
Riding the plane down

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Hey all,
I'm curious as to who has, or has come close, to riding the plane down. I've never done it, but I came really close once:
On my 7th jump, which was a 10 second delay in the S/L progression, I started getting terribly panicky on the ride to altitude. Every jump before that had been getting easier and easier, but for some reason this one was just murder. I had been talking to a JM friend of mine, and she told me about how on her early freefall jumps, she had a recurring problem of her chest-mount altimeter flying up under her chin and being unable to read it. For some reason, this thought freaked me out and this started my brain getting panicky. When we were close to jump run, my JM noticed that my leg straps where a bit loose and gave them a yank. At this point I got even more freaked out, even though I knew it was irrational and started babbling about falling out of the harness and maybe I should ride the plane back down.
As I said, though, I did manage to jump. Oddly enough, the altimeter did indeed ride right up under my chin, forcing me to dump quite high. (I can't really tell my altitude at this point, so I didn't want to run a risk of getting low.) As you might guess, however, once I was out the door, there was no real worry about the mishap, more an annoyance that my freefall was cut short. Also, I am now the proud owner of an FT-50 hand mount. :)
Any good stories?

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I never thought I’d tell anybody this, but I guess it can’t hurt. On what would have been my last jump in the summer of 99, I rode the plane back down for no reason other than because I was absolutely terrified to jump. I’ve always told people that I stopped jumping because of financial reasons, which isn’t entirely untrue, but being aboard the jump plane when it landed is what really did it. It was my third level 4 AFF, the one where you have to do turns, and on the previous tries I just couldn’t get it. I totally froze and couldn’t get myself to drop my shoulder. I don’t really know what happened but it just kept getting worse and worse. All the confidence I once had was gone and despite doing tons of dirt diving and visualizations of the jump I just didn’t think I’d ever be able to get it. When I was sitting in the plane and it became time to open the door and go I just freaked and told my JM I couldn’t do it. He tried to talk me in to going but it was already to late for me, I was done with it. He told everybody that some clouds where in the way and we couldn’t jump, but I’m sure everybody knew the truth. I was totally devastated. All I wanted to do was jump and fly around the sky, but it seemed hopeless. And by the way, this happened on my birthday – worst birthday of my life. I don’t want to end on a sour note though. I’ve thought about skydiving every single day since and I am absolutely 100% determined to get through it and get licensed. When spring comes around here in Minnesota it’s do or die!

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Hey its an unnatural act to throw yourself out of an airplane. But then again so was screwing your girfriend (boyfriend) on the couch while her (his) parents were upstairs. It just feels so good its worth it!!!! So get back in there and screw ooops I mean jump....

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Hey All,
I rode the plane down once. It was for one of my student jumps, I can't remember which one, though. On the ride up there was a pretty good haze layer that looked really thick on the way up and I made the decision to ride the plane down. While on jump run I found that it was not as bad as I had thought and I could see the DZ clearly, but had already made the decision and it was too late to change my mind and jump. The ride down was almost as much fun as the jump, which I made on the next load. If you decide to ride the plane down because of something that makes you uncomfortable it is a good decision. Better to make the jump later than to have something clouding your mind.
Blue Skies,

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When spring comes around here in Minnesota it’s do or die!

But don't do it if it doesn't feel right or you very well might die.
Sure we all get jittery, but if it really doesn't feel right don't jump! You present a danger to yourself and your JM if you are scared out of your wits. You can't think clearly and that is an absolute must in this sport.
Try some relaxation exercises. Of course, meditiation works for me. ;) Try this next time you go up. First, focus on your breaths. Feel the air flowing across your nostrils as you breath in & out. Don't force the breaths, just let them come naturally. That should help calm you down a bit.
Then, visualize the entire skydive in your mind. Visualize a good, stable exit and a good, relaxed arch. Now visualize yourself successfully doing all the maneuvers required for your jump. If you can't concentrate, go back to the breathing exercise until you relax again. Then try the visualization again.
You may need to ride up and down a few times before you feel good enough about things to jump, but please don't force it! Once you relax, things will be fine.
Blue Skies!

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I rode the plane down once on my 13th jump. It was also June 13th (yeah so I'm a little superstitious). Anyway, I had just had a fight with my family before I left my house because I had jumped the day before and they didn't think I needed to go out to the DZ again (typical whuffo's!). But I went out to the DZ anyway and got in the plane. I was in a plane that I had never jumped from before, with a different pilot, and had to try a new exit. I kept thinking about all of these things on the way up and freaked myself out. I kept telling myself that I didn't want to die after a fight with my family. So I refused to get out of the plane. My jumpmaster thought it was because it was really cloudy but actually I found the clouds very comforting. I finally told him the truth about a year later. But after that day, I was so mad at myself that I went out to the DZ the next four days it was open until I had finally graduated from the static line program. It ended up being great motivation for me. But don't ever be embarrassed to ride down with the plane if things don't feel right. If you're not concentrating on your jump, it's not going to be a very good one anyway. That's my advice, take it or leave it!

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On one of my AFF levels in South Africa, we had reached about '4000 when sudenly it sounded like there was a budgie chirping in the engine and we started losing power. The load was myself, another AFF student and two instructors. The pilot told us he could make it back to the runway easily, so nobody bailed (ie the instructors stuck with their students and turned off our Cypreses). The pilot floated the plane in for one of my softest landings ever (didn't get to see it because I had my head between my knees).
The one thing that little incident did give me is a whole lot of respect for jump pilots. Private pilots will take off once, fly around for a while and then land (that is their day). Jump pilots always take off with a full load, have to deal with discharging cargo VERY quickly (us) at almost stalling speeds, (almost) always land an empty plane AND they do this up to 20 times or more on any given day.
Damn, hope no jump pilots read this, we don't need their heads swelling any bigger!

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Nice comments about the jump pilots :)I've never ridden the plane down myself.... got up there... JUMPED!!! but i know a couple who have... strangely enough a girl who had done AFF lv 1 and 2 in the US wouldn't do an s/l jump... but i guess sometimes people have a moment of craziness where they think jumping outta the plane is a bad idea!? ;)
But, i do agree, when you feel unconfortable, you don't wanna be putting yours or anyone else's life in danger... nothing wrong with riding the plane down. Might make you see things from a whuffo proective :D

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I've actually told our pilot basically the same thing Skreamer. A couple of jumps ago, we had a huge load on and he was telling everyone to lean forward so we could get off the ground well. (Sheesh!) I stared at his face the whole time, watching his intense concentration and finally he looked down and smiled at me when we were up in the air. After we got down I wanted to explain to him why I was staring and told him I thought he was an insane person for flying us all day, over and over. He does it so many times, and while we worry about what can go wrong in freefall or with our canopies, landings, etc...there are a ton more parts on an airplane just for starters! Then they give them those silly little rounds that probably haven't been checked in forever (I have no idea how often they check those) and no reserve if something does happen! He swears he'll use his underwear and float down if necessary tho :) So I feel better. LOL!
Anyway, sorry, I just so wanted to give 'props' (that's what kids say now right? LOL!) to the pilots. Ya all kick ass!

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Hey Pammi
Get this - in South Africa the jump pilots fly without any parachutes whatsoever (no seatbelts for jumpers either). I prefered the rides up without the seatbelt (one less thing to trip over or get gear hooked on). It took a bit of getting used to in the States (I almost hosed an AFF level 2 in the caravan, because I forgot my belt on hahahaha).
Anyway, one thing I never have fear or doubts in is jump pilots' ability to fly that plane. About some other stuff, well.... ;)

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I almost rode the plane down on my level one repeat pff. I still got out. I was however doing a hop n pop from 5500 when I rubbed the container on the back of the plane and popped the reserve pc out. I looked at the JM and said that bad ain't it! He held on to it and the plane ride down was wicked! Big banking dive, then in takeoff the pilot got about 15' off the ground and pulled up fairly hard! The part that got me was this jump was a reserve ride! Wrapped the PC around my arm and couln't clear it! Wierd eh?

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I did on my third static line. I was at a new drop zone in Arizona. The pilot took off like a maniac. Somewhere below 1000 feet the plane lost oil pressure. That brought us back down. I didn't like landing on the floor of the plane with my head between my legs and my hands behind my head. It definately did not inspire confidence.
Get up, Fall down, No problem!

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I rode the jump plane down one time.... it was the weekend of Freezefest and I was still desperately scraping pennies to start the student program. Went out to the dz anyway and ended up hopping on the sunset load for a fly along. Awesome flight. Beautiful sunset over jersey/philly. Plane ride down was awesome and the landing..well, a family of deer darted across the runway just before we touched down. It was a memorable flight
i know this doesnt really count. but im hoping this is the only time i volunterraly ride the plane down.

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