
Annoying hijackings

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There seems to be a growing trend to "hijack" almost every thread in this forum with some kind of senseless gibberish. I have nothing against idle chit-chat, but have received quite a few emails in this regard. This is the Talkback Forum, so talk about whatever you want, but it's still a moderated forum and I ask that you be considerate before you simply fire off a single word post with no purpose whatsoever but to derail the discussion. Too often what can be a useful and interesting discussion is snuffed out by this behavior.
Be considerate please, there are more than enough opportunities for senseless chatter - we don't have to turn every thread into verbal diarrhea. Happy chatter! :)Safe swoops

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I don't think that's what HH meant in his post. He was saying we should be more considerate--not that the heavy hand and delete command of the moderators would be directing the plays. If that is so, somebody has just violated the spirit of this forum and I know I will need some serious doses of methadone, but I am done here.
Alas, I will hijack every thread with Tool lyrics before I go.
(added: all that, and I just posted my picture on my profile. I sure would hate to leave now.)
A bucket of Jet A can heat an entire county if burned all at once.

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the heavy hand and delete command of the moderators would be directing the plays

I've had access to the delete command for some time now... how many posts have I deleted? You really don't need to worry about a heavy hand on the delete button. Some drifting from the subject is expected at times; we're all guilty of that once in awhile. What's being asked is that we all refrain from the random totally off topic posts - or, start a thread specifically for posts regarding boobies/tool lyrics/monty python quotes/whatever.
Remember, Sangiro provides this forum to us for free. The entire site costs him money out of his pocket and I'm sure the forums eat up the majority of the bandwidth. It's been made pretty obvious that these are moderated forums; if you prefer an unmoderated forum, feel free to join the fray over at rec.skydiving. If anyone ever feels that I'm developing a heavy hand, please PM both me and Sangiro and express your concern.
pull and flare,
Life is tough, but I'm tougher

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You came across rather ominously with:

Don't get mad when those kind of posts start disappearing

I become defensive when there is talk of changing something that works. I agree that there is some self discipline needed in the forums. I have been guilty of a little wandering in the other sections, but I mainly display my witty wares in this one.
I want to reiterate the welcome banner to this forum.

A general hang out for skydivers and whuffos. Whether skydiving related or not - this is the place to make idle chit-chat! Let's hang out!

I believe this to mean a random stream of concious discussion. Have you ever been in a conversation with several hundred potential conversationalists and not taken tangents?
Make no mistake. I appreciate all Sangrio has done for us--giving us shelter from an un-understanding world. And, I appreciate you especially and many others of this community who have given me advice on topics which I asked for and the advice for which I searched.
That said, maybe we need yet another forum. A forum in which those, who can not deal their subject X being sprinkled with a smattering of comedy and ramblings of idiocy, can post all day long, unfettered.
Please understand one thing: It is winter in most of the jumping world and people are getting antsy. That, and we all have ADD, but that's another story.
A bucket of Jet A can heat an entire county if burned all at once.

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In another world, long ago, there was a forum called the Cracker Barrel, where conversations were free to meander and transform and transgress and transpire. Mostly talk of licking toes and the like. Just a passing thought. And a fond memory.
CorporateLawyerDave aka BadDog

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Maybe those who want a forum to spout off randomly all day should buy their own server and band width and start their own forums! That would free dropzone.com of all the crap and dribble and would not cost HH extra money just so I can display the word "boobies" on my computer 500 times per day.
Just a thought. Get your own forums if you want to dribble all day. El fin.
JumpinDuo.com...come and sign the guestbook.

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Alas, I will hijack every thread with Tool lyrics before I go.

Now why would you want to do that?

I become defensive when there is talk of changing something that works

Spamming the forums with rubbish doesn't work for me.

A general hang out for skydivers and whuffos. Whether skydiving related or not - this is the place to make idle chit-chat! Let's hang out!

Chit-chat: Not to be confused with spam...

That said, maybe we need yet another forum. A forum in which those, who can not deal their subject X being sprinkled with a smattering of comedy and ramblings of idiocy, can post all day long, unfettered.

You seem to have it the wrong way round, this is the forum where people can post all day long, unfettered. If you can not deal with that and have to constantly engage in "smattering of comedy and ramblings of idiocy", then start your own thread for it, but don't hijack every else's threads who may actually have been out looking for some useful information or a more serious discussion.
Safe swoops

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