MLK was an American, who cared for his country. Hardly his case:|

I think the door hitting on his ass should apply.:D

Dude, thank you for your psicology lesson, now, do yourself a favor and stop playing Freud. As a psicology college student i have been told that a lack of character is usually shown by the need to belong to a large group where your actions will be backed up (sounds familiar?). My opinions more often than not are supported for just a handful of other poster.
Regarding that of sucking up on a system to make my life better... well, lets say that i am not one of those "charismatic" guys who get a hard on saying what a hot shit they are for being from such country.
I don´t live in the US at the moment, but i have lived for a whole year and on and off the next five years after. I do know what to live like in the US is like. However i encourage you to find a post where i put down the US as a country or americans as a whole. In the other hand, you DO put down other countries (like South Africa) without probably spending much time there. That is not very smart. As a matter of fact, you can find posts where i disagree with spain´s position about a subject. I guess that i should leave Spain ASAP.
I do have my biased believes about controversial subjects, but i only post what i can backup with facts (preferible) or common sense. However Internet is a free country :P and you can post what you want. so go back to informed and factual statements like:
America is the greatest country in the world
South Africa is a bad country.
Santa Klaus exists
and GWB is a very cultural and honest guy.

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Speaking of germany, the war for oil, the president, and the state of our government.....
I thought these were interesting

Isn't it funny:

There is always someone showing up to bring back Germany's history into discussion -
for what purpose? To draw comparison? :S

He surely will make a lot of new friends with this. In the rows of Bush-fans anyhow:P


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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[reply but if H Goeing REALLY DID say that, it IS s
scary, don´t you think?????

This kid certainly doesn't sugar coat things. Wonder if he has any pictures of the Easter Bunny? (not during hunting season)
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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You clearly know nothing about Hitler WW2 or GWB if you think that way.

You are showing your ass with stupid posts like that.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I don´t know if the second pic is a repost (the first surely is) but if H Goeing REALLY DID say that, it IS scary, don´t you think?

Well he did. It's in the notes of a doctor who was treating him. He didn't say it at the court itself, IIRC.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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As a psicology college student ...

Two words:
"psicology" (sic)

Advice - Being a student in something is not a 'credential', it's usually the opposite. I wouldn't use that to shore up an opinion. Ask Kallend about the competence of his 'students' in practical application of physics and math (prior to real world experience)


. . . i have been told that a lack of character is usually shown by the need to belong to a large group where your actions will be backed up (sounds familiar?).

Freeflyers? {{{ducks behind the credenza}}}

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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And Ron, his point about the best place in the world flew over your head - unless you've lived in many places, how are you qualified to answer?

Simple look at such things as GNP. Number of vehicals per thousand persons.
Number of TV's per person.
Average national income.
There are PLENTY of ways to look at it without living all over the world.

But your analysis of those metrics are clouded by your limited perspective. Because we value money, the car, and the TV highly, we presume they are keys to happiness. Different usually means worse - we tend to dislike change.

In LA, you absolutely can't live well without a vehicle. The zoning is too widespread, the mass transit is a joke, and there are countless attractions 50 miles away. But in San Francisco, you really could live a happy and full life without owning one. But you wouldn't know that unless you were here.

I'm not sure how to answer on the TVs. Again there are differing values on best leisure activities.

GNP and money - lots of countering arguments. Despite the claim that Americans are lazy, they work more hours than any other nation. Is that a good quality of life? 2 weeks of vacation versus 5? Part of our economic prowess stems from our prioritization of work above most all else. I personally would prefer something else.

Look - we don't understand why people elsewhere are happy paying huge taxes, having no guns, and odd parlimentary governments. But quite of few of those nations seem happy enough, don't understand us. How do we know they aren't as happy as us? You're not going to know that based on info from the CIA World Fact Book.

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I don´t know if the second pic is a repost (the first surely is) but if H Goeing REALLY DID say that, it IS scary, don´t you think?

Well he did. It's in the notes of a doctor who was treating him. He didn't say it at the court itself, IIRC.

Did you read that book, The Nurember Diary? It's an awesome book and very insightfull. Goering's quote sent a chill down my spine when I first read it in the Diary because its true and has worked and will always work. Nazi's were evil incarnate, but they understood human nature better than any other regimes in history.

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You clearly know nothing about Hitler WW2 or GWB if you think that way.

You are showing your ass with stupid posts like that.

The Goering part is true.

That wasn't his point.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Of course being a student is nor a credential. as it is not a credential neither having a master degree over Internet (i get everyday spam about getting diplomas from not recogniced universities). However i don´t understand why for being a psicologist student i am often less qualified to speak about psicology than others. do you mind to explain?
I agree with you that i could have left out the studying psicology part but since i was taking the piss asking him not to be Freud I though it was in order.
In any case, i think i am right about the personality part. I don´t know why to talk bad about a country would make me have less personality (In case that i had done that). Usually people with low personality will join large groups to feel backed up by more people (often those persons have low self steem). That is how gangs work.
I will post some links so you can read the same from someone who has already graduated when i find them. So far i get this information from text books.
By the way, it is not the case, but i could very well be one week before graduating for finals in Spain are next week. So student can mean a lot of things.

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No doubt dude!!! I think that studying psychology qualifies you to speak, at some level, on the subject. At least you're not just blowing smoke....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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You clearly know nothing about Hitler WW2 or GWB if you think that way.

You are showing your ass with stupid posts like that.

think what way? i said i thought it was interesting..

do you want me to show you my ass so you'll know the difference?

do i think bush is the 2nd coming of hitler? no, of course not. but I don't agree with what his administration is doing and i think with the way he is doing it some interesting paralells can be drawn.

-Seth :)

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think what way? i said i thought it was interesting..

That hitler and Bush are the same.


do you want me to show you my ass so you'll know the difference?

You already are showing it.


do i think bush is the 2nd coming of hitler? no, of course not

Then why would you back that picture...simple..you don't know better.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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But your analysis of those metrics are clouded by your limited perspective.

And what do you know of my limited perspective?


GNP and money - lots of countering arguments. Despite the claim that Americans are lazy, they work more hours than any other nation. Is that a good quality of life? 2 weeks of vacation versus 5?

I get 5.


You're not going to know that based on info from the CIA World Fact Book

How about the fact that more people try to move here than anywhere else?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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The Goering part is true.

Im sure it is...The NAZI's had amazing knowledge....

My issue was with the Bush/Hitler BS.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Is that a good quality of life? 2 weeks of vacation versus 5?

I get 5.

good for you, but it ain't the norm, or even close.


How about the fact that more people try to move here than anywhere else?

More people use Microsoft than anything else too.

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good for you, but it ain't the norm, or even close.

Get a better job. Thats the wonderful thing about the US..You don't like what you want you are free to move on.


More people use Microsoft than anything else too.

Seems to me that for most people its a good product then.

People don't tend to use crap stuff just for fun.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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By the way, it is not the case, but i could very well be one week before graduating for finals in Spain are next week. So student can mean a lot of things.

Visualize a little fairy walking up to a man in robes and mortar board. waves wand. DING - you are now an expert.

Work in the field for 10 years and then write me a response. you will feel differently

Nothing wrong with studying a subject and speaking to it, but a piece of paper means nothing in any subject. I have a master's in nuclear engineering, doesn't mean I can build a power plant in my back yard.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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