
Pet Peeves

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Yea that may be. I have a friend who always lets off the gas when she turns to look over her left shoulder before switching lanes. I'm always yelling at her that 1.) she doesn't have to turn her whole body to look or look for that long (mirrors) and 2.) no one will let you in that lane if you slow down to get into it. She's not the worlds best driver to say the least. :)20 million bathtubs can't be wrong. . .

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I'm pissed off about orange juice! That's right. I'm annoyed that in order to buy some f'n juice, I have to wade through a dozen different pulp gradations in the store. "No Pulp", "Low Pulp", "Medium Pulp", "Some Pulp", "Extra Pulp" ??!! I've even seen "With Pulp". Of course it's "With Pulp" you brainless freaks, it's friggin' smashed oranges!! I want the amount of pulp in my damned juice that was there before people became so motherf'n persnickety!!

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How's 'bout this one?
A person asks (begs) for your help and advice and then they immediately negate what you've told them.
"Hey quade, can you give me some help here? How do you . . . "
"Oh that's simple, you just . . . "
"But ---Bob--- says that I should hook it to build up more speed!"
GREAT! Then why the F did you ask me?

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How about when you come up to a stop light and the car in front of stops like two or three car lengths before the car in front of them?
Or when the light goes green people just sit on the line for like 5 seconds before they respond........GO GO GO damnit!
This is a fast paced world! Get on the Ball!

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Um... I drink diet sodas cuz sugared ones are too damn sweet for my tastes, not cuz I'm on a diet...

Yumm. Nothing quite like the taste of nutrisweet. Hey, the more carcinogens the better, I always say. :)BTW, the spell checker on DZ.com sucks.
20 million bathtubs can't be wrong. . .

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I like to bump my brake pedal with my left foot a couple times when they do that to me... usually gets 'em to back off pretty quick. If that doesn't work then I just take my foot off the gas

And if that doesn't work, you have an emergency brake, right? Use it! :D
After numerous warnings, I power-braked (like Dave's power docking) and had a jerk in a cadillac mash into the back of my old beat up truck. I didn't have a(nother) dent, but he had my trailor hitch through his freshly demolished grill and radiator. Too damned bad! >:(

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