
Can I Jump Out Of An A/C With A BASE Rig?

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>I know when morpheus guys test there base rigs at Zhills..they have a tso approved belly reserve on...otherwise they couldnt be allowed to do it....
It is still not technically legal. It's a big loophole - there is no legal way to do live test jumps on non-TSOed rigs, unless you're wearing a TSOed rig beneath it with a TSOed reserve on front. I don't know anyone who does that. That being said, you can get an exemption from the FAA for it, but I've known several rig testing programs that did not get such an exemption.
If you plan to do an intentional cutaway you still need a reserve you don't plan on using, but that's a separate issue.
-bill von

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Since it isn't legal (which is what I suspected) if I stap a BASE rig on, it may as well be for real.

Is BASE jumping illegal in most places or are jumpers simply charged with trespassing, destruction of property, etc? I don't think that most governments have had the forethought to outlaw base jumping...
Am I wrong?

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Women and BASE has been discussed a few times.................
With some great words of wisdom!!!..............
"In a world where we are slaves to gravity I am pleased to be a freedom fighter"

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Is BASE jumping illegal in most places or are jumpers simply charged with trespassing, destruction of property, etc?

Nope it's not illegal per se. They get charged with trespassing, reckless endangerment or, if you're in a national park "Illegal Aerial Delivery". :P
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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Im with you on this, fnuck it, if it ain't legal just don't get caught. The only real concern is safety so if you feel unsafe don't do it, but as someone said it sounds safe enuff (BASE sn't exactley going to get much safer) so if your happy.....
Alibis can be provided for small price of one crate of beer payable if you ever see me. For that price ill say you where in the UK in a remote part of england with twenty other witnesses (PS this is for BASE, murderers need not apply, drug offences- how the fnuck you got caught :)

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OK I know nothing about BASE rigs? What is the difference between a BASE rig and Javelin, thats the container I jump with most of the time. Is there only one canopy in a BASE rig? I would say yes, since there would probably be no time to execute emergency procedures.
The longer you wait ........the more sense you get.

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Its a totally different setup then an RSL, but same basic theory. The Main risers actually pull the reserve out instead of pulling the pin. This elimanates a freebag and Pilotchute completly. Distance fallen between cutaway and reserve opening is typically less then 50 feet. Doen side to this system is the cost and double pack jobs.
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique

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Zennie, if you want to do BASE and don't want to take the risk of getting busted, do it at a legal BASE location, like the Perrine Bridge in Idaho, or out in Moab, at a previously undisclosed location. :)Brokeneagle.
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says...

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"Zennie, if you want to do BASE and don't want to take the risk of getting busted, do it at a legal BASE location"
Or at ASC's bridge. Remember...it's 20 minutes from anywhere in the US but it requires a $3 deposit and the rest of what's in your pockets when you show up.....:)"I got some beers....Let's Drink em!!!"

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If you go to the Australian BASE board, Cliff Jumpers of America, etc. you will find links to a dozen BASE euipment manufacturers who explain their products in great detail.
There are about 5 different types of BASE harness/containers.
1. Regular skydiving gear was the only thing available to early BASE jumpers. Now that few skydiving main canopies are suitable for BASE, few BASE jumpers wear skydiving gear anymore.
2. Velcro-closed is by far the most popular for BASE.
3. Single-pin closure, rare.
4. Dual-pin closure is popular for long delays off high cliffs.
5. Dual canopy BASE rigs like the Sorcerer. From a distance they resemble skydiving rigs, but up close you can't see a reserve ripcord. There are two ways to deploy a Sorcerer reserve. If you cutaway from a partially open main, a main riser pulls on the RSL, which lifts the reserve d-bag, etc.
The second way to deploy a Sorcerer reserve is to pull the "pud" on the left shoulder. Just like a Racer main, pulling the pud on a Sorcerer pulls the pin that closes the reserve container and pulls the soft reserve pilotchute out into the wind, etc.
BASE main canopies are deployed by a variety of methods (ranging from static-line to BOC) depending upon exit altitude.

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