
I did the craziest thing...

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... I jumped out of an airplane! :)
Damn, July was a long time ago. True, I may have been on the dope rope again for recurrency, it may have been fourty degrees and drizzly on saturday, and I may have slid down gracelessly on my ass, but it was damn fun to get back up in the air. If I can find some way to get out of seeing my girlfriend on her birthday next weekend, I should be back to freefall. :)
Just thought I'd share my good mood,

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Yo, you should have given her a tandem for her birthday!!
Have you at least tried to convert her?? If not, I pity the poor whuffo...
If she's not into it, then...you must weigh the pros and the cons!! Personally, I would go jumping, but hey!! That's just me...:D
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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Yo, you should have given her a tandem for her birthday!!
Have you at least tried to convert her?? If not, I pity the poor whuffo...

Alas, I've tried. She has a standing offer for a tandem from me, but hasn't seen fit to take me up on it yet. :(

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"Buy her a whole damn AFF course. That way you get to jump every weekend and the sex to go with it."

While the AFF course seems that it would do wonders... I have found that a nice new rig as a surprise for for Valentine's day works best! ;)
"Peace & Blue Skies!"

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"Buy her a whole damn AFF course. That way you get to jump every weekend and the sex to go with it.
"While the AFF course seems that it would do wonders... I have found that a nice new rig as a surprise for for Valentine's day works best!"

Boys, boys...now c'mon....why must you choose? Buy her the course and by the time she gets done, a new rig sounds like a perfect 'graduation gift'!
(I guess I'm just easy...buy me a jump=sex...buy me an alti=sex...buy me a whole rig=circus sex! LOL! Offer good for Merrick only of course ;))

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