
Another example of Republican abuse of power and cencorship

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Fair enough. So you said GOP "led" rather than GOP "controlled". That seems like a distinction without a difference.

And "GOP led legislature" was in fact a quote from the news item I read and referenced. First you want direct quotes, not you're criticising mine. Make up your mind.

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They didn't censor anything, obviously. They are trying to promote self censoring of remarks critical of their administration through the imposition of penalties for not doing so.

Is that better?


but your title:

[PhillyKev] Another example of Republican abuse of power and cencorship

remains misleading. There is no censorship. And I think your characterization about abuse of powe is misleading, too. How many republican publications are affected in this? Any idea?

Look, all I'm getting at is you're being really partisan about this. That's fine, since you admit you hate repubs, but still. That's my protestation.


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While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Okay. Here's my viewpoint on it.

The papers are getting hit with taxes like many other businesses. Like Haliburton, these newspapers are nothing more than greedy corporations. Why should I feel any sympathy for some newspapers for not having to do what ma and pa at the store do.

Next: the reason why the vote was 74-72 (meaning 17 Republicans did not vote for it) was saving of precious asses of 17 of them. "I didn't vote for it" chickenshit, is what it is. They didn't HAVE to vote for it. Face it - it's a Republican controlled juggernaut.

Censorship - that's BS. The newspapers can print all they want. My guess is that this vote has not shut them up about the unfairness of it all.

Revenge - damn straight. Why not go for revenge. It happens to those of us like me all the time. I get clobbered with taxes for having the audacity to work my ass off at school to make more money and then get creamed by taxes because I make too much money. Revenge? Pro-tax pinko newspapers should start smelling what they shovel.

Expectation? These papers will raise their prices, take higher profits, and blame the rate increase on the Republican legistlature. Then, they'll get their special interest loophole back in exchange for some key endorsements and not drop the price a cent.

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Look, all I'm getting at is you're being really partisan about this. That's fine, since you admit you hate repubs, but still. That's my protestation.

I'm being partisan in that I'm criticising something that was done in a partisan manner. If it were democrats who did this, which considering it's the repeal of a tax break you would think more likely, I would be just as critical.

I don't hate republicans, once again I'm being misquoted. I hate the RNC tactics and policies. I'm not too fond of the democratic party either and have stated that more than once I believe there is little difference between these two parties. They both seem to only care about continuing to exist and not about doing what is right. This just happens to be a blatant example of that.

You're right that there was no specific censorship. But it was done in an attempt to stifle commentary critical to their policies. I see little difference. Same desired effect while still remaining technically within the law.

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Ok legal type guy . And what do you say about motive?

Motive? Every law has a motive behind it. Tax the rich? The motive? They are rich and can pay more.

"We need mroe money." That's the motive in a lot of arbitrary nonsense. Let's increase parking tickets and increase the fines.

Motive? let's be honest and note that there's a reason why EVERYTHING is done. Some of it is to get back at people. Some of it is to help people. What's the motive for exempting newspapers from taxes to begin with? Sounds fishy, doesn't it?

BS one way, BS the other way. Power here, power there. Back and forth. It's the way it's done. The pendulum was on one side before, swung the other way, and the pendulum will swing back soon enough.

The newspaper oughtta suck it up for the time being just like the voiceless readers who are held to a different standard than the regal press.

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BS one way, BS the other way. Power here, power there. Back and forth. It's the way it's done. The pendulum was on one side before, swung the other way, and the pendulum will swing back soon enough.

You need to get out of LA you cynical SOB :P Come somewhere like Philly where there's no pendulum, just a single corrupt power structure.

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I did get out of LA in July to the more pastoral existence of Fresno. Hell, "Bubba" from "Heat of the Night" is the mayor. Talk about cynical.

I'd fit right in in Philly (where my psycho ex lived). Any place where people boo when a drive by misses anybody is all right with me.:)
Krikey. Rough week. I need beer.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Another example of Republican abuse of power and cencorship


They didn't censor anything, obviously.

You're starting to sound like Kerry. :P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I don't think any legitimate newspaper should be taxed.

Free speech, freedom of the press, etc., does not mean free but with taxes added. Any tax imposes some burden on the freedom of speech, and is then open to abuse by government.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I don't think any legitimate newspaper should be taxed.

Free speech, freedom of the press, etc., does not mean free but with taxes added. Any tax imposes some burden on the freedom of speech, and is then open to abuse by government.

Does that mean you're going to head out to Montana and join the tax protestors? By your logic, all taxes are too dangerous to allow. I happen to be more worried about people than media corporations.

Or are you going to argue for me that all gun laws anywhere are wrong and a burden to the right to keep and bear arms, and is too open to abuse by the government?

No double standards, pick one or the other. Or do you like one part of the bill of rights more than another?
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I don't think any legitimate newspaper should be taxed.

Free speech, freedom of the press, etc., does not mean free but with taxes added. Any tax imposes some burden on the freedom of speech, and is then open to abuse by government.

Does that mean you're going to head out to Montana and join the tax protestors? By your logic, all taxes are too dangerous to allow. I happen to be more worried about people than media corporations.

Or are you going to argue for me that all gun laws anywhere are wrong and a burden to the right to keep and bear arms, and is too open to abuse by the government?

No double standards, pick one or the other. Or do you like one part of the bill of rights more than another?

I support minimal intervention by the government in the affairs of the people. I have told you that previously.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Any tax imposes some burden on the freedom of speech, and is then open to abuse by government.

I like your thinking. Taxes impose an unacceptable first amendment burden. Since the first amendment protects individuals, that means that taxes on individuals are unacceptable under the first amendment.

I'm actually not mocking you here. I really do think that taxes ought to be unconstitutional--in all cases.
-- Tom Aiello

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I don't think any legitimate newspaper should be taxed.

Free speech, freedom of the press, etc., does not mean free but with taxes added. Any tax imposes some burden on the freedom of speech, and is then open to abuse by government.

What about the major broadcast networks? ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX; should they be taxed? What about CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News? Should they be taxed? I could go on....

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You should be happy. Its taking money from big buisness so the Dems can give it to people on welfare for crack.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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You should be happy. Its taking money from big buisness so the Dems can give it to people on welfare for crack.

Please point out where I ever advocated that, or are you just being pedantic?

You've also just pointed out why this is so suspiciously an act of revenge considering all but one of those who voted to support it were republicans. Or has the GOP stance on corporate welfare been changed suddenly?

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I don't hate republicans, once again I'm being misquoted. I hate the RNC tactics and policies

How is this a misquote?


I am biased. I think the RNC is a bunch of slimy bitches who care only about retaining power

Calling them "Slimy Bitches" is a slam on them, not the policies.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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And just because I think they are slimy bitches doesn't mean I hate them

Wow could have fooled me...If I called you a "slimy bitch" I bet I'd get banned for a personal attack.

Seems like an attack on THEM, not the policies.

But then again when dealing with Dems we have to define such things as "Sex" and "Is".
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Are you or any other DZ.com members on the committee? If not, I don't see the personal attack. Do I believe they are female dogs covered in a mucus membrane? No. I'm using colorful language to express my opinion of their policies.

Unlike you, just because I don't like what the RNC does, doesn't mean I hate republicans. As evidenced by your continuous and tiresome comparison of Clinton to all democrats (which I'm not one of, by the way) you can't separate individual actions from stereotypical groups.

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Are you or any other DZ.com members on the committee? If not, I don't see the personal attack

Just because they are not on here does not mean that it is not a personal attack on them...You will not get banned for calling them that, but you clearly are attacking them..Then you later say you are not attacking them...You clearly do like Kerry, you are just like him.


Do I believe they are female dogs covered in a mucus membrane? No. I'm using colorful language to express my opinion of their policies.

By calling them a name you plan on attacking their policies? Un why not just attac the policies? Oh wait never mind....Thats not fun. And just like the title you used on this thread not accurate either.


Unlike you, just because I don't like what the RNC does, doesn't mean I hate republicans


I am biased. I think the RNC is a bunch of slimy bitches who care only about retaining power

Boy that sure LOOKS like you hate Republicans....I don't tend to call people I LIKE "Slimy Bitches".


As evidenced by your continuous and tiresome comparison of Clinton to all democrats

Actually I compare Clintons actions and the Dems supporting those actions to make my points...If the Dems had said "Yep Clinton is an asshole for getting blown in the Oval Office, then lying under oath about it" Instead of "This is just a Republican ploy to make him look bad"...Well then I'd have no fire power.


you can't separate individual actions from stereotypical groups.

Just like this quote from you?

am biased. I think the RNC is a bunch of slimy bitches who care only about retaining power

Hey Pot!!! this is the Kettle...Your Black!
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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>If I called you a "slimy bitch" I bet I'd get banned for a personal attack.

Yeah, you would, but if you called Kerry a slimy bitch you wouldn't, since he doesn't post here.

Reguardless of them posting here or not, or if anyone could get banned for saying it....It is still a personal attack on a group of people casue he does not agree with something they did.

Instead of attcaking the event, he attacked the people. Then claimed he never did attack them. (That is so Kerry).


Yeah, you would, but if you called Kerry a slimy bitch you wouldn't, since he doesn't post here.

Since you said I could:

Kerry is a slimy bitch!!!!
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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