
Cave Base

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That is nuts. :)
Really, to get into terminal velocity you need to jump quite high, and I guess it is hard to spot the jump so that you hit the hole, not the wall. Sliding might make it even worse, you might hit the hole just to find out the wall of the cave in your face.

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I guess it would suck to swoop into a wall of the cave, or a stalagtight...Those are definately some crazy people, although I wouldn't mind BASE jumping some day, a cave jump may be a little much.
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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one question would it be possible to put a Hi po canopy into a tight spin and just sink it right down into the cave??

I understand the cave is quite narrow at the top, but opens up considerably wider a few hundred feet down. So it would be difficult.
Maybe it would be easier to fly a HP canopy low over the entrance aperture, chop, delay, then use a reserve ?!
And maybe it wouldn't.

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I was thinking this was some cool stuff until I noticed how the extraction worked. 1,100 feet of rope attached to a makeshift winch is the fricking insane part.
Oh, dave, don't worry about the stalactites, worry about the stalagmites. Them's the ones with the pointy parts up.
Black then white are all I see, in my infancy...

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I too remember the film with Patrick de Gayardon (think it was him?!) and a team of people doing helli jumps into the cave. They actually had some ground footage of one of them going "through" the hole so you actually experienced they're fall rate. Not sure if it was terminal though as they were definately flat and jumping solo! ...nutters ;p

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I too remember the film with Patrick de Gayardon (think it was him?!) and a team of people doing helli jumps into the cave.

I remember seeing BJ Worth and a crew do that for one of those I Can't Fucking Believe They're Doing That! whuffo TV shows, but they definitely weren't terminal. Still neat, though.
Is it hot in here, or am I crazy? - Charles Manson

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