
I'm going crazy

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I think that I might be going insane. It seems that everyone is jumping except for me. I haven't made a single jump ever since my landing disaster which happened in October. My foot took forever to heal, and now its freezing, so I can't jump, and my trip to Florida is still a month away. And to make it worse, now I have my own gear, and I still can't jump it because I never finished AFF. I wanna jump goddamit!!!!
Sorry, but I have lots of repressed anger, which is at the moment exagerated by idiotic wuffo coworkers.

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Chill Winston...;)
Atleast you have a great non-whuffo site to hang out on, right?
Are the DZs open around you? Freezing or no, just bundle up, wear gloves, a ski-mask/full face and get in the air! Either way, you'll be back before you know it. :)Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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Sorry, but I have lots of repressed anger, which is at the moment exagerated by idiotic wuffo coworkers.

When I get like that, it makes me feel better to take nude pictures of myself and publish them on the internet. It might not work for everyone, but it's worth a shot. ;)
Is it hot in here, or am I crazy? - Charles Manson

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Hey, It's hard when things build up and get to you. Your not on ya own though.
I just got back from Elsinore on Monday. I am so depressed. I've come home to a boring porley paid job, bad weather, huge credit card bills, a huge overdraft and a brand new rig to pay for. (OK, so I got my new rig - cool :) )
I can't efford to jump and I just wish I was still at Elsinore cos I love it there so much. Booo hoooo

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