
OMG i have been maimed!!!!!

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I just Noticed a HUGE bruise on my inner left thigh!! I am not talking your normal black and blue bruise there is red in there too. I am really starting to hate those damn student manta's!!! they don't flare for shit and they almost allway hurt like hell when opening!!
I jumped a PD260 on my grad jump and that was the best opening i have had so far. But those thin ass leg straps are going to really hurt me one of these days!!
just thoguth i would bitch and moan b/c my mom's response is "I told you not to start skydiving" >:( damn whuffo family!!
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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When I was a newbie s/l student, they would put a chest-mount altimeter and the radio on my cheststrap. I got a busted lip on every opening!!! Blood under canopy, not cool.
Worse than that was the fact that the chest strap ended up right at chin level, so it was hard to look around. Now, I ask you, is that safe???
Blue skies,
(any wonder why I custom ordered a container??)

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I've been there before! As far as inner thigh bruising. I learned that if you are not tightening your legs straps down enough, they end up in the wrong position on opening. Believe me, an inch makes a difference on where the loading shock affects bruising or not. At least, check it out. couldn't hurt any worse (tightening them up)
Good luck, and let me know.

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I just had a 2 second opening on Sunday. And, believe it or not, it was in a Spectre230. No snivel that time!! It opened instantly. People heard the canopy crack on the ground and I pulled at 3500. Man that f'n hurt!
I took it all in the thighs, so I didn't hurt my ribs, but I felt my spine compress. I've been nursing my back in the hot tub all week.
I don't know why it happened, but I do know one thing. No more paying packers.....I'll do it myself. At least then I'll know how it was packed. I keep thinking of all the worse things that can come from a shitty pack job. :S
-can't you trip like I do-

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Don't you love student gear? One thing that does make a difference is tightening the straps. I used to get bruises on my shoulders till I started really tightening the chest strap.
Of course, it took two weeks for the bruises from my terminal reserve deployment to go away. That was a subsecond openning (> 6g's).
The Dutchboy

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ok i gotcha on the bruises MM, but Spectre how in the fuck (pardon my french) can you break FIVE ribs from opening shock!!! that must have been a world class slammer!

I know somebody that broke 4 ribs and fractured the collarbone on a hard opening with a Sabre 150.. It can happen..

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I just had a 2 second opening on Sunday. And, believe it or not, it was in a Spectre230. No snivel that time!! It opened instantly. People heard the canopy crack on the ground and I pulled at 3500. Man that f'n hurt!

For a Spectre to open that hard, you had to have had one of two things.. 1) Line dump, or 2) Slider not set or improperly set.. Was the slider collapsed after opening, or did you have to collapse it?

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The guy that packed it was a dick.I let him pack my sabre one time and he spanked me on that one too.

Man, that totally sucks!! At least now, you can do it yourself and tell him to suck your ass.
I hope I have the energy to pack for myself from here on out. Man, that gotta hurt!
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you'll think maimed if you ever have line dump!
I had line dump last September and I got whiplash. The bottom front of my neck was light purple (and I could hardly move my head), my chest strap left a purple streak across my chest, my arms were mostly black,purple,red and yellow all the way from my armpits to my elbows on the inside, and my thighs...well you can imagine what they looked like. I still had dark purple arms 2 weeks later. I am NOT exaggerating!
Use tight rubber bands!!!
I lust for the ultimate rush...

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For a Spectre to open that hard, you had to have had one of two things.. 1) Line dump, or 2) Slider not set or improperly set.. Was the slider collapsed after opening, or did you have to collapse it?

It happened fast, so I really didn;t notice what it could have been, but I do know that the slider was not collapsed. I still had to collapse it. I do remember getting spun pretty hard after it slammed me too. If you got any ideas what it could have been, let me know so I don't make the same mistake on my own pack jobs!
Also, what exactly is line dump?
-can't you trip like I do-

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Also, what exactly is line dump?

Line dump is when you thow the PC, the bag comes off your back and all the lines dump out of the bands at once because of improper line stowage (loose bands or short bite or a combo). Now the fun part begins. The canopy starts to inflate before you hit line-stretch. Sounds fun, doesn't it? NOT!
You basically go from 120mph to almost 0 in a heartbeat. It will probably hurt you or your canopy or both.
John LeBlanc of PD classifies it as a malfunction and the one he would least like to have, ever.

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I had what I suspect was line dump once.. Two of the ribs separated from the top skin of the canopy, and one line broke.. The canopy was controllable, and landed fine.. I didn't know about the torn ribs until well after landing.. I had bruises all over the place, and the pain was what I would call severe.. I couldn't see straight for a good 2-3 minutes - my vision was wavy and blurry..

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i think line dump is what happened to me when i blew out a cell on my canopy from nose to tail..... and yes, ask anyone who has seen the video, it hurt like a motherf**King b..ch!!!!

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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couldn't hurt any worse (tightening them up)

i beg to differ! on my last jump i tried that and it hurt even worse than before! it was horrible. of course, my problem was with my container. i sent it off three days later to altico (its a dolphin) and they changed out the horizontal webbing on the harness (made it an inch longer) and added extra padding to the leg straps. i think its going to make a big difference. i will have it by wednesday so i'll let ya'll know!
of course, this doesn't help you students who are forced to use dz gear and can't do anything about the harness sizing...so probably the best plan would be to try tightening the leg straps...i just wanted to point out that it doesn't always help! omri said there is a guy at his dz who rolls up towels and puts them under his jumpsuit to cushion the leg straps. people might laugh at you but you could try it...he says it works...
I lust for the ultimate rush...

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