
A miracle in the midst of tragedy

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I got to work today and about a hour later I get a call from my wife. She says "so hey..I got a call from DAVIS hospital..." imediatly I'm thinking O'shit either someone is hurt or maybe there trying to collect for a bill the INS company didnt pay!! and then she says "I'm PREGNANT!!! .................HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeeeeeehaaaaaaaw!!!!!! We've been trying for 3 months now and this will be our second. So let me say you all besides my boss are the first to know. Yup believe it or not my skydiving family knows before my own parents do;) I wont be able to call them till morning cause they live in MICH. Any way just thought I'd share with everyone. Another little diver in the creation!!!! (gee I'm not pushing anything am I;)
jason (DADDY again)

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Congratulations on the baby, dude......
Many [smiles] (and thanks for the reason to smile today!!!)
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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awwww!!! Congrats daddy! that's so sweet, your pure enthusiam for your children. :)
do your kids a favor.... copy and print your post, its too sweet not to remember . As the kids get older, and you guys are working on their scrap books this would be something real special to add in.

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Thanxs for all the congrats!! I dont have to tell you all how cool it is to be able to share things like this here,,skydive related or not. Lots of supprot here on this site.

copy and print your post, its too sweet not to remember . As the kids get older, and you guys are working on their scrap books this would be something real special to add in.

Thats a great Idea!! my wife is big into the scrap booking thing so she'll really get a kick out this!!

Congratulations! I'm sure you HATED the 3 months of trying, too.....

aww man total suckulation!!!!;) weekends filled with jumping and..er..um..JUMPING!! worst three months!! (ok so there's a hint of sarcasim there!!):)Anyway thanxs again !!

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Way to go Jason. Congrats on the new baby diver to be. It is really special to have something to smile about this week...thank you so much for sharing. Take good care of Mom and baby. Kids are so special (I have two girls). The second will not be anything like the first though so prepare yourself.

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:) What is your first child, a girl or a boy out of curiousity?

My first one is a girl. Her name is Jaylee. I told my wife for our second if its a girl to name her Javelin (I think thats cute) and if its a boy Icarus!!!!! what do you think? (gee I'm not an addict or anything huh)

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