
Pain in the wallet!!!

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Well...I don't think I'll be getting a new canopy any time soon. I just spent $850+ $325 a month for 18 months on tuition and $2500 on a lawyer........This blows!!!!!!!! At least I'm happy about paying for school. The lawyer on the other hand is a pain in my ass!!!!!!!! :(
Man..I was feeling pretty financially secure until a couple hours ago.......My Bank account is much smaller now....
"I got some beers....Let's Drink em!!!"

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Really long story that as the highlights include....My Son,ex-wife, several felonies comitted...etc. etc etc

Sorry to hear about your unpleasant situation. (Honestly!)
I hope it all works out well, and that you maintain custody of the dog and pickup truck. :D
PS Just teasing. You wouldn't be able to pass up an opportunity like that if it had been me. :o

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"Sounds successful to me."
Yeah...but there's still that matter of child support that needs to be taken care of.....You can't imagine how much it bothers me to be paying that dumb bitch as much as I do...With some luck she'll be paying me soon.....:)"I got some beers....Let's Drink em!!!"

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I never realized how much my wife loved me until the other day when I was sick and stayed home from work. She was so happy to have me home, that every time someone came to the door, like the mailman or deliveryman, she'd shout, 'My husbands home! My husband's home!'
I feel for you Clay, been there.

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You can't imagine how much it bothers me to be paying that dumb bitch as much as I do..With some luck she'll be paying me soon.....

The money isn't for her, technically it's for your child. I know you can't insist that it be spent only on rent, food, clothes, etc., or get any proof that's how it's being spent, but! You put the swimmer in there so now you have to pay for it. Real men not only pay their child support, they're involved in the raising of the child - I hope your last remark means that you're going for custody.
I can say this cuz my son's sperm donor was never involved in his life in any way; after hearing horror stories from both mothers and fathers I'm actually really glad of that. Sure, some extra money would've been nice but I'm not sure it would've been worth dealing with him.
pull and flare,
"Where's my beer?" - Al Stephens

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"- I hope your last remark means that you're going for custody"
Yes I am.....Have been going down that road for over 3 years now. Talk about getting screwed. She has gotten away almost with murder...literally. If I even step near the edge of the law somebody is all over my ass. As far as being involved in my son's life. I have certainly tried. It's pretty hard when you are on the other side of the world and she moves to try to make sure I couldn't find her. Silly bitch...I can find anybody. It just cost me a lot of time and money.
My objection to paying her is purely based on the fact that she does everything she can to interfere with him seeing me. That is unacceptable. I'm just very thankful that God has blessed me with a super human amount of patience.
"I got some beers....Let's Drink em!!!"

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I can imagine it being very difficult to mentally separate the hostility toward a former spouse and the responsibility toward a child. As Lisa said, it isn't giving the money "to her", it is giving it "for him". But you have no idea how it actually gets used, so I think it would be rough issue of trust, because you don't trust the person you just split with.

I'm glad I've never gone through this, in any capacity. Just try to keep your son's best interest in mind. I hope it works out.

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"hope your new lawyer is really good (ie an asshole )"
I went with a Chic this time.....Garners more sympathy in the court room......We'll see what happens. I'm getting very much towards the end of my patience with the laws in this country. I certainly hope my latest effort goes a little better than the previous. It would suck to have to move out of the country....permanently....Of course, They have quite a few DZ's throughout South America.....:)"I got some beers....Let's Drink em!!!"

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"Yeah, I know my Spanish sucks...."
I understood it perfectly.
"Hello Mr. Fowler. How old is your son? Is your son a good skydiver?"
Well....at 6 yrs old he doesn't skydive just yet. I do have pics of him sitting in the Otter door with my rig, helmet, goggles, and alti on though. Pretty cool! I'm sure he will want to jump when he is old enough.
Remi, There's so much water under the bridge on that I'm not worried about it. Besides...after all the things she has accused me of doing calling her a bitch is only "fine print in the glossary" material. LOL
"I got some beers....Let's Drink em!!!"

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I went with a Chic this time.....Garners more sympathy in the court room.

Clay: I hope for your sake, in your case this proves to be true, but don't count on it. I had a female lawyer, and got a female judge who had a passionate disliking for the female persuasion. :S
I keep telling myself that one day I'll be free and clear of this asshole, but he keeps popping up (he especially likes Christmas in the courtroom)!
Best of Luck!!

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Ah....the joys of matrimony. It's the gift that just keeps on giving. I certainly can't wait for all the lawyers.
You know maybe I should use my powers (of matrimony) for good rather than evil. Lemme explain. I train foriegn airline pilots. And there's this REALLY gorgeous student and all she wants to do is stay in the States and be a pilot here. Well it's a given that I'll prolly end up divorced anyway...why not use the "institution" to help this poor unfortunate girl out whose only crime was not being born in the States. What do you all think?? I think the requirement is to be married for 5 years then she can stay.

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