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well i understand what wingnut meant about the term A.I.D.S
Altitude Induced Divorce Syndrome.
as the bird i am up here with is
A) woofoo
B)Has no interest in skydiving.
c) does not enjoy hanging around a dropzone listening to me "prattling" about skydiving.
so she turned around to me as i had not jumped this afternoon and asked if i could walk her back to the appartement and i said i can´t as the wind might drop at any moment.
so she went "humpf" and started to walk off so i turned around to her and said you´r not happy here are you and she looked at me and said "no not really" so i said " oh well" and started to play with my protrack comparing fall rates with a mate off mine.
i have a horrible feeling that my clothes etc are going to be strewn across the costa brava with a big fu*¿ you written in red writing across the appartement, i´m glad i got my skydiving gear with me.
all i can say is don´t mix skydiving with pleasure just stick to skydiving.
mmmmmmmmmm the wind seems to be dropping !!!!!

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Why don't you go back to the apartment, throw your *own* clothes all over the place, have some "fun" with your whuffo girl and then head back to the DZ??? ;)
Alternatively, just head over to the shower block and have some "fun" over there!!

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sorry to hear that your bird doen't like to hear about flying...........maybe she'll come around or maybe you just need to cutaway..... no would your protrack log that cutaway as two freefalls????????

"up my nooooossssseeeee"

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moose, you are being a dumbass! At least pretend to listen to her crap while the wind is blowing. Tonight you are going to regret this after a couple of beers when you know you are not going to get any (or take BenW's suggestion and head over to the showers).
PS say Ben, you seem to be mighty familiar with those showers!!!:o

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Yup! You gotta throw in some "uh huh", "ohhhhh", "I seeee", and an ocasional eye contact. I used to follow an incredulous statement with "REALLY?"... Listen for cues.
I am refering to conversations I had with my X-wife, so maybe I don't know jack schtick :S. I'm having none of these problems with my current (hopefully permanent :)

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well i did cutaway last night and then she turned on the taps and i´m sorry but that reall tends do my head so in the end we started shagging and i reconnected if that makes sense so for tyhe rest of the week i have to do the yes dear no dear and take her down the beach etc (trying not to oggle the semi naked women) and be mr wuffo and then for the other half i can jump (give em an inch and they´ll take a mile) i got 2 jumps in today glorious weather hanging onto the wing strut of the super sonic pilotus portus geeking at the guys inside great fun.
anyway wer shall see moooooooooose signing off hopefully to have balls still intact by end of holiday
cést la vie
p.s do any of the female skydivers have this problem!!!!

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p.s do any of the female skydivers have this problem!!!!

well, i guess i'm partly lucky, 'cause my whuffo boyfriend doesn't object to my being at the dz at least every other weekend, but...
... he likes to come with me and use the time between jumps for talking about things like friends and business and so on, which doesn't interest me at all at that time, and...
... the real big drawback is that he doesn't enjoy the evenings at the dz, which, for me, is a very important part... drinking beer and talking about every jump 'till you just can't remember which were your own ...
guess yo have to take what you get ;-)
Andrea || Chronistin

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Don't get carried away by all this 'cutaway' bull-shit (you guys take those shit skydiving movies waaay too seriously ;)), don't be a wanker (in every sense), take her out to dinner, buy her flowers and THEN take her back and shag the hell out of her!
PS pics would be nice! (but not of your hairy arse!)

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Coming from an "almost-wuffo" female point of view (ie I've done three tandems) I think that the skydiving community has the best way of life, and rather than resist I embraced it and really look forward to my weekends. So much so that I'm a Packer B with a rep for nice openings. What better way to get over a shitty week at work supporting a heap of dumb-ass pc users than by travelling to different DZs, sitting around in the sun, packing a rig or 20 and getting in on beer-o'clock...and the bonus? a week of massage because my poor "packing muscles" worked hard! Anyone that resists that way of life is just plain nuts!!! >:)
Blue skies

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i don't have this problem with my whuffo girlfriends...hehe oops i mean boyfriends! lol actually i don't have *either* but i used to about a year ago and he hit the road. he was jealous of all the time i spent at the dz...and accused me of having rendezvous with other jumpers... any of you cuties want to practice your hRW?
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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Sorry to say guys but it is not just a chick thing. When guys learn I skydive the fist comment is "You jump out of a perfectly good airplane!!??" Wuffo males think we are nuts. Think maybe it tries their masculinity especially if they are afraid.

DZ Men are great friends but then one of you puts the moves on while I'm trying to jump...why is you can't see that a chick can get engrossed in a jump too. Thank God the guys that I jump with have finally realized that I'll flirt with them, hug and kiss them, laugh with them and even on occassion snuggle up with one of them, but they are NOT the reason I'm at the DZ. (OK granted I really really like the scenery and won't hesitate to compliment or grab it when I get a chance...like you guys don't look or grab!)
The way I see it ya have two choices: 1. a wuffo girlfriend who has no clue and wants all your attention or 2. a skyckick who wants you to leave them alone while they jump (or jump with them) and have a good time. The choice is yours.

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I would love a skychick girlfriend, but there just isn't enough to go around. So until the sport gets more, I'm stuck with a wuffo chick who thinks I'm selfish because I won't spend weekends with her (I only get 2 weekends every month due to work, so I think she's the one who's being selfish). She just won't jump.

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I finally got a girlfriend ! She was a very attractive exchange student from Russia (i'm Russian, too ). The 3rd question I asked her was about skydiving. The answer was a loud : "YES !". So, we are about to get married, and she is about to make her 2nd freefall (6th total, including sl) jump. Soon the time will come to buy her a rig.... Where will i get the money ? But -hey - I'm the HAPPIEST MAN IN THE WORLD !!! YAHOO !!!!

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Being a female skydiver is strange...we are definitely in the minority. I met my boyfriend a year ago at the dz on the day of my first static line jump.It was love at first sight, he had been jumping there almost two years, and approached me at the bonfire that night.Little did I know what a rare breed of jumper I was and that every new female single jumper at the dz gets a lot of attention -if you know what I mean. There are a lot of challenges-my boyfriend thought that having a non-whuffo girlfriend was the best thing ever until he realized I'm more of an addict than he is, also, we have different interests and goals in our jumping disciplines. I'm almost militant about being a jumper, and I think it kinda' scares him! not that he's not serious about it...but I actually wake up in the mornings and tell him about dreams I had about it! It is my religion and all I think about. All I can say is be careful what you wish for!!!!

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well you might be able to glad to know that i took skreamers advice and i did just that (several times infact) she did a tandem yesterday looked very ashen faced( i did not foerce her into it she just said she wanted to try it)
i also took her out on a boat trip (a day away from the dz and all that) and we got out to sea nice large boat and she started crying because she said it was rough so i took her around the canals here and just sunbathed while i drove this thing asround (almost crashed the boat a fiew times watching canopies opening especially when i screamed out "cutaway as some some one had a mal above the town. and she just went oh well!

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