
SSK Responds

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Some of you might remember about 2 months agao my friend Nick had a cypress misfire at 4000' while doing a messed up 4 way with Carl (DZBone), Mark (Shark) and I. Well we finally got a response from them with some information. They found a defective component that SHOULD have cause the unit to deactivate and stay off but for some reason it did not shut off before the malfunction caused the unit to fire. They have succeeded in reproducing that malfunction in their labs but never with any other unit. They are going to replace the unit with another of the same year (a bit lame). They say that the unit pased QC even with the reproducable malfunction so i hope that they are able to isolate exactly what cause d the problem so no one else has this problem. I will keep you all up to date
God bless us and God Bless America

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Yeah....being that their product malfunctioned and could have easily been killed, maimed, or seriously injured had he been Free Flying, I think they should be kissing his ass!
That's why I don't have no stinking machine to fuck up my skydive!
"This conversation ends right here Captain! You can talk to the ALO when he gets back."-Me

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Well, at least they are admitting that they found something wrong with the unit.. The one CYPRES misfire that I witnessed seems to have never happened....or at least Airtec/SSK never bothered to tell the owner what happened.. They said there was nothing wrong with the unit.....but, get this, they sent the owner a brand new CYPRES to replace the one he sent in that misfired..
Don't get me wrong - I think the CYPRES is an excellent piece of equipment, and it does its job very well most of the time, but I just want everybody to know that they are definitely not infallible..

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This is actually really great. I just expected that we would never hear from them again, or they would just send a unit and a "dunno", or worse, nothing.
The fact that they tracked this down, and actually found the problem is a very good thing!
Believe it or not, almost every piece of software and most complex electronic systems have some bugs somewhere, and testing will only go so far (you can't test for every possible component failure!). But now, at least one more defect has been detected, and can now be tested for and/or prevented altogether.

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Just wondering how come we heard a response.....
could it have been because it was posted, and talked about? [gasp]
Could it be because it was made public, and then their rep. was on the line? [shock]
Could it ahve been that we caused enough eyebrows to be raised, in fact pissing off the pwers that be enough that there were phone calls made to the Perris DZ Jack Gamley (I forgothis title - he's the head guy, though)... [gasp]?
Hmmmm......public pressure. Not that it worked, or anything!!!! ;)
Ciels, all
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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I doubt that we had any thing to do with thier opinion. Contray to opinion around here not many people actually care whats going on in internet chat areas. Just look at Rec. People are bashing gear over there all the time and nobody cares anymore. There are excptions, but how many times do you see a Javelin rep posting everytime someone say something bad about a Sunpath product?
SSK is a busy operation that will continue to operate no matter what we say or do. SSK has nice facilites to do repairs for more then just CYPRES there too. I replaced a gromment on my container with their hydrolic press to ensure it was seated properly. Airtec mades a great product but with anything something can go bad. In this case I imagine they were able to find it and sent the info out. In most cases I'm willing to bet they can't find the problem or if they can its not able to be reproduced so they dont know how to fix it. I know you can send a Cypres to them after its been fired and they can get the data off of it and will share it but you have to ASK for it. Its not something they take the time to do unless its unusual circumstances or requested.
Be safe, be smooth, be fast..... and most importantly.... be phree :)

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hey marissa! marky mark and the funky bunch is a little confused, i am going to be lucky if i can make it out for more than a few saturday. gotta leave by 1330...so that means no beer festival from my pocket this weekend.
what he is referring to is my C license. 31910. woohoo. and yes, i know, beer. damn that big fat shark piehole of his! well, i have like three past occassions to make up for so next weekend, there will be many cases of beer in my trunk. doh! jake and i are usually out pretty quick after sunset load, but sooner than later we're gonna stay and party. i'll make sure to let ya know so that you can partake in the brewery that will spew from my trunk. ha ha.
welps, friday morning...AND THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS!! yee haw!

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Morning, Phree

I doubt that we had any thing to do with thier opinion.

I doubt that we had anything to do with their opinion, either, but they were and are aware of this site, and recdot.
They did call Jack Gamley (who is the guy who runs Perris), and complained to him about the things which were being said. I will leave it to Albi to relate the details (i.e. the e-mails, the calling the guys liars, etc.), but it was seen, was heard, and it was responded to.
There are many people who read and do not post. I had reason to be talking to someone at USPA and, surprise me all to hell and back, he knew who I was, through this site.
Just my experience, though, and since I was not involved first hand, it is second hand info.
Just glad they got it figured out, as far as that goes.
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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hey MArk and just why is she providing beverages, whats the jump #? And how have ya been!?!?! Haven't seen ya in awhile hopefully...fingers crossed I'll be there on sat, that is if i study enough to have some play time...doesn't look very good though!
BITE ME.... :P

Hi Marissa,
I guess Lara already answered part of your question. I've been "lurking" around the dz, but am not able to get out during the week. Be there on Saturday so we can play! :P

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