
What a Week!

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I'm back, well, only for about 5 more minutes then I'm off for the rest of Spring Break, had to run back to College Station for a few hours today. When I get back I'll post some pictures and stories about my week, it rocked! Summary: 1st CReW, 1st Naked Jump, 100th Jump, 1st jump with new jumpsuit, 1st scary low pull (damn, that sucked), 1st landing in a football stadium(only place to go after the low pull), was told by the jump pilot that between Flying Ferret and myself we had the worst gas that he has experienced in over 500hrs of flying jumpers (stupid MRE/beer/Pizza dinners :D). That was last Sunday. Then Monday till last night was spent backpacking/4x4ing some of the prettiest landscapes I've ever seen in Big Bend National Park in Texas. I'll have some pictures and stuff posted Sunday night about that. :)I'm still debating if I'm going to post the video of my 100th jump or not...since it was naked...probably not, to save the the ladys all the envy...j/k ;) Actually, you probably don't want to see the video...ask Flying Ferret, the video's not pretty. :D
Ok, I'm gone, you crazy folks have fun, I am dissappointed to see that I'm still in the #2 spot even after being gone an entire week! :D
"Give me one ping and one ping only..."

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Tell Merrick it doesn't hurt! LOL! I want us to do our 100th naked when it comes up very soon after we get our gear going again, and after seeing that one vid of the guy doing a naked jump he decided it just didn't look pleasant at all. It can't be that bad for guys if they continue doing it!
Something new!

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Have you ever seen what a riser flap does when it comes undone?
wack wack wack wack wack wack wack wack wack wack
Now imagine a penis.............no naked jumps for me:)"I know I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing" -- socrates

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I bet it would hurt to do a naked jump and have the wind push your penis between your legs and when you go to deploy you accidently grap and throw your penis instead of the pilot chute!

OMG, I've got a horseshoe, oh wait, nevermind... :)

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