
For the Ladies

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Gee, Keith for a sicko, you're kinda cute! ;)
Did you notice we've got pictures of firemen, cowboys, men draped in flag, but the one thing that we'd like to see isn't in here? Yeah, a real live naked MALE skydiver with just his rig on would surely get the best of some of us [nudge, nudge, wink, wink]!
Oh, I remember the good old days when men stood out on their back decks and in their bathrooms wearing only their birthday suits and their rigs and shared with us . . . those were the good old days. SIGH!!

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Divadiver complimented:
Gee, Keith for a sicko, you're kinda cute!
Keith responded:
Awe, now your gonna make me blush :)
Divadiver also said:
Did you notice we've got pictures of firemen, cowboys, men draped in flag, but the one thing that we'd like to see isn't in here? Yeah, a real live naked MALE skydiver with just his rig on would surely get the best of some of us [nudge, nudge, wink, wink]!
Then Keith confessed:
Get me drunk at a boogie and you never know what I might do!

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So, uh, Keith, are you planning to be at Perris any time soon? I'll bring the beer (and a bottle of hard liquor of your choice, as long as you drink it that night...)...and the camera.....:)"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Actually Michele, we've already met at a boogie, sort of. I was at the Chicks Rock Boogie. I was with the group of people you sat near on the north/west edge of grass near the packing area. You probably don't remember me, but I was the guy with the green and pruple tye dye Racer. I also stepped aside so you and a friend could walk up the steps to the bathrooms.

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You probably don't remember me, but I was the guy with the green and purple tye dye Racer. I also stepped aside so you and a friend could walk up the steps to the bathrooms.

Oh, wait.......meeting so many new people that day...............
Now, getting out of the way of two women bent on using the potty is simple self-preservation, and we know you guys get out of the way of that....
But I do actually remember looking at your purple and green jumpsuit. Something about bartender type sleeves which didn't match the rest of them (the suit was faded, but the sleeves weren't, because you didn't wash them as often, or something like that, right???). I remember the thing about the sleeves because they made no sense to me then. Well, they still don't, actually.....hey, you're cute! That I do remember.
Now, about this stalking stuff....you have to make sure the lady knows you're stalking her, o.k.? Otherwise, it's just plain admiration from afar. It's fun when you don't know who it is, but boring when you don't know it's going on. ;)
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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