
Got my A license today

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Hey all, got my A license today. 0:5:0 I needed three accuracy jumps which went great! I also needed an RW jump and packing. Did all those today, packed my own chute and jumped it! Wow that first time you pack you are praying you did a good job!!!!!
Also got in 2 free jumps because I referred 2 people to the school.
My last jump was great!! We attempted to do a 7 way with Marc Brown and others out there. We only got 6 but it was awesome!! It's so cool to be able to jump with other people. I will definitely be out there for the DZ.com record attempt!!! I am so stoked!!! I was landing perfect today. Knew exactly the right time to flare my canopy. Hope that keeps up for next weekend!!
I love you all, God I am so HAPPY right now!!!!!!
Blue Skies!


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We attempted to do a 7 way with Marc Brown and others out there. We only got 6 but it was awesome!!

Ahhh, that's a shame, you should have booted one out from that formation, cause 5 makes beer ;)( or atleast back home it does!!!)
Congrats to you, sinister.
How would you like too stick with me
How much do you love to freefall

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Way to go, Sin ! Cool, huh ?
I remember the great sense of accomplishment I felt when i got mine.....all that work, practice, study, and overcoming the nerves and fear that went along with each jump -- when I passed my test, it was one of my best moments ever !
And now, as long as you stay current, you just walk in, flash the card, and you're on a plane !
Congrats ! (now, we just have to find you a job....)
The PLF President

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Cool Dood.....I wish I could have stuck around to jump with you, but come October I'll be back. A 7 way cheez I was doing 2 and 3 ways till 22 way back when (oh yea that was last week :-P)that rocks I can't wait to hear about your SCR. I hope it's a no show like mine (hint hint). Now my big question to all you Perris folks is what up with the butt slide on the landing? is it to practice swooping? someone please enlighten me
".......and then the canopy opens and you float to the ground like a multi colored snowflake"
PS on a 4 way exit get em ta do a danish T exit with you inside it's to cool

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