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Too funny.......
This is Snappy's dungeon, it is a bar called KC's. He had been buggin me to show up someplace to meet me. Well, since Cyber was here, I figured I was safe ... NOT.
The first time we met there- our hero, passed totally out at the table. That would be the time in which I thought.... shoulda had one of my cameras... dang it.
2nd time I remembered.
I think I will carry it with me from now on. You might see some small weirdness, but that was my PC7. There is no way I am taking my TRV-11 in a bar. So it isnt you. But my PC7 is a sentimental favorite. It used to be my best friends camera, Levin's. Yep, he swooped the pond with it on. I love that guy. Levin got me the coolest program when my leg was all broken to play with. But Cyber just put in the extra ports and fired it up so LOOK OUT from now on.
Super Cyber photo evidence to follow. As well as, AirAnn's Freeflying videos. ssssssyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!

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Yu 2 funie !
Oh, yeah there is more.... video that is........
And another thing... thats the last time I wear a little short dress to a bar full of skydivers. Oops... I said I was in a dress. Bad ass skydiver chik wears dress!

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If only I was in Houston, we would probably all get arrested!!

he he , which reminds me of the ever popular skydivers game "let's see who gets us kick out first"...this game works in bars, eatery's and even bowling alleys.
Let me know if you get to Houston, so I can set up my bail money before hand.
Fly Your Slot !

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oh its not that exciting...rather, one of those things you wish you never did...
I was 17 and got drunk on Christmas Eve...I was at a hotel with some friends, and ended up in a fight with my boyfriend (I've mellowed A LOT, if you can even imagine) and because of the yelling, someone called the police. They came and arrested both of us for MIP (minor in possesion)...I was really hateful to the police officer and stuff, certainly didn't help my case! LOL Anyway, I got bailed out by my stepdad at 11 AM Christmas Day...
One of the worst periods of my life! Trust me folks, I am not nearly that wild now...I give the keys to someone and don't scream and yell. :)Believe me, jail toast could be used to roof a building! I was scared shitless in there. The drunk tank is the absolute WORST too...
Sis (learn from ye mistakes!!)
I lust for the ultimate rush...

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"and don't scream and yell"
Awww....I had such high hopes for you! The one time I was in the drunk tank it was pretty hilarious. Sharing stories of how we all ended up there. This one guy was on the way home from work(Atl Airport) Stopped to have a few beers with friends, and was proceeding along I-85. He was driving a convertable and the top came loose and bent all the way backwards. He pulls over and manages to stuff it back down in the boot but couldn't get it closed. He starts driving again and it begins to rain. So he drives a little faster hoping to get home before he gets too wet. Thats when he gets pulled over for speeding and the subsequent DUI. I was laughin my ass off for that one. Why was I there....I shall never tell....but it wasn't a funny story!
"and behold, a pale horse, and he who sat on it, his name was death"-Revelations

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