
I don't want to be a Newbie!

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....of course you don't...and you probably aren't!
The Newbie title you see next to your name is keyed of the number of times you've posted to this forum. At the rate most of you post you should see that change soon! Sorry I didn't bring over the post numbers from the previous forums, that was simply tooooo much work for too little benefit - can you say "point of diminishing returns?"
.....my title is a perk! :)Safe swoops

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So there is no "majuc number" where users can get a "special name" of their choosing after say, 500 posts??
They do this at Flashkit.com, just wondering !
would also be cool if the board would automatically parse URL's. Did this board come with a "portal" script of sorts, and did you just use the same cookies/databases for custom added features? The new signup is cool too.
[email protected]

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(warning: kinda cheesy :D)
So I'm guessing the ratings are kina like this:
20 Posts: Novice
50 Posts: "dangerous dz.com poster" (intermediate)
100 Posts: experienced
200 Posts: dz.com forum god
Then you can apply for special posting abilities:
After you get your "god" status you can get your PM ratings.
With the PM (guess) ratings there is the AFP (accelerated forum posting) and the S/P (static posting) instructor ratings. These are important since newbies need to learn how to cutaway (ctrl+alt+del) their browser so their computer doesn't bounce (stack dump/blue screen).
Also you can get your "pro-post" rating so you can post into non-dz.com forums, but that takes on the upwards of 500 posts.
AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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so i guess that on the old dz.com i would have been a goddess, huh? if pics count double, i would have been a super goddess. LOL i always wondered how many posts we had before. let's see, since last may/june who knows? sangiro still would have been head honcho. we would never change that. ;-) right JKA? good to see you back, BTW. i sent you an email the other day and it came back. you get a new one?

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Can you stop these people from just adding random CRAP to the end of posts just to get their post numbers up? I log in every couple of days and there are literally 100s of "I'm here", "Here I am again" posts!!
Yes we could all do the same, but then we'd be a bunch of w*nkers! I thought we weren't...
Ok, that's my rant over and done with! I'll have my teddy back in my stroller now please.
Chalk an extra up for me. He he he...

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What I'm curious about is what the rest of the numbers are and what the titles are. I floated around the wwwthreads.com site for a bit and found out that both of those (#'s and names) are picked by the admin of the forum. It'd be cool to see that kinda info in the FAQ (since it IS a frequently asked question), but our fearless leader is still silent. :)AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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with all the crap posts. it hardly seems fun to go through the ranks. does it?
it's just a name folks. most of you post on a regular basis anyway why are you concerned with the "STATUS" of your name. on the old site we only cared about REAL JUMPS...and each other.
Im sure sangiro did this as a fun thing but i wonder if he regrets it now?!
now I'm sure some of you are probably thinking that im shouting at ya's but quite the contrary. i'm just saying that'll if you leave it alone, it'll grow:)
sorry it's a whole penis envy joke...now we got nickname envy.
safe jumping, but dont get too high on ourselves:D

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