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Well I did one finally, (case of real beer) and it was beyond awesome. We even had some CREW Dogs doing a stack and they landed it in the headlights. Bad ass Catfish!
The event was perfectly planned, the pilot did 4 passes, so that no more than 3 solo or groups were out at a time. Plus at about 4 or 5 grand the pilot looped the DZ three times so everyone could see what the DZ looked like at night. There was great separation and like a minute or more in between jumpers landing. We had a briefing before in the conference room to talk about it and explain how it would be exactly. Previous night jumpers were asked to take care of the new night jumpers and Catfish made sure we knew where the DZ was. Every one of us.
I personally was lit up like a Christmas tree. I think I was the only one with a strobe and chem lights all over me. And big fun, I lit my canopy by holding a flash light with my hand that is already in a toggle, but the slider got in the way alot. Next time a bigger flash light and move my slider down.
I didnt see my shadow, that I was warned about, It looks like another jumper at night. So that was good. I wouldnt want to be running from my own shadow.
The experience was wonderful and we all had a great time. Great ground participation. And briefing, I really think that was the key- we worked as a team on the plane. No traffic in the landing area at all. So no worries about landing or flying, the separation was perfect, 1000 feet apart at opening. All things were taken into consideration, canopy size, fall rate, experienced and not. Plus I got to freefly. Some places its belly only on a night jump. Whew, I dont think I could have done that, I forgot! (not really) But it was way great!!
The biplane the crew dogs landed was incredible. They flew between us and the moon and it was spectacular. Then they landed it. Incredible.
I cant say enough about this jump the air and ground safely was top notch. Zero worries. The drop zone: Skydive Houston
Clear Blue and Extra Alt,

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3 words...NIGHT JUMPS ROCK!!!!
If I could only jump at night...I would. Heaps of people at my dz hate 'em...think they are dangerous, etc.:S
When you jump during the day...I find you have sensory overload (the clouds, the sun, the ground, others), but when you jump at night...it is you, darkness, what lights you can see from your cities, and stars (and if you with others...them too). I have done 3 and loved them allB| (did my first for jump #37-shhh, don't tell anyone).
Glad to hear it, Airann. I haven't seen any night CReW, but I bet it would be spectacular. I loved watching it during the day!
Anyone else out here a closet nightjump fanatic??B|
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
NZPF A - 2584

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I'm dying to do some night jumps. Another 19 jumps until I hit 50. I'll try to get my reqs in so I can get the B right away.
I've done about 6 night jumps so far, but they were different. All static line jumps on rounds. And we didn't have no stinkin' lights! :)Black Night Skies,
"If it can't kill you, it isn't worth doing."

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We are doing it this Sat. I'm nervous since the first time I say them do night jumps everyone landed downwind (the winds shifted and picked up) and they were all screaming in and some hit pretty hard. My landing have been ok...I've stood up all but 2 or 3 out of my last 110 or so, but I am very hesitant under canopy even in the daylight.
ANY landing advice would be great.

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You replied to my message, but I'm sure not the one to give you night landing advice. All of mine were under round parachutes. We couldn't steer or flare. Just waited to hit and PLFed. So other than "Prepare to PLF", I don't have advice for you. Maybe some other folks will chime in.
That said, the darker it is, the worse your depth perception gets.
"If it can't kill you, it isn't worth doing."

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Landing hints....
get better with your accuracy...not GREAT, but better...
and if your dzo has a clue about him/her...line cars up in a gauntlet formation (2 lines of about 5 or so cars in each...angled forward [kind of like the feathers of an arrow] and DO NOT USE BRIGHTS!!!) Then, that should illuminate a landing area big enough for almost anyone to land in...
and as you come in for your final...run down the line of lights and (if you're really good) land in them...makes for great night jump video!!
Other than that...same landing as always, but be prepared for uneven terrain on EVERY landing...better safe than SORRY!:(
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
NZPF A - 2584

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The night rules! I did mine on Friday the 13th! No moon either. Funny thing was that I was really accurate on the landing and damn near nailed the peas. Looking forward to the next ones on August 4th @ El Snore....
Black Skies,
Shark in the Dark

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Night jumps are really cool. I remember my first night jump. When the door opened, I felt the same way as I did before taking the first plunge. I have always done night jumps in fair conditions and bright moon light. Than it does not really matter if you land in the area lit up by the car lights. I was able to tell where the grass was cut shorter. On the landing I found out that I tend to flare a bit high, but that might be just me. I do night jumps anytime we have them at our DZ.

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Oh, they are dangerous all right. But, we had such an expert instructor who told us straight up, This is the Deal. You get yourself lit up in the door, at least 10 seconds apart, pulling 1000 feet apart, was assigned. Landing pattern was pre-established. Locate the runway lights then the car headlights and fly over the cars and land in front of them, NOT into the headlights or you will be blind.
So, If you have that kind of expert planning- nothing to worry about, enjoyed the fireworks that were around, but not at the DZ till we all landed!! (Thank you.) I think under canopy that would have looked like I was desending into a war zone. And the certain persons that were blowing up beer cans with jet fuel or something, that would have looked like napalm. But anyway that was later, when we were all accounted for.
I am going again VERY shortly and expect to have even more fun on the two way I am doing with a guy named Crazy Gary.
Then its my D license. This dude did not just happen on this particular name by accident. Example: Last time I saw him in the air, he was naked over the DZ,(low) screaming Ya Hoo!and waving his arms and legs around. ......So there you have it.
Clear Blue and Extra Alt,

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Where are you jumping at?

My home dropzone, Skydive Suffolk. We only do them about once or twice a year, but they couldn't have come at a better time since I just hit my 200th last weekend. 2 night jumps and the test and it's D-license time for me. :)

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What a great night for jumping! I was thinking about it as we sat out by the river waiting on fireworks......haven't done a night jump in a really long time.....(getting that far-away look....) Glad you had a good time!
"I live with fear and terror, but sometimes I leave him and go skydiving!"

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Grogs congrats on your 200!!
The timing here is perfect,, were plannin a nite jump Fri,, I've watched them come in before but it would be a beer jump for me,, and what sucks is I do a 24 hr shift on Sat,, I'll have ta talk with some folks before I decide ta do it,, questions like, is it hard ta see your altimeter, I don't jump with a dytter,, and with only 58 jumps should I wait?? do ya pull high and enjoy the view?? Shit gets me excited thinkin about it! May have ta call in sick,,,

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There was a girl at my dz that wanted to do a nekkid jump, but is quite shy that way, so we planned an all girls nekkid night 4-way not too long ago. What you see in the sky...stays in the sky! :D Some of the men said they could hear a loud whistle coming from the sky and they knew it must be us..... :D ;)

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Regarding altimeter, you can put a chem stick on the front of your helmet with duct tape and you can read it fine. And when you are done with the chem lights all the kids will attack you for them. But when your eyes adjust in the plane, its dark, you would be suprized at how much you can see with a full moon.
Your pull time will be assigned, unless on your pass you have an altitude where you want to pull then you and somebody can switch or just tell the load organizer. Not every DZ does it this way. Hopefuly your DZ is interested in having you back, so safety will be addressed, I am sure. But then again you would be suprised.
Clear Blue and Extra Alt,

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congrats ann,
i also just got to do my first night jump tonight. was up at aerohio in ritman ohio jumping the css casa and there was a guy talking about night jumps and my ears just homed in on the conversation. i asked about it and got on one of the loads. it was awsome. full moon and the lights of akron/canton and clevland. man it was soo cool. pulled at 5,000ft and had a nice canopy ride and a nice landing right next to the cars so everybody could see me slide in on my ass. a good way to end a awsome couple of day at that dz. ofcourse i had to leave and now i'm gona head to cross keys on sat. to do somemore bad ass jumps with some dz.com'ers man my vacation is rocking so far!!!!!!

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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Will Mouth get her 200th on a night jump?
That would be cool.
Or course, then I'd miss the pie action.
Won't be at Thomaston tomorrow. Got a packed schedule that includes helping somebody move, flying my brother-in-law up to Rome for a tandem, a flight lesson from 6-9pm, and then either driving or flying back to Rome for some night jumps.
Only advice I can give on the night landing is that if it is dark where you land, flare slowly and try to plane it out so you won't be suprised by the ground and try to surf out the landing. Worked for me.
Hope you get a little more enthusiasm then we had last time. We could only do one load, and even had to pay extra because we didn't have enough people to take up the Otter and the 182 was down.
The Dutchboy

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