
Packing time (how long does it take you?)

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On a typical, no-rush pack job, I average about 8 minutes with my Cobalt. When I am really busy and trying to make back-to-back loads, I can do it in about 3-4 minutes, assuming no one distracts me. The quickest timed one I've ever done was 2:08 from the time I picked up the canopy to the time I slung it on my back to get on the next load.

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I can usually pack in under 20 min unless someone is talking to me. I screwed myself over with my wife one time cause she would ask why I'd be so late getting home from the DZ and I'd tell "well I gotta pack my chuteand that takes me about an hr, fill out my log book, put everything in my gearbag, ect ect ...it all takes time". Then about 3 weekes later I was packing it at my house and she was watching me and when I finished in about 20 min she said "hey I thought you told me it took you like an hr to pack." DOH!!!!

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packing... i pakced my spectre in 5 minutes once and it wasn't pretty. but i did get a free drink for jumping it....
new main- i'll take 15 with it. dont' want any stupid mistakes to result in a spinning mal... boo....

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