
calling all europeans for a boogie!

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hey all we got us a boogie going on next month. (may 25th to the 27th) everyone is invited!!!!!! don't expect more than the europeans though! it's at the dz on TEXEL ISLAND in the netherlands (that's holland for ya that don't where know the netherlands are). so far it's me, skreamer, benw, and huffermoose that are planning on attending. any one else want to come? it should be a great time, i don't think the netherlands will be the same afterward! benw, skreamer, huffermoose, what's the plan? i know benw will already be up that way. skreamer, moose, you two are planing on flying in to hahn on the 24th in the evening? i can pick you both up and we could go hit up the pubs. (not to much though, it's a good drive in the morning) let me know!
p.s. we're going to have some good pics to put up.

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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well if me and skreamer meet up in stanstead the ryan air plane leaves at around 14:00 from there arriving at 16:00 in hahn. and then we make it over to your way. i'm up for it ? hey skreamer before i go up to hahn i'm going to be up in langar for the week previous to try and get a bit more current as i wouldn't have jumped for 4 weeks if you fancy meeting up the week prior to that in langar?????
let me know
ttfn Allan

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Just checked ryanair.com - only flight to hahn is early on the Friday morning (arrival 09h15). So can you pick us up at the airport and then we shoot straight from there to Texel? Also are you aware that the journey involves a ferry ride to Texel island?! Do you have any idea how dangerous those things are?;) Maybe we should fly into Amsterdam on the Thursday night and then you can meet up with us at Texel on Friday morning.
As for this crap

(not to much though, it's a good drive in the morning

that kind of girly attitude WILL result in you taking serious punishment on the weekend - go hard or go home!
PS if you are lucky you will get to see Ben using his 'Wile E. Coyote on acid' chat up routine on some lucky(?) girl - it is freakin hilarious (and the chicks dig it which I totally don't understand)

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huffer, I have just run a search on ryanair and the only flight to hahn on thursday the 24th of may is at 07h00 which is omygodtooearly, plus I need all my leave for later in the year. There is an early flight the next morning (see my previous post). I thought this boogie was going to be in June, now it is May - which one is it? Yeah I will be in Langar every week from now until the end of the year, however I don't have my B-license yet so can't jump with you (in UK anyway). But maybe I will have my B by 24th of May. Just make sure you have your A by the time we go to Holland so we don't get any shit there. BTW I am at Langar on Fridays and Saturdays (I work Sunday to Thursday) - which is great cause JTs are cheaper on Fridays. See you at Langar (just listen up people normally hear me first...). :D

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not too worry old son i already have my a license and as for my license to party, i usually go on the lines of "drink to you bleed and then some " blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
well if you are going to amsterdam we could do that and meet wingnut on the way up to texel???
sounds like a blinding idea!!!
ttfn Allan

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Hmmmm, Thursday night in Amsterdam - how will we keep ourselves entertained...B|
Sweet about the A, sorry I thought you were still on student status. Ben and I might be putting together an intermediate team, you interested in joining us?(come to the dark side Luke)
PS right about now I think wingi is starting to get afraid...;)

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i think i hear a pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft of someones arse in germany at present,
my mate lives in amsterdam we might be able to crash then he's a beer monster too! i'll get in touch and see what he says u up for it, as for an intermediate team you gotta remember that i am only in the u.k (or terra firma as a matter of fact 6 months a year) however i have a cunning plan! i am planning to do a long term rental of a flat near girona i.e empuriabrava and live there for the next year, i will probably visit the u.k for a week every time i am off my oil platform. (which is every 4 weeks is this still viable for an intermediate team?????)
+ i'll be getting my rig at the end of june wooooohooooo.
which does mean i will have to rent the gear up in texel which is a bummer but hey no worries.
Where are you from originally seeing that i'm a pom i guess either Aus, or NZ.
anyway if you can do a yard of ale u'r ok by me
ttfn Allan

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Dude you rent that flat near Empuria and I am now officially your New Best Friend! As for the team, it is going to be a one off team for the nationals. We don't actually plan on training or dirt-diving or anything, just drinking lots and taking the piss in a big way on the day (my idea for the team's name is The Granny Dildos, but if you can come up with something better/more offensive that will be fine).
Oh yes, I am from Seth Efrika which explains why I am so even-tempered and incredibly tolerant and good natured (not to mention physically and mentally superior and incredibly modest to boot).;)

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Wish I could come, but I'm still a long way away from my A licence (and need to post more on the board instead of only reading everything:)
Hope you have a great time..
I'll be jumping that same weekend, only about 100 km from where you'll be :)
*IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! JUST TURNED 23 20 minutes ago!!!*

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i always thought a good name for a team would be "ethels willies" (as in ethel's dog called willy in eastenders who has sadly died a few years back) what date is the nationals?
and after the texel thing i am planning to fly down to empuriabrava from amsterdam to scope the place out and get some jumping in before i have to go back offshore again.
ttfn Allan
ah Zuid Africa
ja and ik bent a sautpiemal and je a yarpie!!!!!
have been there a few times
nothing like a windhoek to wet your thirst.
you know quay four on the waterfront in capetown i was trying to get one of the bar staff t shirts but it wasn't possible so i asked a bird who worked out their for a drink and ladeedeeda in the morning i managed to talk her into giving me her crew tshirt with the promise that i am not allowed to wear it in cape town bonus!
oh yeh i can remember what's the name of those sausages which look like a dog has just cropped a mr wippy?
boer wurst?

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So why don't you join us for that weekend? If you can't join us in the air, at least drive over and join us for the pissup in the evening!
See you at Texel Friday evening the 25th of May (and wear your drinking hat!). Also happy birthday, remind me to buy you a drink when we see you at Texel Friday evening the 25th of May!
PS don't forget, we'll see you in the bar at Texel Friday evening the 25th of May (just listen out for the drunk foreign bastards and that'll be us)

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yeh i am going to have to get a special drinking hat for the occasion something really wild, and i feel it's going to be one of those weekends where the beer games start i.e dance of the flaming arse holes etc if you don't know about this game ask and i will enlighten you.
also whats to stop you doing a student jump up in texel i'm sure you might even be able to get through your student jumps while your there???
just a thought
ttfn Allan

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Aaaaaah, Windhoek (pronounced 'vinthook' BTW, NOT 'windhook'). Man I miss that beer, I actually found an offie in London that stocked windhoek for a little while.
The sausage is boerewors, actually that sort of translates into farmer's sausage - make of that what you will.
Quay 4 is a bit shit now, I was there in December and got told off for taking my shirt off while sitting outside on the deck!!! (I mean if they wanted to keep the place smart they shouldn't have let me and nipper in in the freakin first place).
What do you do on the oil-rig? How computerized are those bastards and who operates/supports the systems?

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My title is the control room operator i used to be a 2nd mate in the merchant navy but now am doing marine trouble shooting on 5 different platforms not all are oil rigs some are conversions from supertankers to production platforms and for the past few days we have been loading and discharging in angola and i have been doing the grave yard shift which involves just making sure everything is going smoothly, this one i am on at the present still has the original ship systems on which is 30 years old, so it's hand valves and air contrlled systems on here but on several others your looking at telemetric systems (radio controllled) but also has back ups.
as far as the computerisation those guys work on the land and as soon as there is any trouble they sort it out themselfs from there own terminal all pretty funky really.
ttfn Allan

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So what net connection are you on? Pretty good for you guys being able to mail friends and family and post to dz.com (not to mention surf for porn of course!).
anyway i'm going to catch some ZZZZ's now, hopefully tomorrow we will get some feedback off Ben and Wingi (if we haven't scared him off)
later dude

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I gotta say I'm jealous. I went to Amsterdam w/ my girlfriend (at that time) once. It was a few months before I decided to try skydiving.
Amsterdam rocks. Make sure you check out those "coffee" houses that don't actually sell coffee. ;)
The night before I took the plane back to the USA I was kicking back in a bar with a spliff in one hand and an imperial pint of Guinness in the otherB|, wondering what the fuck was I going back home for, to America, the so-called "land of the free".:(
Speed Racer

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well, i'm up for meeting you guys in amsterdam. if ya know a place i can stay on thursday night let me know. naw, you guys didn't scare me away.....i think i'm going to have some good stories to post from this.....i can see it now.........south african skydiver terrorizes amsterdam........3 aressted in in attempted b.a.s.e. jump......they could go on and on...........
fill me in on the detail on where to meet and such guys.......

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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Amsterdam rocks. Make sure you check out those "coffee" houses that don't actually sell coffee.

Yeah, I particularly like the columbian roast.... or is that french roast? Are we still talking about coffee? Bet the Starbucks are a little different. Don't worry, the Shark never inhaled.B|

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What oh Chaps!
Just found this message in the 1000 odd that I've missed since I've been down in Empuria. Gotta say Moose, I've been having the same ideas as you - get an apartment there and live happily the rest of my days skydiving, mountainbiking, motorcycling, skiing, waterskiing, eating and drinking. This place has it all.
Ok. Texel. I'm off there this weekend for the Queen's Birthday boogie. The Dutch celebrate the Queen's B'day (well, the previous Queen's) for the whole weekend here and have Monday off. As such there is a boogie on at Texel this weekend and I'm going up there to PARTY! I'll let you all know what the place is like, any restrictions, requirements etc. Do your reserves have seals on them? No, not the ball on the nose type... They like seals over here. You can get away with it if you can show it was packed in the UK, but it will make life easier if it is sealed.
If any of you guys are popping across to Amsterdam, let me know, I can go on the pop with you. I'm in Amsterdam most of the time - let me know!
Let's get it on!

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The Queen's Birthday Boogie?!
We have that at West Point, VA, in September for Carol Clay the Queen of Skydiving! She has something like 14,000 jumps & more freefall time than any other woman.
Or were your referring to some other Queen?? And just how many jumps does she have??? :D:D
Speed Racer

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ben w
it looks like we are going over there and arrive in amsterdam on the 24th may, party and the likes.
25th crawl too texel party and jump our tits off. and then crawl back to amsterdam where we go our own way i'm off to empuria !!! waaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssuppppppppppppppp
ttfn Allan
p.s give us the lowdown on texel when you get there i am going to have to hire some gear, do they have anything other than student gear to hire???? and are there bunk houses bar etc etc.
if not we better had stock up on the bevies and bring a tent, before we arrive eh?

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i've got the tent covered, and my car will fit a "few" cases of beer and other "beverages" in it. i was thinking about getting a rental car for the ride up but theni relized that's like 5 jt's and so i will be driving my beat up old bmw...it works but just isn't the prettiest thing.......by the way...benw, fill us in on the cost of the ferry ride.....hopefully it's not too much.... now a question...if ridding on a ferry is like driving your car across water then flying on british airways with your rig is like skydiving....okay that was suppoed to be funny but i guess not....i need more work on my humor........

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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