
Senseless Acts......

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Hey guys,
I noticed someone mention in the "Pilots" thread the MTV show "Senseless Acts of Video." Just wondering how many of you watch this and how many would try the same shit Troy does? I have only seen it a few times but the few I've seen always looked like fun and in the few I've seen, all involved some sort of skydiving. I thought it was pretty cool....anybody think different?
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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That show is pretty cool. It is kind of funny though. Mtv makes it seem more dangerous than it is sometimes. For example, when he set his parachute on fire. He had a rig with 3 parachutes in it when Mtv said he only had 2. Its still a pretty good show and they do some crazy stuff, which I wouldnt try. He has almost bit it a couple of times (landing on the top of a moving train & freefalling in a SUV). He definately has to have a lot of technical help to make things safe.
"I'll jump anything!"

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If you want to see an amazing video. check out "First BASE". It is about 50 minutes of some of the most amazing BASE footage you will ever see. The editing is much better than typical BASE tapes. They show you a lot of stuff from Norway. They even have the first tandem BASE jump. Phenominal video.
"I'll jump anything!"

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Sensless is a great show. Not only does it take skydiving to a whole new level, with the use of pianos and bombs and cars in freefall but it also shows the lighter side of skydiving. Troys always smiling, always happy. Dont really know what it is, maybe its the skydiving, maybe its the cute host (troy not that chick) maybe its the shots. Maybe its the cool shots of the hottie skydiver! hehe. Yeah, that works, all of those things wrapped into one. IF you wanna check out more cool skydiving links, see how troy got started, and see some short clips from comercials hes done go to http:// www.troyhartman.com . pretty cool site, a bit for the newbies with the explainations of aff and tandem skydives and all. but still a cool site

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I visited his site and emailed him when I had decided to actually do the tandem jump. He actually wrote back with some words of encouragement. And it wasn't one of those auto-respond things, it was pretty clear he read, and was responding to, my email.
The cool thing about Troy is that he doesn't seem to have the big head that Hollywood seems to give people. And, like a lot of you said already, he's always smiling and having a good time. He doesn't seem to have a Sky-God complex, which is nice to see.
Blue Skies!

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Guess he really is a descent guy. Ive talked to a few people that have written him an email and hes always gotten back to them. I thought the same thing. "he actually wrote back and it wasnt one of those dumb auto response emails." But thats how our sport is, people are just cool . Sure, we have our skygods but the number of chillen famous skydivers is higher.

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Did you see the one where he "Ejected" from a trainer jet? That was cool! I'd love to do that!! You can tell he was having a blast, 'cause when he got to the ground and was trying to explain how cool it was, they had to bleep out a word or two. I liked the knee-boarding behind a helicopter then getting pulled up to 3k.. that was cool too. My all time favorites has to be the train landing, or where he jumped from one plane and entered another.

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The cool thing about Troy is that he doesn't seem to have the big head that Hollywood seems to give people. And, like a lot of you said already, he's always smiling and having a good time. He doesn't seem to have a Sky-God complex, which is nice to see.
it's a cool thing when a "famous" person ESPECIALLY a skydiver is DOWN TO EARTH(pun intended:)luckily i haven't met any skygods/goddess' in person. and if i did then i was too stupid to pick up on it, but the cool thing about this sport is that (so far) everyone i met seems to realize one thing. not everyone is as lucky as we are. and most of these people are sincere in wanting the rest of us to live up to our potential in this great sport. it's like a private society that we all want to go public(to the piont that skydiving thrives on itself)
did i confuse anyone....I personally feel like i lost IQ pionts trying to xplain that. it doesn't read the same way it's said but what the hell, trey and see if you get my gist!:P

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Troy is awesome.
I read his website articles about the stunts he did on Senseless. The one where he gets into a falling plane sounded cool and I hadn't seen it done before, so I emailed him to tell him that he does some cool shit and how I like the getting-into-a-plane-in-freefall thing... what does he do? Mails me a tape of the season of Senseless Acts.
Nice guy, really supportive of our sport. We need more "celebrities" like him. Totall down to earth.

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The cool thing about Troy is that he doesn't seem to have the big head that Hollywood seems to give people. And, like a lot of you said already, he's always smiling and having a good time. He doesn't seem to have a Sky-God complex, which is nice to see.

Troy showed up at my old dz when he had less than 100 jumps. He was always great fun to jump with and an amazingly good flyer considering his experience level at the time. He stopped jumping there and moved over to Taft when he decided to get into skysurfing (dzo wouldn't allow any skysurfing due to the "country club pilots" on the airport).
As long as I've known him he's had a great attitude - he could have easily developed a skygod complex when he was at the top of the skysurfing heap but he didn't... always made time to say hi and chat for a few even on a busy training day. Even took the time to give me a hug when he was surrounded by adoring whuffos after he and Vic won the XGames. Personally I'm stoked for him that he's now a "celebrity" - and I'm even more stoked to say that I knew him "when"! ;)
pull and flare,

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If you are interested in tandem base jumps check out Ted Strong doing one on Bridge Day some time ago. http://members.citynet.net/skydiver/skydiving/NRB.html This may even predate the jump you mention from the BASE video.

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If you want to see an amazing video. check out "First BASE".

I HAVE THIS! I agree, it's really good. Mike from Skydivingmag gave this to me when I told him how much I wanted to BASE in that hole in the ground in Mexico after reading about that in one of the back issues he gave me. Anybody else REALLY want to do an underground jump??? I'm stoked on the idea and can't wait (although I won't be doing it anytime soon:)MUCH LOVE AND BLUE SKIES!
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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The Cave of the Swallows. Yes, that would be truly awesome. I seen some jumps there on TV. The opening is like 165 feet X 200 Feet around and about 1,234 feet deep. It is much wider once you get inside a bit. There is little info on line, I wish I could find more about it. I'm like you though, not close to ready for that yet!

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hey carrie,
ive been wanting do base that hole since you mentioned it to me. i never knew the name of it til craig posted it. now it sounds even more intriguing:) ha ha.
now that i know the name i can look for some info. thanks craig
Edited by jtval on 3/8/01 05:12 AM.

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Ahhhhh, Cave of the Swallows. Now I have a name to fit the dream. Mentally, I'm ready for it but experience-wise, it will be a little while (not too long I hope:). There's WAY too much room for error trying to fall into a tiny hole from so many feet up. What if they have a bad spot???
I checked out that website that someone posted for Troy. I'd never seen it before and didn't have time to look around much but I did see where he said that Senseless Acts may be cancelled soon. Does anyone have any idea why that might be?
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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I checked out that website that someone posted for Troy. I'd never seen it before and didn't have time to look
around much but I did see where he said that Senseless Acts may be cancelled soon. Does anyone have any
idea why that might be?

I heard it might be aired later in the evening from someone. Maybe they will cancel it altogther, I missed that on Troy's page. Why? Cause the whuffo's like to try some of the stunts they see on TV themselves and get injured. (not necessarily the skydiving ones I don't think) Then they get lawsuit happy. At least that is what I gather from what I have heard. It is sad that the a$$holes can't take responsibility for their actions, even more sad that the judges fall for it. Like the disclaimer at the beginning of the program don't mean squat!

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It is sad that the a$$holes can't take responsibility for their actions, even more sad that the judges fall for it. Like the disclaimer at the beginning of the program don't mean squat!

As long as there are lawyers who will take these cases knowing full well that most big organizations will settle even meritless cases to avoid the costs of defending themselves, this kind of thing will continue. And I can say that being a retired lawyer myself (yes I still work, just in a different field - I didn't say I retired wealthy ;)).
One can only hope that eventually they'll all take themselves out of the gene pool -- problem solved.
Blue Skies!

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I agree, Zennie. Although I'm no lawyer, I've taken waaaaay too many law classes and discovered just how easy it is to bend the rules and get away with shit. Do you think that's the only reason, though, they'd cancel it? I mean there are a lot of shows like that on MTV like "Jackass," "Beavis and Butthead," and "Tom Green" and shows on other channels as well that stupid people try to reinact. I wouldn't think that is the only reason why it's cancelling but that sux if it is.
Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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with all this talk about sensless getting cancelled i wrote to troy and offered him our support (flooding mtv with emails begging not to take sensless off the air). He wrote back and said that things dont look good for senseless and that mtv just doesnt know real programming (senseless) from crappy programing (somebody doesnt like some of the mtv proggrams. hehe) to put it in his words "We'll just let them have their crap and we'll keep making some cool shows elsewhere" so this isnt the last weve seen of troy and his crazy skydiving stunts on prime time! yeah. screw mtv. all i want is my skydiving program wiht the hottie host, no matter what channel airs it.. hey, at least this means kimberly (the winee pain in the ass) is gone. lol. sorry, the girl annoys me.
just figured an update was in order. at least we will still have skydiving on tv, just not sure what station.

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