
Ugly Chicks Boogie

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I just had to give major props to kelli for her hard work and dedcation on the Ugly Chicks website www.jumpergirl.com/ugn.html
haha, now that the uglies are in order, we need to get a boogie going sponsered by Skydive Houston... something like the Ugly Chicks boogie #1. Ugly girl raft dives, freeflying tubes (I got one), big ways, etc. This could be a huge success... c ya!
Blue Skies,
Brittany S!

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Hey, I am all over it. But you are not jumping the tube, Brit. You are too little. Talked to Lev last night for a long time, about this very thing. We laughed our ass off about those first few jumps we did. It is funny how later you look back and see all the mistakes you made and ...anyway -now- its funny as hell. I will jump the tube. We will need you to dock and orbit anyway. Tube is base. Me with camera would be better if you guys were around me. Better if we had one more camera as well. I can put you in my other bonehead with the PC7 and that would work well, if I can get it serviced by then. Either that or you snag Nicks or Pablos(?). But, you a camera and a tube, nope. You have outstanding abilities, but thats my final answer. Besides we need those abilities out flying around. Later, I can jump Jeremys which is neon green. And you jump that other one. Either that or we get three with Lev's and that one is, of course, yellow. Anyway, it would be a bad ass dive to work up to. I have the early videos around here someplace to show how to open and how NOT to open.
Too much stuff going on for most persons, we do a few campfires first then do the tube dive. One by one we can work up to three with Kelli on #3. Maybe. We can take a look at the ability tree and go from there.
Sports don't build character.... they reveal it. -unknown

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WOO HOO....You know I'm there.....Maybe I'll have a main for my water rig, and we can have an Ugly Girl "water swooping" contest. Since half the girls can fit in that rig, none of their gear has to get wet.
This is not hook turning, this is just doing accuracy over the water, the goal is to get wet. =P
I can't wait!!!!!

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we need to get a boogie going sponsered by Skydive Houston... something like the Ugly Chicks boogie #1.

uhhh, I jump at Spaceland....
...but Im always looking for a way to make it to Kelli's webpage. If that means being an "Ugly Chick" , it's all worth it. I'll be an "Ugly Chick" and I'll drive the 90 miles to Waller - just to see Zen and Slap jump in drag.
Fly Your Slot !

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