
Night jumps rock!

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All I can say is "Wow!". It's really gorgeous up in the plane with all of those lights! We could see all the way to Tulsa and OKC from 4500' and up!! I was nervous, of course, but it was great! Merrick and I did solos from 7500' with just a short freefall since it was our first one. He didn't go until I landed safely, either. Wasn't a stand-up landing, but hey, they usually aren't for me! LOL! It was great! I can't wait to do it again :)Was a complete dumb-ass on my jump the next day tho, but was proud of myself for not making a stupid mistake worse. I was working my way back to the DZ after a kind of long spot (slow climbout also) and realized that I was going downwind rather then upwind but was too low to completely turn around (DUMBSHIT!) Anyway...at least I realized that turning around that low would be worse then landing it downwind, or crosswind, so I turned just a little where I was crosswind and landed it that way. Wasn't bad...I countered on my toggles for the wind coming in at the side, and it went fairly well with just a little knee scrape (no jumpsuit).
Anyway...hope you guys had a great weekend too! I was glad to get to jump at all since my rig was off being repaired, but one of the guys at the DZ was nice enough to let me use his rig while he did tandems. I also met Cloud9 this weekend! What a great guy! He learned what a small, one-Cessna DZ is truly like too...sit then sit some more. *sigh* I'm just sorry I didn't get to jump with him.
Blue ones!
Merrick's SCR Ceremony

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Woohoo! Congrats on the night jump Pammi. They are fun aren't they? I pounded in on my night-jump first landing too. I knew the ground was getting close so I went to a half flare and waited and the next thing I knew *smack* there was the ground. Good thing I know how to do a good PLF. :)

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Night jumps! Did you say night jumps?
I had to go back to the mother-in-laws house and help put a liner in an inground pool. We worked until 1:00am.
Glad you guys got to jump, I don't think I would have done a night jump as a first jump on a new DZ. Hope we can jump together some time. It was great meeting you guys. :)I still can't believe that DZ put up over 18 C182 loads of students and tandems, just unreal for a small cessna drop zone.
Bleau Skies

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I'm sorry you had to go Cloud! Unfortunately, yup, that *is* the way it goes there normally :/ While I definately understand the need to get the students and tandems up to get a profit, I still pout about it :D It was awesome doing the night jump tho and we got up on a load pretty quickly on Sunday...about 12:30 or so. Got called out at 7500' tho. Let's just say, I can't wait for Quincy and some REAL altitude! I'm ssssooo excited! It's like waiting for Christmas!
By the way, Crewdog....you are very right I'm sure!! I loved CRW so much when I did it the couple of times so far. I really hope to get to continue with it in the future! It's awesome!!! Unfortunately, there's only one person at our DZ who really does it much, and he's usually teaching students, so I don't get very many opportunities to try it. I definately wasn't ready to on my first night jump anyway :) Soon......
Merrick's SCR Ceremony

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"he's usually teaching students, so I don't get very many opportunities to try it."

Not to mention that he's now flying a Heatwave 120 loaded at about 1.8:1. LOL That'd be somethin' huh... "microline SPEED CReW!!" .....Show me your femur!! ;)
"If words were wisdom, I'd be talkin' even more.."

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Not to mention that he's now flying a Heatwave 120 loaded at about 1.8:1. LOL That'd be somethin' huh... "microline SPEED CReW!!" .....Show me your femur!!

Well, He likes the openings and landings on the Heatwave but not the turns. Tony is now looking for an EXtreme VX 100-ish right now. That would definitely be some interesting CRW. I'll have to try it with him when I get my HeatWwave 170. NOT!
Hell, once you pop the brakes on a VX or FX the descent rate is about 2000' a minute. Damn! That's over 30' a second. No thanks, I'll keep my appendages firmly attached and won't try any CRW with a canopy that allows 5-minutes of working time from 10,000' AGL to 0' AGL.

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