
Keep it up Bush!!!

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>I think indiscriminate killing is just what the Dr ordered. We can't intimidate these
> people with nukes and making friends with them is obviously a lost cause. Let's
> do some wholesale killin AKA attitude adjustment. We must make the entire
>world fear the wrath of this country.
So you agree with Bin Laden? Perhaps if he takes down enough buildings and airplanes the US will undergo a similar "attitude adjustment" and stop its support of enemies of Allah, once we begin to fear the wrath of Bin Laden.
Sorry, I don't agree with terrorism from either side. You can't justify one countries terrorism without justifying another countries terrorism.
>Only then will the terrorism begin to slow down.
Now that's funny! If we kill enough people, there will be peace? Orwell would love that sort of reasoning.
-bill von

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"If we kill enough people, there will be peace?"
EXACTLY! That just happens to be the only real solution I see. Otherwise this bullshit will just continue. Israel kills terrorists all the time. The problem still persisits as generations evolve into new little terrorists, and they do tend to get "Those responsible" They are very good at it. It still hasn't stopped the problem. It's not people we are fighting. It's ideaology. That is a much more elusive enemy. So, until we invent some viable mind control, extermination will suffice. As far as I'm concearned those fuck sticks are eating my food and wasting nice air that I could be skydiving through.
"This conversation ends right here Captain! You can talk to the ALO when he gets back."-Me

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At the school I'm attending, we have quite a few international military students. Quite a few of these students are from Turkey.
Last week, one of the Turkish students offered his condolences to myself and another American student. One thing that he mentioned was that terrorist attacks are quite common in his country and they have basically gotten use to them.
We can either do something about it or we could just get use to them! I don't think any of us are quite ready to get use to them. Plus, hopefully the rest of the nations across the world that are plagued by terrorist acts will appreciate our acts, if successful. Maybe they'll even help out a little.

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I'm of the opinion that McArthur should have been let off his leash in Korea. The world would be a much more peaceful place and I wouldn't have spent 14 and half months smelling pickled cabbage and searching endlessly for a chic with tits bigger than A cups!

You are entitled to your opinion, but you do disgust me.
I love A cups.
percentage of men who prefer big breasts: 18%
percentage of men who prefer small breasts: 7%
percentage of men who prefer breasts: 75%
(90% of all statistics are made up on the spot)

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Hey let's not forget something though! We don't need to kill the normal citizens of Afghanistan. They're sick to death of the repressive Taliban regime which has kept them in poverty for the last ten years, and they'd probably be happy as pigs in shit to see someone get rid of them.
Speed Racer
"Come up to my lab,
And see what's on the slab!"

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